Summer At Sea by Beth Labonte was a fun story. From the first page I was hooked and didn’t want to put the book down. I really loved Summer throughout the entire story and her parents always made me laugh because of how they acted. I also could see my grandparents acting like her parents do and I loved it. I loved that this book kept me smiling throughout the entire book and it was a nice change from some of the books that I have been reading lately. I really can’t say anything bad about this book because it was such a great summer read and something that I think everyone would enjoy.
About The Book
Four jackets of varying weights, enough socks for the entire Confederate Army, three umbrellas, most of the antacid aisle from the local pharmacy, and six pairs of old people sneakers that all look exactly the same.
Have you ever helped your parents pack for a weeklong cruise?
No? I didn’t think so. So shut it.
So begins vacation for Summer Hartwell – twenty-six years old, living with her anxiety-ridden parents, and unwillingly booked by her brother on a weeklong cruise to Bermuda. Despite the nightmare of being trapped aboard a cruise ship with Mom and Dad, Summer sees a rare opportunity to fulfill The Prophecy – her mother’s declaration that she will live at home until she gets married. With two thousand passengers onboard, at least one of them must be husband material, right?
The only problem is Graham Blenderman – her brother’s best friend who is joining them for the week, in all of his tall, blonde, extroverted glory. Graham doesn’t believe Summer needs a husband in order to break free from her parents. He thinks she just needs a little bit of nerve. And to Summer’s introverted horror, he’s willing to spend the entire week proving that he’s right.
About The Author
Beth Labonte was born in Salem, Massachusetts and received a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2001. Currently working as an Administrative Assistant, she has taken to writing as her creative outlet in an excruciatingly mundane corporate world. Beth resides outside of Worcester, Massachusetts with her husband, son, and two cats. Visit her author website at or her Facebook page at
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