My Little Life

1Have you ever had a celeb sighting?
Just local news anchors is all I have ever seen.
2. What temperature do you keep your house?
About 68 but I don’t have a choice where I am at right now.  So I have a heating blanket and fan.
3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes?
No I have never even thought about it before.
4. What’s the worst job you ever had?
Not sure but if I had to pick I would say cleaning the elementary school but most people would say when I was CNA but I loved being a butt wiper lol
5. What is your most sentimental possession?
The pictures that my great grandma painted that are in my room.

5 Comments on Paintings & Cleaning

  1. I'm a speech therapist and used to work in nursing homes. I wish all the cna's I worked with had that attitude. I loved my old people and still think about some of them from time to time.

  2. I left you a bloggy award and I also can't remember if I sent you a message telling you already. I sent out a bazillion and am just about losing my mind trying to remember who I notified. Happy Friday.

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