Do You Judge

I would love to say that I don’t judge but it is so hard not to judge a book by what the cover looks like.    As all of you know I am an avid reader and I have found lately that when I pick a book to read for myself that I am picking books that have super cool looking covers.   I think that is part of the reason I would rather read an actual book instead of reading one on my Nook.

When I received books that have plain covers I always put them off until the last possible day to read them but when books have great covers I find myself wanting to read them right when I get them.  I have to say that I always seem to be shocked when I do finally read a book that I wasn’t interested in because of the cover and I fall in love with the story and the authors writing.  This has also gone the other way tons of times as well and those times I am so let down.

So the final answer is that yes I do judge a book by its cover but still read the other  books where I don’t like the covers as much.   I do judge books but I also read books that I don’t like the covers because I learned years ago that even if the cover sucks chances are the book itself is amazing.

Do you judge a book by the cover?

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