I have two cats that are called the cubs. They are my replacement kids since I placed my daughter for adoption. I got Elinore for a shelter when she was about a year old and I got Sylvia from my brothers ex girlfriend. They are about a year apart in age and totally different when it comes to their personalities.
That is Elinore. She was abused before I got her so she is super skittish and doesn’t like guys very much. She loves to have her nose rubbed and her head petted. She reminds me of a dog because she always sticks her head under my hand if I am not doing anything with it. She also is always outside when I come home from work because she loves to greet me right when I get home. Out of the two she is my lover cat!
As you can tell from her picture she is a trouble maker and always into everything. I have had her since she was little in fact I had picked her out before her eyes were even open. Even when she was that little she hated to be held. She thinks she is a human and loves to play. Her and my grandpa are best friends because he plays with her all the time. She is also scared of anything and everything. We aren’t sure where she got it from but she is.

Love your cats! Sure they are a sweet and caring company for you <3
All the best!
They are to cute, I love their personalities. My cat is more like a dog and I take care of some strays outside that people throw out.
Thank you so much. They are my life and my kids.
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