1. Who in your life do you think behaves and thinks the most like you do?
I think it would be my grandma.  Even though she is my step grandma we are still so much alike it isn’t funny.
2. As a kid, were you ever wrongly accused (and punished, if it went that far) for something you didn’t do? If so, what was it? What happened?
I was always punished it seems but I can’t remember if it was my fault or not.  I would have to say though that I don’t I have been accused and punished for something that I didn’t do.
3. What about as an adult, were you ever wrongly accused for something you didn’t do?? Do you think it’s worse to be accused as a child or an adult? Why/why not?
Nope I haven’t.  I try and stay hidden in the background so I don’t get noticed very often.
3. What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
Probably the super bad snow storms we have most winters.
4. If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be and why?
Australia because I have cousins there and it seems like a great place to live.
5. Instead of going to work Monday, if you could spend the entire day doing something else–any one or two things that you absolutely love doing–what would you do?
Sleep and mess around on the internet.
6. What sites (other than meme sites) do you use most to help you post on your blog?
I use sites that about MS for the most part.
7. Check out a post on your blog from six months ago (March 2010) and tell us what is different now about your blog and/or life?
I am content where I am at and certain people are gone forever.
8. What was the last photograph you took?
It was of my cubs.  I am always taking pictures of them.
9. Which fashion trend do you believe is the most horrendous and why?
Skinny Jeans-They are just ugly and people that are over weight shouldn’t wear them because they are super bad looking on them.

4 Comments on Saturday 9

  1. Thanks for joining us over at our Sassy Sites blog party! It's fun to see everyone! Come on over tomorrow and sign up for our Spotlight Giveaway! We would love to have you!! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  2. BWHAHA at the last one.. hence the name SKINNY JEANS meaning if you ain't skinny you don't need to put them on

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