Saturday 9: Reason to Believe
1. Has anyone asked you to believe in something that called for a huge leap of faith on your part?
Yes they have.  I am not going to go into though.
2. When is the last time you moved? Why did you move?
When I was forced to move home because my Husband didn’t want to pay rent for an apartment because he was never home.
3. Malls? ..or one Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I’m curious about what the real people are doing.
I love shopping online but I haven’t done much of either type this year.
4. Do you remember the first meme you participated in and if so, what was it?
I think if was one that Supah used to do called All About MeMe
5. If you could invent something, what would it be?
A laptop that never needed to be charged.
6. Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? …or is there just one person you’re having trouble finding something for?
I haven’t even started shopping so I need to get started and figure it out ASAP!
7. What’s left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? …or maybe you’re just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good?
Everything is done around the house and at work.
8. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse?
I am definitely not where I thought I would be at this age that is for sure but I am where I need to be and that is what matters!
9. Tell us about something you’ll miss about 2010
There isn’t anything that I think I will miss about this year.

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