1. Do you believe, somewhere deep inside, that blondes do indeed have more fun? That they are “dumber” than brunettes or redheads? Be honest!
They have more guys hit on them and what not.  Now I don’t know if they have more fun but they do seem to get more of the guys attention.  They aren’t dumber than anyone.  The color of your hair doesn’t make you dumb.
2. Which animal would you most like to observe in its wild habitat?
Tigers-They are so pretty and I love them!
3. This week the U.N. announced that Dr. Mazlan Othman has been appointed the official “Alien Ambassador,” should any extraterrestrials contact us. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever seen a UFO?
Not that I know of but I believe in them.  Why would we be the only people in the whole universe???  It doesn’t make sense at all.
4. Name your favorite Hitchcock film.
I don’t know that I have ever seen any of them.
5. Would you rather spend time at the library, the mall, a craft store or home?
Home for sure.
6. Which Disney princess is your favorite? (Or Disney character, if you are a guy)
Belle because she reminds me most of myself.
7. What kind of art is your favorite?
I love music so I would have to say music for sure!
8. How do you feel about viral videos, that is, videos made by amateurs that end up on Youtube receiving thousands of hits?
If they are funny I will watch them.  It doesn’t bug me and never has.  If anything it amazes me how many hits they can get.
9. Where do you buy your jeans?
Kohls or JC Penneys
10. Tell me about your first automobile accident.
It was last year and I rear ended another car and my car got all of the damage
11. Have you ever been honest when you knew you would benefit more if you would be dishonest?
I always try and be honest even if it means I lose out of stuff.
12. If you were appointed “Ambassador to Aliens,” what would you show and tell first about life on Earth? What would be the most difficult thing to explain?
People here are idiots.  I think our holidays and some of the dumb customs that we have.

3 Comments on Random Dozen-Aliens

  1. I agree with ya on the blonde thing:)~ Anytime I do or say anything out the way…..I say "I am having a blonde moment"..lol although i am a brunette…Oh well…..No offense to anyone though:)
    Just stopping by
    Happy Blogging to ya

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