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Happy To Be Alive, Because by Chelsea Jacobs’ was a great book to read.  This actually made me want to start to keep a journal where I say what is making me happy that day or even right at that moment.  This book was a super easy read for me but it was also a book that I didn’t want to put down until it was done.  I loved this book so much and I can’t even really give you reasons because I really loved everything about this book.  If you love young adult fiction than I know you will love this book.  I am usually not a fan of YA books but I am glad I received this one to review because I loved everything about this book.


About The Book

Avery is a seventeen-year-old girl whose reality has just been shattered by the death of her mother. Feeling a desperate need to flee from what has become her life, she follows a travel plan meant for her mom and her that leads her to the little beach town where her mom grew up. It’s there that she meets a group of three adventurous friends who adopt her into their circle, allowing her to experience a summer she never thought would be possible after suffering such a great loss. Unfortunately, her summer full of experiences threatens to end abruptly when she realizes that one of the three has a secret that causes her to question everything about the new life she has been building.
Avery must learn to balance her grief and her desire for a future in order to achieve her mother’s final wish for her: That she would be happy to be alive.


About The Author

Chelsea grew up with an immense love for words—both reading them and writing them. She obtained her degree in English and has spent the time since then getting married to her high school sweetheart and chasing adventure so she’ll have something to write about. When she’s not drinking copious amounts of coffee while writing, she spends her time reading, playing with her puppy named Gatsby, and dreaming, always dreaming.

Chelsea can be found at: websiteTwitter

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