I saw this on a few blogs that I read and I decided it looked like a lot of fun so I am going to link up and join in with the fun. They want us to write a post introducing ourselves and then answer 5 questions. I am going to start by answering the 5 questions and then I will introduce myself.
1.) Why do you blog?
I blog because it is the way that I relieve stress and I find it fun. I am at the point where I don’t care if people read my blog or not it is my therapy and that is all that matters to me. Now it is a bonus if I get comments!
I blog because it is the way that I relieve stress and I find it fun. I am at the point where I don’t care if people read my blog or not it is my therapy and that is all that matters to me. Now it is a bonus if I get comments!
2.) What do you blog about?
I blog about my life and what is going on in it. I don’t have a real theme to my blog just post what I want to post when I want to post it.
I blog about my life and what is going on in it. I don’t have a real theme to my blog just post what I want to post when I want to post it.
3.) What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging?
I get to get rid of stress and get my feelings out in the open.
I get to get rid of stress and get my feelings out in the open.
4.) How long have you been blogging?
I have had this blog since 9/23/2008 and I had one before that so for a few years now.
I have had this blog since 9/23/2008 and I had one before that so for a few years now.
5.) Let’s hear the story behind your blog title! 
It is basically just what I blog about the world and how I see things.
It is basically just what I blog about the world and how I see things.
I think I pretty much explained myself while I answered the questions so I am going to leave it as it is! I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Hi Margaret! How are you?! Great to see you in the blog bash, i can catch up with you again. It's been awhile!
Hi I took your button and clicked "follow"… great bash intro;fun,fun ,fun! Hydrogen and stupidity… LMBOTNTPM
This is a great Monday…hope yours is as well!
Have I mentioned how much I love the way you are always changing up your look around here! You are a braver woman than I am. I try to mess with my "decor" the least amount possible so as not to have a techno-trauma-meltdown.
You are what's called a LIFE Blogger… so see, you have a theme!
Heheh… And yes, good or bad, blogging has become a stress reliever for me too. Writing up the FUNNY stories is my favorite part because I can laugh over and over again… maybe more than those who even read too. HEHEHE
i agree! post what you want when you want and how you want
keep it real girl!
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