1. What insect are you most afraid of? Feel free to post a picture.

2. What is the greenest/most organic thing about you or that you do?
When my grandma and I go shopping we use our reusable bags and we recycle paper plastic and cans.  I try and do my part as much as possible.  I also car pool to work.
3. Tell me about a recurring dream that haunts you.
I don’t remember my dreams so I don’t really have a reoccurring dreams that I remember
4. Have you ever missed a flight? What were the circumstances?
Nope I haven’t and part of that is because I don’t fly anymore.  It is such a joke getting through security that I would rather just drive where ever I have to go.
5. What do you consider your best feature?
 I am not sure so I am going to skip this one lol
6. What was the last concert you went to?
Probably Jeff Dunham
7. Describe the most embarrassing church moment you ever experienced.
I haven’t had one because I have perfected the art of being invisible.
8. Are you a whistler, hummer or singer?
Probably a hummer
9. George Washington Carver said, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” What is God saying to you through nature today, or this very minute?
To have a good day!  
10. On September, 1, 1752, the Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia. What memorable event will take place in your life on September 1, 2010?
Hopefully nothing but the day is still young
11. Taco Bell or the Liberty Bell? (You must choose.)
Taco Bell
12. Do you believe men and women can have purely platonic friendships?
Yes I do because I have a male friend and we will always be just friends.
I am trying to get day 1 of the prize I won done but I am struggling with it.  So once I get it done I will post it up for everyone to see!!!!

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