Jealousy is not a pretty emotion.  
But I think it’s fair to say that we all succumb 
to its power every now-and-then.  
We’re only human, right?
Are you … jealous much?
What makes you green with envy?
What makes your green-eyed monster break free 
and bare its teeth for all to see?
Make it a list or a story.
Include photos or don’t.
It’s All About ME YOU!
We want to get to know YOU 🙂

I am going to make a list of things that make me jealous for everyone to ready and enjoy!

  • Skinny people
  • People that love to work out!
  • People that are really outgoing because I am super shy and scared of people
  • People who have found their soul mate
  • People that live on their own 
  • People who are happy and content being single.

That is my list!  I now realize that I am a really jealous person.  I guess that needs to be something that I work on right now.

11 Comments on Green With Envy

  1. Ooo… you're not gonna like me, lol! I've been learning how destructive it is to be jealous of anything. Being jealous is the same as saying, "God, you're doing something wrong." I do don't wanna be in that position! Of course, I'm so dang human that I find myself being jealous of moms who have 5 kids and are skinny, and people who look well-dressed and put together all the time. ARGH!

  2. I'm not much of a jealous person- but if you read today's post you might think I'm harbering a little envy from years past …

  3. I get jealous of those who have found their soul mate because I am still single and almost everybody I know is married or getting married and I'm still here.

  4. I am also a little jealous of those outgoing people. I can appear to be outgoing in certain circumstances but most of the time I am just quiet and shy.

  5. I have Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred sitting next to my DVD player right now – I SOOOO need to just do it, but I hate working out! Guess I'll have to start envying all those mamas who get their figure right back after giving birth … 'cuz that is NOT me 🙂

    Thanks for joining us today!

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