This is a harder one to write for me because I try not to have dreams because I hate to be let down.  Now this doesn’t mean that I don’t dream but it does mean that saying them out loud to other makes them real and then I can’t help but be hurt if they don’t come true.  I am going to list a few of them and hope that they will come true at some point!

  • To be happy with me.  I don’t know that I have ever been truly happy with myself but I want to start being happy with me and not let everything bad in the world get to me and bring me down.  I need to realize that I will never be the super skinny girl and I will always have a little gut but that it is ok because if I am healthy then the number on the scale shouldn’t matter.
  • I would love to be able to find a man that will take care of me and isn’t scared of the MS and everything that goes along with it.

I guess the what I am saying is I want to be happy and healthy!!!!

Saturday 9: Go Your Own way

1. When was the last time you were told to go your own way?
This actually happened this week but it was more me deciding to go my own way because it was better for me this way.
2. What one experience has strengthened your character the most so far?
Placing my daughter for adoption or being diagnosed with MS.  Both of them have made me the person I am today.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Read a book or if the rain is warm I love to play in it.
4. How long can you go without your cell phone?
I went without a day without it and I totally loved it.  It is so relieving not having to worry about it and what not.
5. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
I wish I was anywhere but where I am.  I don’t know where I want to be right now but I know that I don’t want be here.
6. Of all the people you’ve ever known, who have you most feared?
A lot of people actually.  I get scared of people easily so it isn’t an easy question to answer.
7. Do people tell you that you look your age?
No they think I look younger than what I am hell I get ID’ed to buy rated R movies lol
8. Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?
I don’t answer and pretend like I am not home.  I have nothing to say to him and he has no reason to just drop by.  As far as I am concerned he is as good as dead to me.
9. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
No-  Some people do things that are so bad that they don’t deserve a second chance but I usually give everyone lots of chances.  In fact the only person I have ever written off is my birth mom because she doesn’t seem to care at all about me.

1 Comment on Final Day-Day 30-A Dream For The Future~ Saturday 9

  1. You deserve to be happy and healthy 🙂 I know you'll find someone who can make you feel like the most important person in the world.

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