After the Fall by Ariadne Wayne was a great book.  It took me the first chapter before I really got into the book but once I got hooked I didn’t stop reading until I had finished reading it.  This book was only 137 pages so it was on the shorter side and I have to say that I was sad because I really did enjoy the characters and the authors writing.  This book follows along with Natalie and Alex as they have a fling that turns into something more.  The plot was pretty predictable to me but I still loved the book and I can’t wait to check out more books by her in the future.


About After The Fall

New Adult Romance Date Published: 7/26/13

The first time Natalie and Alex met, Natalie fell hard. Literally. The pair embark on a 3 month fling and after the fall Alex leaves the country. Natalie struggles to get on with her life and as it turns out, Alex can’t forget her either

Torn between what he feels for Natalie and loyalty to his father, Alex makes a choice that will change his life forever. But his overwhelming need to regain his father’s respect could ruin everything.

About Ariadne Wayne

Ariadne Wayne wanted to be a journalist when she grew up. Real life got in the way as did her love of computers and after twenty years she decided to return to writing and is loving it. After a lifetime of making up stories in her head, she’s now recording them to share with others. Her quirky sense of humour often leads all kinds of places and sometimes into trouble. She balances writing with working full time and bringing up two children and a husband so struggles for air at times but loves every minute of it!

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Heart pounding in my chest, I called the number. When it began ringing I nearly put the phone down but I couldn’t back out now. Not after all the time I’d spent searching.

“Hello?” said a very sleepy, confused sounding voice.

Shit. Mentally I counted in my head. It might be 9pm here but that made it 2am there. Not only had I randomly called someone who might not even be the person I was looking for but it was the middle of the night.

“Who’s there?”

The voice sounded a bit more awake now and was definitely Alex. My Alex.

I burst into tears. “Don’t marry her,” I whispered.

“What? Who is this? Is that Natalie?”

“Please don’t marry her,” I said, sobbing now. His voice sounded so good and I wanted him here with me, not a million miles away or however many it really was. Anywhere outside my bedroom was too far away.

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