It has been almost 2 months since I have had the time to get to write a blog post about anything other than the book reviews that have to go up on time.  My day job took over my life because one of the ladies I work was going out of town for 2 weeks at the end of last year.  So I was learning her job starting in about November and once that started I had no time to do anything.  When it was the weekends I usually didn’t feel great so the last thing I wanted to do was sit down and write a blog post.  I am not hoping that things have calmed down enough that I can get back to posting more regularly.  Anyway, let’s get on to today’s post.

This week’s quote is by Les Brown.

I found this quote last year and I knew that it had to be the one that used when I started blogging more regularly.  I liked it because it is true and I have seen over the years how people act when a person has resting bitch face as compared to if a person is smiling when someone walks into the room.  Those are my thoughts about this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Les Brown?

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