I found this blog last year around this time of year because the radio station I listen to in the morning does a Secret Santa at Christmas time and this lady was chosen as one of the families that they were helping. After I heard her and her son’s story on the radio I started reading there blog. Let me just say in the year I have been reading their blog her son Skyler has truly become my hero. I have watching him fight and fight. I am amazed that someone so young can keep smiling having gone through everything he has gone through. I know there are adults out there that couldn’t deal with what this little boy has. He was recently granted a wish for Make A Wish Foundation. He wanted a game room so they made him one. Seeing the joy on his face made me smile. It was so good to see him happy and smiling. Right now he is doing so well and I hope that it stays that way. You really need to go check out his mom’s blog and read his story. He is an amazing little boy with more courage that I have as an adult. My one Christmas wish this year is that he has many more birthdays to come!
“This post is sponsored by American Cancer Society.“