Month: October 2019

King Henry’s Choice by Emily-Jane Hills Orford

There are powers at play that continue to seek amalgamating Scotland to England – powers from the past and powers from the future. 

It’s the late 1800s and Queen Victoria wants more than mere access to the Scottish retreat at Balmoral Castle. But King Henry I of Scotland, direct descendent of Queen Mary Elizabeth I, the time traveling royal daughter of Mary Queen of Scots, is determined to keep Scotland free and independent and a powerful, progressive nation in its own right. 

The struggle to protect what is his by birthright becomes a battle that must be fought in the past, the present and the future and in other parts of the world. And, in the midst of each battle, there are choices to be made. Very difficult choices.



An avid gardener, artist, musician and writer, Emily-Jane Hills Orford has fond memories and lots of stories that evolved from a childhood growing up in a haunted Victorian mansion. 

Told she had a ‘vivid imagination’, the author used this talent to create stories in her head to pass tedious hours while sick, waiting in a doctor’s office, listening to a teacher drone on about something she already knew, or enduring the long, stuffy family car rides. The author lived her stories in her head, allowing her imagination to lead her into a different world, one of her own making. As the author grew up, these stories, imaginings and fantasies took to the written form and, over the years, she developed a reputation for telling a good story. 

Emily-Jane can now boast that she is an award-winning author of several books, including King Henry’s Choice (Clean Reads 2019), Mrs. Murray’s Ghost (Telltale Publishing 2018), Mrs. Murray’s Hidden Treasure (Telltale Publishing 2019), Queen Mary’s Daughter (Clean Reads 2018), Gerlinda (CFA 2016) which received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards, To Be a Duke (CFA 2014) which was named Finalist and Silver Medalist in the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and received an Honorable Mention in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards and several other books. 

A retired teacher of music and creative writing, she writes about the extra-ordinary in life and her books, short stories, and articles are receiving considerable attention. For more information on the author, check out her website at:


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Snippet #1:

He paused and breathed deeply. “Grandmother.” It was now or never. He had to tell her. She deserved to know the truth. “I have been to the future – way into the future. I have met them.”

Snippet #2:

Queen Victoria was speaking. He could hear her voice through the closed door as if he were standing before her. “You must stand up to him, Isabel,” she was scolding his wife. “He needs to be made to understand. Scotland and England belong together. This dream the Stuarts have carried with them for so long, since the days of Queen Mary Elizabeth. It’s a dream serving no purpose, other than to bolster Scottish egos. One must move on towards progress. And Scotland would fare much better as England’s ward than it has done on its own.”



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The Hastag Hunt by Kristina Seek

Kristina Seek’s debut novel, The
Hashtag Hunt, was published in 2018. She is a graduate of Queens College in
Charlotte and a member of Romance Writers of America. In March of 2019, she
quit her day job to focus on a career in writing.
Kristina lives in North Carolina with
her husband and son. She cherishes time with her friends and family, loves
traveling to new destinations, and plans to cross many other items off her
bucket list.
Visit and sign
up for her mailing list to receive updates and exclusive offers!
The only reason Lauren entered the
Hashtag Hunt was for the $10,000 grand prize. She needed seed money for her
startup, and it sounded easy enough: twelve hours to text twelve photos to
someone called the Wizard. 
For hashtag number five, Lauren needs a
#HottieInTheWild, and with the help of her best friend, Ivy, she finds the
perfect subject. 
The only reason Brenner entered Barkley’s Pub was to have
beers with Scott, an Army brother back in town. The reunion is interrupted when
a woman is caught crouched in a dark corner, taking pictures of Brenner. 
explains, and though embarrassed, she accepts Scott and Brenner’s offer to help
with hashtag number six.While hunting for hashtags, Lauren finds adventure and
romance with her #Hottie, but she must stay focused to beat the clock and win
the cash.


Q & A With the Author:
1.     When did you write your first novel? In 2015, I started picking at the
idea for a book and in early 2017, I became determined to finish the story. The
Hashtag Hunt was published in late 2018. 
2.     What drove you to write / why did you become an author? I have been an
avid reader since childhood, and countless hours were spent in fictional places
with memorable characters. I have always been interested in crafting an
entertaining, memorable story of my own. 
3.     How do you create your characters? Almost all of my characters are a
blend of two or three real people. And sometimes I take one real person and
split a few characteristics among two or more characters.  For example,
the personalities, physiques, habits, and stories of six real military Veterans
are shared between my two fictional heroes: Brenner and Scott.   The case
of my character Amy, however, is one hundred percent based on my dear friend
Amy Mohler who passed away at the age of 40. She never had the opportunity to
read my book, but her spirit lives on in its pages. 
4.     What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn? The glorious weather
combined with so many outdoor events with family, friends, and neighbors. 
5.     Who is the person or group of people that most support you in your
Her name is Courtney Murphy and she’s been in my corner since high
school. I never would have finished the book without her “Team Seek” notecards,
encouraging phone messages, and honest feedback on the drafts that flooded her
email inbox for years. 
6.     What is your favorite Halloween Memory? My first (and only) group
costume was when my coworkers dressed up as the cast of Scooby Doo. It was kind
of our bosses to allow it and it was a lot of fun. I’ve attached a photo of
this also for giggles (I am Velma). 



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An Agent for Jessica by Julia Ridgemont


Julia Ridgmont
grew up in the American West, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she knows how
to ride a horse. What it does mean, however, is that she loves to weave the
country’s rich history into riveting tales full of romance and intrigue.

When she’s not writing, Julia enjoys cooking, sewing costumes for her children,
spending time with her husband, and watching her children perform in sports or
plays—or, if she’s really bored or stuck on a plot twist, cleaning the house.
She also writes contemporary inspirational romance under her real name, Laura
L. Walker.

Follow Julia as she unveils heroes whose strength and courage are only
surpassed by their tenderness, and heroines who hide their lonely hearts with a
cover of steel. It will take overcoming insurmountable odds and an iron will
for them to find a love that lasts forever. Luckily, they have Julia to help
them along.
To guard his heart or protect two little girls . . . Is he willing to risk it all?
1871Pinkerton detective Chas Bryant’s last job for the agency is supposed to be
easy—deliver a cache of stolen items back to Mount Vernon after recovering them
from profiteers. Soon, however, Chas discovers that nothing in this case is
simple. When he’s called upon to search for a little girl gone missing after
her parents are murdered, there’s only one woman who can help him . . . but
he’ll need to make her his wife in order to complete the investigation.

Jessica Flanders is only trying to rescue her younger sister from a fate
bleaker than death. How can the powers that be possibly think that separating
them from each other is a good idea? Jessica made a dying promise to her
parents. Now she needs Chas’s help to get her sister back, but when they dig
deeper into the matter, they discover another little girl with an even greater
need for being rescued.

Soon it becomes clear that someone else is searching for the missing girl, too.
Can they keep her safe until the case is solved and the murderers are caught?
If so, Chas and Jessica will need to forge a bond that is stronger than the
evil forces surrounding them, and in the process, a love that will never be

Read each of the Pinkerton Matchmaker stories in any order. These agents give
the phrase “married to your work” a whole new meaning!

Q & A With the Author:
1.When did you write your first novel?  
completed my first novel in 2013, although I have been writing since I was a
2. What drove you to write / why did you become an author?


something inside of me that drives me to write. I love exploring new characters
and ideas. I’ve always been a pretty good daydreamer, and it has carried over
into adulthood. So don’t ever let anyone make you feel like being a daydreamer
is a bad thing!
3. How do you create your characters?


I start
off by daydreaming about them and then once a small plot idea forms, I start
writing, letting my characters take over. I’ve found they’ll usually tell me
what they want to say and do. I just have to get out of their way. Once in a
blue moon, though, my characters are stubbornly silent, and I have to invent a
few more side characters to help them along, such as is the case with my
current project. Bleh!
4. What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn?


Too many
things! I love when the weather turns cooler and, although we don’t get much of
it in Arizona, when the leaves turn colors. I also love the smells of pumpkin
pie and muffins. Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays. As for
Halloween, I loved it as a kid but find I don’t like it quite as much as an
adult. But I do enjoy watching my kids have fun dressing up and
5. Who is the person or group of people that most support you in your


My husband
and kids!


6. What is your favorite Halloween Memory?


One of my
favorite memories isn’t exclusive to Halloween, although it happened during
that holiday, too. My mom was a terrific baker, and she enjoyed baking sugar
cookies. My brothers and sisters and I loved helping her! For almost every
major holiday we celebrated, she made a big batch of cookie dough and we
enjoyed cutting out cookies in shapes that went with the holiday we were
celebrating. It’s a special memory that I will always cherish!


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Mrs. Murray’s Hidden Treasure by Emily-Jane Hills Orford

An avid gardener, artist, musician and writer, Emily-Jane Hills Orford has fond memories and lots of stories that evolved from a childhood growing up in a haunted Victorian mansion. 

Told she had a ‘vivid imagination’, the author used this talent to create stories in her head to pass tedious hours while sick, waiting in a doctor’s office, listening to a teacher drone on about something she already knew, or enduring the long, stuffy family car rides. The author lived her stories in her head, allowing her imagination to lead her into a different world, one of her own making. As the author grew up, these stories, imaginings and fantasies took to the written form and, over the years, she developed a reputation for telling a good story. 

Emily-Jane can now boast that she is an award-winning author of several books, including King Henry’s Choice (Clean Reads 2019), Mrs. Murray’s Ghost (Telltale Publishing 2018), Mrs. Murray’s Hidden Treasure (Telltale Publishing 2019), Queen Mary’s Daughter (Clean Reads 2018), Gerlinda (CFA 2016) which received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards, To Be a Duke (CFA 2014) which was named Finalist and Silver Medalist in the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and received an Honorable Mention in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards and several other books. 

A retired teacher of music and creative writing, she writes about the extra-ordinary in life and her books, short stories, and articles are receiving considerable attention. For more information on the author, check out her website at:


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There is a hidden treasure in the grand old mansion on Piccadilly Street, in a place called London, but not the real London of English fame. There’s also a lot of mystery and a murder that’s been unsolved for decades. But it’s the treasure that captures Mary’s interest. 

Mary lives in this house along with her family, her Brownie friends and a ghost. When the ghost reveals her secret about the hidden treasure, there’s no stopping Mary, her Brownie friends, or her enemies from searching for this treasure. 

Why the intrigue? Apparently there’s a little bit of magic connected to this treasure. And so the adventure begins. Who will find the treasure first?


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Q & A With the Author:
1.     When did you write your first novel? In
the late 1970s? I did manage to finish it, and I probably still have a copy of
the novel somewhere, but it was a very weak attempt at writing and not
something I’d want to publish. It was a good exercise, though. My next novel
was my grandmother’s story, “Personal Notes”. I wrote it in first
person narrative, from my grandmother’s point of view. The publisher commented
that when he read it, he could almost see my grandmother sitting in her rocking
chair telling her stories, which she often did. I started writing “Person
Notes” in 1995, just after my grandmother passed away. It helped me heal
from the feeling of loss. She and I were very close.
2.     What drove you to write / why did you become an author? I come from a family of storytellers, but being the youngest, I often
didn’t have a chance to share my stories in the oral tradition, so, as soon as
I could write, I started writing my stories. My mother saved most of my stories
and, after she passed away, I was surprised to find them tucked away in a box
in the storage space underneath the stairs. 
3.     How do you create your characters? A
lot of my characters are people from real life. The saying that goes around on
Facebook that you should be nice to a writer because they have the power to do
anything with your character in their novels, is very true. But none of my
characters is an exact copy of a real life person. I mix and match
characteristics from people I know, people I’ve studied in history and people I
read about in the news. The only character that remains the same is my
grandmother, who surprisingly or not, is in most of my novels as Gran, Granny,
Grandma or Grandmother. In “Mrs. Murray’s Hidden Treasure”, she’s
Granny. My grandmother always claimed we’d soon forget her after she passed
away. I’ve proved her wrong with all the stories I’ve written in the past 24
4.     What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn? I have mixed feelings about Fall, as it always free-falls into winter,
which I don’t like at all. I guess what I do like, though, are the colors.
Living in eastern Ontario, we enjoy a very colorful display of leaves each
fall. Living in the country, a walk along our country road is almost magical,
the bees are still humming in the hedges along the road (one of our neighbors
is a bee-keeper) and the apples are ripe and falling onto the road, along with
the bright reds and golds of the maple leaves. 
5.     Who is the person or group of people that most support you in your
My husband. My parents, when they were alive, were
also supportive. 


6.     What is your favorite Halloween Memory? I remember my best friend’s birthday party. She was turning 6. We
dressed in costumes made up of this and that from around the house, not the
store-bought variety that is a must today. I dressed as a princess in a pink
satin gown my mother had cut down from one of her old dresses. She had done up
my hair fancy with a crown she created from some old costume jewelry and as we
bobbed for apples at the party, I remember being annoyed when my ‘crown’ kept
slipping into the bucket of water. 


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Copper Lake by Ann Swann

Ann has been a writer since junior high, but to
pay the bills she has waited tables, delivered newspapers, cleaned other
people’s houses, taught school, and had a stint as a secretary in a rock-n-roll
radio station. She also worked as a 911 operator and a police dispatcher. 

Her fiction began to win awards during her college days. Since then she’s
published several short stories, novels, and novellas. She’s always reading and
always writing, but even if she never sold another story, Ann would not stop
writing. For her it’s a necessity, like breathing. Most of the time, it even
keeps her sane.


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They call him the Killer Cartographer because he
carves the map coordinates of each victim on the femur of the one before. Then
he tattoos the information on his skin. 
Can Detective Kendra Dean bring him in,
or will she become his next tattoo?

This book is on offer for .99 for the month of October! Buy your copy today!!!


Q & A With the Author:
1.         What drove you
to write / why did you become an author?
I wrote my first novel,
STEVIE-GIRL AND THE PHANTOM PILOT after winning a short fiction contest at the
Abilene Writer’s Guild. A new small press requested it and once it was done, it
went on to become a 4 book series.
I’ve always loved reading so it seemed natural to start writing as
a teenager.
2.         How do you
create your characters?
I don’t create characters intentionally. They come
to life in my head and then I let them out.
3. What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn? I love
everything about Autumn; the colors, the smells, the cooler weather, and
4.         Who is the
person or group of people that most support you in your writing?
My family
is very supportive of my writing, although my biggest supporter was my sister
(also an avid reader) who recently passed away. I also have three writing
groups whose members are awesome.
5.        What is your
favorite Halloween Memory?
Halloween is one of my favorite times of year.
When I was a kid, my siblings and I would traipse up and down the streets of
our small hometown, trick-or-treating. We basically had the run of the entire
town. On a scarier note, a man came in our house one Halloween night after we
were all asleep (Dad was out of town) and my mom hit him in the head with a
hammer when he appeared in our bedroom door. We made our escape and he went to
the hospital then jail. We kids just knew he had broke in to steal our
Halloween candy. It had been a banner trick-or-treating night that year.


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Cover Reveal: Berlin Butterfly: Release by Leah Moyes



Leah Moyes is from
Arizona but experienced many parts of the world in thanks to a career in the
airlines. Now most of her time, aside from writing, is spent with her family,
reading Historical Fiction novels or studying ancient cultures as a student of

She always believed she was born in the wrong time period, but since she
doesn’t have access to a time machine she must write and read intriguing
stories of the past. 

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Did you know that Berlin Butterfly: Ensnare recently won Honorable Mention for Historical Fiction in the Reader’s Favorite International Book Contest? Check it out! 
heartache, and loneliness led Ella Kühn to take her first drink of alcohol ten
years ago. When the delusions begin, images from her past threaten to challenge
her state of mind. Ironically, the very thing that haunts her, is the thing
that has kept her alive—the butterfly tattoo covering the gunshot wound to her
right shoulder. It’s physical and emotional reminder not only symbolizes her
courage, but also signifies Stefan’s absence . . . which now spans
twelve years.
It’s 1983 in the
Deutsch Democratic Republic. Trust remains a fragile ally as the Communist Bloc
begins to crumble. Ella’s involvement in the rising opposition and underground
punk movement, puts her more at risk than any escape plan ever could. She is
followed, watched and hunted . . .  but by whom? An old
enemy? The Secret Police? Or her new employer?


In Release, the third and final installment
of the Berlin Butterfly Series, Ella battles her inner demons as she struggles
to survive the ever-growing darkness in the East. Will she regain her former
strength and find a way to flee to the thinning borders of Czechoslovakia and
join Anton and Josef? Or will ties to her precarious past keep her bound—her
only release found in the freedom of pain and guilt while embracing life without
her family in East Berlin?


And now for the Cover


Make you sure pre-order your own copy today!!!

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