I thought about skipping my guest post this week. My mind certainly is not as focused as I would like it to be. However, I decided to follow through with it. The main reason why is I need the distraction. My father’s death has been very hard on me.

Usually, I am the one presenting some ideas, and/or quotes – giving you my take on them – hoping you will like what I have to say. What I share is based on my own experiences, and how I have grown, and changed from them. Right now things are different. I am encountering something I never have experienced before. The feeling of loss, and grief from the death of my father.
I have absolutely no idea what I can do – if anything – to ease the pain in my heart. I am clueless about how I can help ease my mother’s heart wrenching pain. I honestly have no idea what to do.
I am turning to you, hoping you can give me some advice that might help me get through the difficult days ahead.
How do other people deal with feelings of grief, and loss?
How do you provide emotional support to someone who is hurting as much as you are?
Does the emotional pain go away?


4 Comments on What Would You Do?

  1. I really want to say that the pain will go away but 3/25 was the 8 yr anniversary of my moms passing and it's no easier.
    How I got through it…well I honestly don't remember. That entire year is one big fuzz in my brain. I can't tell you a single thing my kids accomplished during that time.
    The only thing I can tell you is to remember he is always with you, no matter what. Your memories and love for him is what keeps him alive. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I know how heart wrenching it is.

  2. I appreciate you sharing your own experience with me. It does help to know that I am not the only one who has ever felt such intense grief.

  3. I don't think anything anyone can say to you will make you feel better or help ease the pain. I can say things will get a little easier with A LOT of time, but it will never go away. You'll just learn how to deal with it. Personally, I think it's best to continue expressing how you feel. It helps to get things out.
    I didn't realize you were going through such a difficult time. I linked you into a Stylish Blog Award on my blog because I genuinely do like reading your stuff.
    I hope things get easier. Be patient and try to lean on family and friends for support. I'm so sorry.

  4. I think you might have gotten me and Margaret confused. I am Melissa, and post here on Mondays. Margaret is the lovely woman who owns this blog and to whom you gave the award to.

    I do appreciate everything you shared in your comment.

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