Book ReviewFeast For Thieves by Marcus Brotherton was different from any other book that I have ever read.  It takes place after WWII which by now I am sure you all know is my favorite time period.  This book was so different because of the story line and that made me really love this book even more.  It is refreshing reading a book that doesn’t follow the typical pattern that most books follow.  The one thing about this book that would get on my nerves is the writing.  I know the author wrote how the people would talk but I found myself wanting to correct the characters grammar and things like that.  But that is mainly just a problem with how my head works and not the book.  I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a new type of book.

Feast For ThievesAbout The Book

Sergeant Rowdy Slater is the most skilled—and most incorrigible—soldier in Dog Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne, an elite group of paratroopers fighting for the world’s freedom in World War II.

Through a bizarre set of circumstances, Rowdy returns to the States after the war, turns his life around, and falls into the only job he can find—preacher at the sparsely populated community church in Cut Eye, Texas, a dusty highway town situated at the midpoint of nowhere and emptiness.

The town’s lawman, suspicious that Rowdy has changed his ways only as a cover up, gives an ultimatum: Rowdy must survive one complete year as Cut Eye’s new minister or end up in jail.

At first Rowdy thinks the job will be easy, particularly because he’s taking over for a young female missionary who’s held the church together while the men were at war. But when a dark-hearted acquaintance from Rowdy’s past shows up with an evil plan to make some quick cash, Rowdy becomes ensnared due to an irrevocable favor, and life turns decidedly difficult.

Rowdy’s a man used to solving problems one of two ways: with his rifle or with his fists. Will he be able to thwart his old friend’s evil schemes while remaining true to his new higher calling?

This is a wild ride of a book bursting with bank robbery, kidnapping, desperate prayers, and barroom brawls. Before the smoke clears, all sides just might end up getting exactly what they want.


About-Marcus-photo-682x1024About The Author

Marcus Brotherton is a journalist and professional writer known internationally for his books and literary collaborations with high-profile public figures, humanitarians, inspirational leaders, and military personnel. He has authored or coauthored more than 25 books.

Notable works include We Who Are Alive and Remain, a New York Times bestseller, A Company of Heroes, which ranked No. 1 in the country among World War II/ Western Front books, and the widely-acclaimed Shifty’s War. Marcus’ debut novel, Feast For Thieves, releases in September 2014.

Marcus’ books have been praised by the Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, Entertainment Weekly, Associated Press, Booklist, Publishers Weekly and more. Critics have called Marcus’s books “… fascinating…” “…brilliantly arranged …” “…magical…” and “… refreshingly frank….”

He has been interviewed by the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Today, HuffPost Live, and The John Batchelor Show, and was featured in the documentary film A Company of Heroes, which aired on PBS stations around the country.

Collaborative works include projects with Lt. Buck Compton (one of the original Band of Brothers), apologist Dr. Ravi Zacharias, NFL quarterback Colt McCoy, psychologist Dr. Nancy Heche, fashion journalist Lauren Scruggs, Austin Stone pastor Matt Carter, Bronze Star winner Colonel Susan Luz, Alabama restaurateur Martha Hawkins, humanitarian Susan Scott Krabacher, speaker Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, youth ministry expert Doug Fields, radio show host Steven Arterburn, First Place weight loss program CEO Carole Lewis, musician Tommy Walker, youth speaker Ryan Dobson, university chancellor Rev. Wayne Cordeiro, and more.

Born in Canada in 1968, Marcus earned a bachelor’s degree in biblical education and journalism from Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon, and a master’s degree in practical theology and writing from Talbot Seminary at Biola University in Los Angeles, where he graduated with high honors.

Marcus lives with his wife and children in Washington State.

Hear Marcus speak at the TEDx conference HERE.

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9 Comments on Feast For Thieves by Marcus Brotherton

  1. Without a doubt this is a book designed for a majority of male readers from the description. However, being female I will say it sounds exciting and would hold the reader’s attention and could quickly enthrall them. I myself like a good book of this nature.

  2. Interesting! I too am irritated by incorrect grammar, so I don’t think I would like this book even though the plot sounds interesting!

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