Saturday 9: Should I Stay or Should I Go
1. Have you ever been on a date and you had to tell the person to just go away?
No I have never had to do that thank god!  I may have too though if I start dating again.
2. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? If yes, where?
Nope not really.  I usually pretty easy to please.
3. Do you have any pet peeves?
A lot of them.  One of the biggest ones is listening to people chew when they are eating.  I will get up and leave the room because I can’t deal with it.
4. Tell us about a guilty pleasure of yours.
I don’t know that I really have any.  I don’t let myself feel guilty about a lot.  I guess eating pizza or Subway is one though because I shouldn’t eat them because of the Gluten but I can’t stop.
5. If you could change places and become a celebrity, who would you’d like to be?
No one.  I wouldn’t deal with publicity well.  I am happy being who I am and hiding behind my computer.
6. What do you consider your biggest talent?
I would have to say figuring out things on the computer!
7. Do you have a favorite actor/actress that is not a big star, yet they are your favorite?
No not really my only favorite is Julia Roberts and she is a huge star.
8. Name your five favorite rock bands of all time.

  1. Nickleback
  2. Greenday
  3. Good Charlotte
  4. Sum 41
  5. Shinedown

9. If you were to start a new relationship (for whatever reason), how much of your sexual history would you share? Would you resort to lying?
I would be totally honest.  If they asked I would tell them.  I feel like you shouldn’t hid things from people when you are in a relationship.  It just isn’t right and I also am not ashamed for who I am and what I have done in my life.

4 Comments on Julia Roberts

  1. Arrrrrrrrgh I can't stand when people chew with their mouth open. My momma woulda Slapped me Sideways if I ate like a Cow munchin' on Grass!! And Gum Chewers.. don't get me started!!

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