Winter Book Review

Whispers In The Reading Room by Shelley Gray was a great book.  I have read several Amish fiction by Shelley so I wondered if I would like this book as much as I liked her other series.  I have started to wonder if there will ever be a book by Shelley that I won’t like because so far I have loved every book that she has written.  I loved this book because I really liked Sebastian because I loved that he was a bookworm like me and that he tried to hide what he did from Lydia because he really liked her.  I also loved that he tried to help her when she got hurt by the man she was engaged to.  If you love historical fiction books I know you will love this book as much as I did.

Whispers In The Reading Room by Shelley Gray

About The Book

Whispers in the Reading Room (Zondervan, November 2015)

Lydia’s job at the library is her world—until a mysterious patron catches her eye . . . and perhaps her heart.

Just months after the closure of the Chicago World’s Fair, librarian Lydia Bancroft finds herself fascinated by a mysterious dark-haired and dark-eyed patron. He has never given her his name; he actually never speaks to a single person. All she knows about him is that he loves books as much as she does.

Only when he rescues her in the lobby of the Hartman Hotel does she discover that his name is Sebastian Marks. She also discovers that he lives at the top of the prestigious hotel and that most everyone in Chicago is intrigued by him.

Lydia and Sebastian form a fragile friendship, but when she discovers that Mr. Marks isn’t merely a very wealthy gentleman, but also the proprietor of an infamous saloon and gambling club, she is shocked.

Lydia insists on visiting the club one fateful night and suddenly is a suspect to a murder. She must determine who she can trust, who is innocent, and if Sebastian Marks-the man so many people fear-is actually everything her heart believes him to be.

Shelley Gray

About The Author

Shelley Gray is the author of The Heart of a Hero series. Her Amish novel (written as Shelley Shepard Gray), The Protector, recently made the New York Times best seller list. A native of Texas, she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Colorado and taught school for ten years. She and her husband have two children and live in Southern Ohio.


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