Saturday 9: Just One Look
1. How vein are you about how you look?
I could really careless about how I look.  I am me if you don’t like it then don’t look at me!
2. When you were little what was your favorite TV show?
I can’t remember but I didn’t watch a lot of TV until I got sick.
3. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why?
I would want either Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock because they are both great actresses.4. Who is your favorite Major League Baseball team? How about your favorite player?
I have never watched it!5. What is your favorite baseball-related movie?
Never seen any
6. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year?
Men can’t be trusted
7. Tell us about one of your childhood memories.
I don’t remember my childhood.  I blocked most of it out.
8. How do you handle sticky situations? Do you have a method? If so, what is it?
I don’t do well.  I usually just get quiet.
9. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?

I am sure they do and I don’t care if they do.  They are cowards when they do it that way.  If you have something to do then say it to my face!!!!

6 Comments on Tell Me To My Face

  1. Oh dear… Men can't be trusted… wise words!

    I would like to invite you to join a weekend meme that I organized called Weekend Funnies.
    It is weekly from Friday to Sunday.

    It is the Weekend, TGIF! Weekend Funnies #2, Friday to Sunday (19th to 21st March,2010) is on. Please kindly click FuNNiES#2 to join us? Keep the FUNNIES in your weekends! hugs, shakira FACEBOOK

    Happy Saturday!



  2. hi….just hopped over from sits and signed up to follow. men can't be trusted and it looks like it's getting worse. stop by and enter my giveaway when you have time!

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