Another week down and that means we are one week closer to the end of summer. I am so ready for it to cool down and for it to be football season again. Anyway, let’s get on to the links from this past week.
Monthly Book Reviews: July 2016
Lowcountry Stranger by Ashley Farley
Murder Mezzo Forte by Donn Taylor
Gilbert K. Chesterton-Quote Of The Week
Precious in His Sight by Karen Pashley
The Second Half by Lauraine Snelling
The Ringmaster’s Wife by Kristy Cambron
Like A River From Its Course by Kelli Stuart
Those are all of the posts from this past week in case you missed any of them. I will be back next week with some more posts. I am working on an adoption thoughts post for next week as well. I hope you all have a great weekend.