
I used to do these 30 day challenges all the time and since I haven’t done one in awhile I figured that I would do this one that I found the other day.  I also have been stuck in a rut when it comes to blogging so I figured that this would give me ideas and hopefully get me into the routine of blogging every day again.  Here are the topics for the 30 Days.

  1. Current Relationship
  2. Where would I like to be in 10 years
  3. Top 5 Pet Peeves
  4. Views on Religion
  5. Favourite Comfort Foods & Why
  6. Zodiac Sign and Does It Fit?
  7. Favourite Childhood Toys
  8. A moment you felt most satisfied in your life.
  9. If you would have any job in the world what would it be?
  10. Your guilty pleasures
  11. Put your Ipod (in my case iphone) on shuffle and write first 10 songs that pop up.
  12. Bullet your whole day
  13. Somewhere you would like to move/visit.
  14. Earliest Memory
  15. Write 15 interesting facts about yourself
  16. Your views on mainstream music
  17. Your highs and lows this last year
  18. A book you could read over and over and never get sick of
  19. Your biggest regret in life
  20. How important you think education is
  21. One of your favourite TV Shows
  22. How have you changed the past 2 years
  23. Post 3 pics of famous people you find attractive
  24. Your favourite Movie & What its about.
  25. Someone who fascinates you and why
  26. If you had $1,000,000 to spend how would you spend it?
  27.  A problem you have or have had in the past.
  28. Something that you miss
  29. List 10 people dead or alive you would invite to dinner , include the menu.
  30. Goals for the next 30 days!

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