So glad you were able to release a little stress! We all need to do that every now and then. Of course you can't help that you are smarter then those at your workplace…good thing you didn't quit!
Well, I gotta tell you, I hve a drink every night … I just do- I love the way it feels in my hand … the glass, the cuts in the crystal … and I love the taste and feel too So you pour something nice and cool and relax
Oh no…don't quit! But a glass of wine after work might help.
Work idiots are the worst!
I think everyone can sympathize with work stress! I just have to mentally leave it there and enjoy anytime I am not there!
I sooo can't stand the idiots of the world … let's all move to Mt. Olympus
I sooo can't stand the idiots of the world … let's all move to Mt. Olympus
did you change up your background?
Sorry about the idiots at work and your hubby! Hope things get better
I'm with Blueviolet, wine. Or booze…whatever you fancy
So glad you were able to release a little stress! We all need to do that every now and then. Of course you can't help that you are smarter then those at your workplace…good thing you didn't quit!
After a bad day, a glass of wine while I soak my feet always helps! Good luck!
Well, I gotta tell you, I hve a drink every night … I just do- I love the way it feels in my hand … the glass, the cuts in the crystal … and I love the taste and feel too
So you pour something nice and cool and relax 
I have something for you