FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.
My Undead Mother-In-Law by Andy Zack was a much more interesting book to as compared to the first book in the series. When I started this book I didn’t think that I was going to like it because of how I felt about the first book but is why you should never judge a book before you read it because most of the time you end up liking the book. I think one of the main reasons that I liked this book was that there more humans that become zombies which made me feel like I could relate to the characters. When I think about that last statement I realize how dumb that makes me sound but it is true. I still wasn’t the biggest fan of the narrators but by the end of the book, they both had grown on me. I am super interested in what crazy thing will happen next. This is one book where I don’t even try to figure out what is going to happen next because I am always wrong. If you are looking for a funny book to take your mind off of what is going on right now I would pick up this one and check it out.
About The Book
Author: Andy Zach
Narrator: Phil Blechman, Raven Perez
Length: 6 hours 10 minutes
Publisher: Jule Inc.⎮2018
Genre: Science Fiction; Humor
Series: Life After Chronicles, Book 2
Release date: Jan. 18, 2018
Synopsis: My mother-in-law’s a zombie. And she has anger-management issues.
My mother-in-law, Diane Newby, zombified by accident. She still volunteers at her church bake sales and cooks pot roast for her daughter and son-in-law, Ron Yardley. What ticks her off is when people don’t treat her like a normal human being – with glowing red eyes and super strength and speed. And if she doesn’t get her own way, look out. She explodes and leaves broken plaster and body parts in her wake. Nothing stops her: not brick walls, the federal government, or middle-aged spread.
But the world’s most powerful criminal plans to control zombies. His only problem with zombies is that they have way too much free will. He has a solution for that. But will it work with Diane Newby?
The world divides into pro-zombie and anti-zombie factions. Battles break out everywhere. Which side will you take? Who will live and who will die?
You might not survive this audiobook. But at least you’ll die laughing.
About The Author
Andy Zach was born Anastasius Zacharias, in Greece. His parents were both zombies. Growing up, he loved animals of all kinds. After moving to the United States as a child, in high school, he won a science fair by bringing toads back from suspended animation. Before turning to fiction, Andy published his Ph.D. thesis “Methods of Revivification for Various Species of the Kingdom Animalia” in the prestigious JAPM, Journal of Paranormal Medicine. Andy, in addition to being the foremost expert on paranormal animals, enjoys breeding phoenixes. He lives in Illinois with his five phoenixes.
With his first book, “Zombie Turkeys” Andy blazed new ground in paranormal humor. The second book in his Life After Life Chronicles, “My Undead Mother-in-law” expands the zombie plague from turkeys to humans, with hilarious results. You can find both volumes on Amazon Kindle, Createspace print, and Audible audiobook editions.
Not content to keep in zombies earthbound, Andy puts them afloat in his third book, “Paranormal Privateers”. Just when you thought every funny zombie trope had been explored, new humorous horizons open up. You can get “Paranormal Privateers” in Kindle and print formats. The audiobook is available now on Audible.
Having conquered paranormal animal humor in his first series, Andy Zach launches into middle school superhero genre with Secret Supers. Four disabled seventh graders all get superpowers. Who knew a disability could be so useful for hiding a superpower? But the four friends, Jeremy, Dan, Kayla, and Aubrey confront problems that can’t be solved by superpowers.
About The Narrator’s
Phil Blechman
Phil Blechman is a mystical voice wizard from the New Yorkian borough of Queens. His narration and audio production work is supplemented by professions in sports journalism, theatrical writing and direction.
Michael Stafford
Michael Stafford received his Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in 2017 from ACU. He has been performing professionally since 2013. He has performed in regional and educational theaters across Texas for over a decade. “Oops!” is Michael’s first audiobook. He greatly enjoyed the recording process and collaborating with Andy Zach. Michael would like to thank his wife and daughter for their continuous support and love.
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Let’s Be Friends

Thanks for sticking with my books! I’m glad I won you over. Or was it Diane Newby who did that, the undead Mother-in-law? She’s pretty irrepressible.
I’m curious to see your review about Paranormal Privateers.
As always, your readers can ask me anything and I’ll reply.