This Happened To Jessica by Michele PW

From bestselling author, Michele Pariza Wacek comes the next book in her Secrets of Redemption series, THIS HAPPENED TO JESSICA. Becca would like nothing better than to put the past behind her, instead she races against time to uncover the truth about what happened to Jessica before another sixteen-year-old girl is doomed to the same fate. Fans of Nora Roberts’ paranormal suspense novels, THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN by Paula Hawkins and classic Stephen King will devour this psychological thriller with an eerie twist of romantic suspense.

Title: This Happened to Jessica

Author: Michele Pariza Wacek

Release Date: November 27, 2018

Publisher: Love-Based Publishing

Series: Secrets of Redemption #2

Genre: Psychological thriller/mystery/romantic suspense

Becca would like nothing better than to put the past behind her and focus on making Redemption her home. But what do you do when the past refuses to stay buried?

Becca still can’t remember the night sixteen-year-old Jessica disappeared from a party, never to be seen again. Which is bad enough (especially since she was supposedly the last person to see Jessica alive), but it’s not the worst …

Strange events are making Becca think there’s a link between what happened to Jessica fifteen years ago and the darkness happening now.

With help from her friends and her teenage crush, Daniel, Becca races against time to uncover the truth about Jessica before another sixteen-year-old girl is doomed to the same fate as Jessica.

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Copyright © 2018 Michele Pariza Wacek

Celia was looking around the table with a bewildered expression on her face. “I don’t understand. Why does it matter if Jessica is related to Brittany?”

“Because Brittany looks like Jessica,” Mia said.

Everyone fell silent. A woman next to us burst into hysterical, high-pitched laughter. Another table over, a group of college-aged guys started chanting as one of their friends, wearing a Wisconsin Badger cap, guzzled a pitcher of beer. Glasses clanked as they were plunked onto tables.

“Not this again,” Celia breathed out, picking up her Cosmo and draining it.

“What do you mean, ‘not this again?’” Mia asked, her voice quiet, but with a dangerous edge.

Barry put a hand on Celia’s arm. “Nothing. She means nothing.” He glared at his wife. Celia kept her mouth shut, but her sour expression spoke volumes.

“Barry, let her talk,” Mia said. “What do you mean, ‘not this again?'”

“You know what I mean,” Celia said. “It’s been fifteen years. It’s time to let it go.”

“Let it go?” Mia said, her voice sounding even more quiet and dangerous. “Let it go? Our friend disappeared! And we don’t know what happened to her!”

“First off, I’m sure Jessica left on her own. Her stuff was gone …”

“But, it wasn’t the right …” Mia tried to interrupt, but Celia kept going. “And even if something did happen, she’s gone. Gone!” Celia leaned forward. “I know this is difficult for you to hear, but you’re not going to heal unless you, all of you …” here she looked around the table, “… accept it. She’s gone. She’s been gone for fifteen years. She’s not coming back. And no amount of rehashing or talking about it is going to change that.”

“She was our friend,” Mia said. “Don’t you get that? How heartless can you be?”

“I know she was your friend and I know this is painful to hear. No, Barry, stop it. Let me talk. This isn’t healthy. It’s not healthy to live in the past and that’s precisely what everyone here is doing. Someone has to speak the truth and I guess that has to be me. I didn’t know Jessica, but I very much doubt she would want all of you still obsessing over what happened to her fifteen years later. Besides, this has all gotten worse since she,” she nodded toward me, “came back. We don’t need to keep living in the past. Jessica is gone.”

“I agree,” Rich said, his deep voice cutting across the table. His voice was quiet, but there was something about it that caused everyone to pay attention. Maybe it was because he so seldom talked that when he finally did, it was really noticed. “If we’re not going to be honest about what happened that night, then it makes no sense to keep talking about it.”

“What aren’t we being honest about?” Mia asked.

Rich stared at me, his dark eyes glittering. “If we’re honest, we know exactly who to blame for that night.”

Did he mean me? I stared at Rich, dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”

His gaze didn’t flinch. “You know exactly what I mean.”

You were the last person to see Jessica alive. Daniel had told me that. And Daphne. But, he couldn’t possibly mean I had anything to do with Jessica’s disappearance. Could he?

Start at the beginning of Becca’s story with IT BEGAN WITH A LIE!

The first in her brand-new Secrets of Redemption series, bestselling author, Michele Pariza Wacek brings you IT BEGAN WITH A LIE. Becca was hoping for a fresh start for her troubled family, but instead, she is thrust into a mysterious past she barely remembers, one that threatens not only her sanity but her life. Fans of Nora Roberts’ paranormal suspense novels, GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn and classic Stephen King will devour this psychological thriller with an eerie twist of romantic suspense.


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About Michele PW:

Michele Pariza Wacek (also known as Michele PW) taught herself to read at three years old because she so badly wanted to write fiction. As an adult, she became a professional copywriter (copywriters write promotional materials for businesses, nothing to do with protecting intellectual property or putting a copyright on something) and eventually founded a copywriting and marketing company. She grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and currently lives with her husband and dogs in the mountains of Arizona. You can reach her at She’s published two novels, “The Stolen Twin” and “Mirror Image,” both psychological thrillers/mystery/suspense books.

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Drenched Sunflower by Tammy Cooper

“Rainy days and river views fill Beth’s summer as she makes a new start in small town Washington, North Carolina. After the loss of her husband in a tragic accident, simple seems better. It’s time to renovate her life, starting with a future art gallery on the river. Sam, her contractor, has everything under control, but the stress of the construction project and new business is beginning to make her crazy. Nightmares and visions of ghosts become the nightly norm. She doesn’t have time for this. She doesn’t have time for her heart to make room for him.

Sam is happy filling his days and nights with work. His two jobs as a teacher and contractor are his passions and do not leave room for much else. This new project has possibilities: a beautiful owner, the history of the house, and an 18th century diary. Beth’s dream is becoming a timely reality until she disappears.
Mystery and intrigue fill the haunting river bank of the Pamlico as Sam and Beth find the truth behind the Water Street house and each other.”





Tammera Cooper grew up on the Rappahannock River in Virginia watching the riverside community change with the times but remaining the same in spirit. The waterside lifestyle is in her blood and influences her writing every day.

Currently, she lives in Washington, North Carolina writing and sharing the small town’s history with her readers. She is a member of the Pamlico Writers Group, Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and Romance Writers of America.



She paused under the overpass. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move in the trees. The green slimmed water pooled around the railroad tracks in the distance. She started to take off again and then hesitated. She was sure someone was watching her. She squinted into the sunlight shining through the trees. There she saw a head dart in and out. She stepped off the pavement into the grass to investigate. Her heart raced. She reached down and felt for her phone tucked in the waistband of her running shorts. Her running shoes sank into the muck and the hair on the back of her neck prickled. Just then, she saw a figure in the distance run to the next tree. The trees shaded the swampy area from any sunlight that would have helped her see any details.

“Hello? Is someone there?” She waited for a response. “Do you need help?” She climbed over a fallen tree to continue down a makeshift path. “Hello? I saw you get my attention. I’m here to help if you need some.” The water was getting deeper, and she was afraid she might lose a shoe if she went any further into the swamp. Beth stopped and shook her head. What was she thinking? She turned back toward the tracks to retreat to dry ground.


Beth turned so quickly she slipped and lost her footing. The foul-smelling water covered her from head to toe. “Shit. Look what you’ve done.” She slung the water and mud off her arms and hands. When she regained her footing, she searched for another view of the person who was watching her. “Are you still there? What do you want?” she screamed out of frustration. Apparently, someone was playing a prank, and she had fallen for it. “I’m leaving and going home.”


Beth felt a gust of wind rush by her, sending a chill over her damp skin. She could see a person standing in the distance in the shadow of a tree. “Do you need to talk to me? I’m coming.” Beth worked her way through the overgrowth trying to use the cypress tree knots as stepping stones to stay as dry as possible. As she closed the distance between her and the big tree, she could make out a feminine figure. She hastened her pace determined her baptism in the swamp muck was not in vain. She rounded the huge tree and found no one there. What the hell?



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Berlin Butterfly: Ensnare by Leah Moyes

 Leah Moyes is from Arizona but experienced many parts of the world in thanks to a career in the airlines. Now most of her time, aside from writing, is spent with her family, reading Historical Fiction novels or studying ancient cultures as a student of Archaeology.


She always believed she was born in the wrong time period, but since she doesn’t have access to a time machine she must write and read intriguing stories of the past. 

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Stay or flee? Life or family? An impossible choice.
It’s Aug 13, 1961, in Berlin Germany. Nationale Volksarmee soldiers roll barbed wire across the war-torn city to create the first Berlin Wall.
Families are separated, livelihoods destroyed, death comes easily as crippling fear paralyzes the occupants on both sides of the wall. Fifteen-year-old Ella is faced with an agonizing decision. Does she risk crossing the wall and possible death to reach her family? Or does she embrace her new life and blossoming love that could be wrenched from her at any moment? West Germany and possible freedom or East Germany and controlled chaos?
Ensnare, the first book in the “Berlin Butterfly” series, is a story of life, love, survival and the struggle of living through the dark early years of the Berlin Wall. Readers will be captivated with Ella’s strength, determination, and vulnerability as she opens her heart amidst a dangerous and terrifying journey.”
“I wonder what happened here?” I inquired curiously as I brushed some of the garbage aside.
“It was a fight,” Anton said so matter-of-fact. “A husband and wife fought, and she shot him . . . dead.”
I rolled my eyes. “Why was she the one who shot him? Maybe he was a spy and discovered a secret . . . then he shot her!” I noticed a small stack of linens. I picked up the first one and shook the layered dust off it.
“He couldn’t have hurt her—” Anton constructed the crime, “— she was the love of his life, but she betrayed him.” He turned over a book with a broken spine. The soiled leather pouch appeared under a brittle newspaper.
My fingers brushed over fine lace that bordered a light-blue handkerchief. I was mesmerized. I’d never beheld anything quite so beautiful.
“They were childhood sweethearts—” I continued the story, “— She didn’t betray him; he went to war and left her behind.” I moved over to the small candle, which flickered on the stool and held the linen to the light. In one corner, two small symbols had been embroidered in white,
“Maybe her name was Anna—” I wondered what the stitches meant.
“—And her husband’s name was Dietrich,” Anton said, as he untied the small strap and emptied the contents into his hand.
“He smoked,” Anton added as a pipe and small tobacco can rolled out. I went to his side with the satin material still gripped in my fingers. I watched as he inspected the last two contents of the bag, a small photograph of a pretty woman and a crumpled piece of yellow fabric.
I peered at the photograph and whispered, “He was in love.” I fought a smile. I wanted to laugh out loud; this had been a fun game.
“He was a Jew.” Anton’s voice was flat. I looked at his hands as he held the now-open, yellow fabric. It was a star with black lettering. It spelled “Jude”.


Anton dropped everything instantly. His reaction startled me, and I dropped the linen as well. We looked at each other with a simultaneous realization. This room had been a hideaway for a Jew!

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 


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Dangerously Delicious by Denise Swanson

From New York Times best-selling author Denise Swanson comes DANGEROUSLY DELICIOUS, the second installment in her Delicious Love series. It takes one dedicated wildlife veterinarian, plus an impossibly handsome nightclub manager to prove that love always wins. Fans of Jill Shalvis, Bella Andre, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips will devour this sweet and sexy romance.

Title: Dangerously Delicious

Author: Denise Swanson

Release Date: November 6, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Delicious Love #2

Genres: Contemporary Romance


Marco Thorne was hired by Club Wilde’s owner to open up the newest, most outrageous venue yet. He is absolutely certain that he can handle all the competition Las Vegas has to offer until his overbearing boss contracts with Lions and Tigers and More sanctuary to have live exotic animals present in the jungle-themed club. Still, he has no choice but to go along with his boss’s idiotic scheme, even if he thinks it’s the worst idea he’s ever heard.

Dr. Sage DeSantis’s entire life is devoted to keeping the animals under her care in the sanctuary healthy and happy. After the sanctuary’s owner announces that he’s renting out some of Sage’s babies to Club Wilde, she’s sickened that they will once again be exploited.

When Marco and Sage meet, the chemistry between them nearly knocks them off their feet. Although they both have experiences in their past that make them leery of love, and Sage is determined to guard her heart, Marco is all in. But will Marco be able to convince Sage to give them a chance?

Find out more at: Amazon | B&N | Kobo


Copyright © 2018 Denise Swanson

Sage DeSantis held the rifle loosely in her arms. Charlie had gotten free again. The old rascal had somehow learned to pick the lock on the ranch’s gate and had taken to strolling along the side of the highway.

Sage worked as a veterinarian at the Lions and Tigers and More wildlife park. It was a nonprofit originally established to take in big cats that had previously worked in movies and live performances. All of the refuge’s guests were well socialized, and as long as no one got stupid, everyone was safe. Well, none of the humans were in danger.

Lately, Sage had been a bit worried that the animals’ safety, or at least well-being, was at risk. Her bosses had been discussing the diminishing contributions and skyrocketing costs and she had a bad feeling that today’s staff meeting was about that very subject.

However, all thoughts of the looming announcement fled when Sage reached the end of the driveway and spotted Charlie standing over the prone form of her best friend, Deanna Sloan Thorne.

Deanna was as still as a princess in a glass coffin and almost as pale. Charlie, on the other hand, was grinning like a fool and licking Deanna’s cheek. Each time his pink tongue made another swipe, Deanna’s beautiful green eyes widened a little bit more, and as Sage got closer, she could hear her friend’s frightened little squeaks.

Immediately, Sage depressed the button on the tiny device in her pocket. At the sound of the click, Charlie raised his head and glanced around. Another click and he reluctantly trotted over to her. She clipped on his collar and leash, then fed him the treat he expected for responding to the signal.

As the lion ate the chunk of chicken, Sage heard Deanna’s faint voice ask, “Can I get up now?”

“Absolutely.” Sage looked at her friend. “Why are you on the ground?”

Deanna rose to her feet and brushed the dust from her pink capris. “Well, I was waiting for you at the entrance like we arranged and suddenly the gate swung open and that beast ran toward me. When I realized there was a lion coming at me, I think I might have passed out.”

“Running?” Sage raised a brow. These days, Charlie barely made it to a fast walk.

“Running.” Deanna nodded firmly, then relented and said, “Okay, maybe trotting.” She put her hands on her hips. “Why weren’t you there? You were supposed to meet me at ten.”

“Oops!” Sage put her hand over her mouth. “I am so sorry. When I found out that Charlie was missing, I forgot about your tour. Do you still want to see the place?”

“Definitely!” Deanna refastened her ponytail. “But can I carry the gun?”

While Sage showed her friend around, they chatted about Deanna’s recent marriage and Sage saw the love shining from her friend’s eyes. Sage was truly thrilled for Deanna, but a small part of her wished she had been the one to find Mr. Right.

But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. After her disastrous affair at her last gig, she’d given up on men and completely stopped dating. Her ex had been the director of the zoo where she’d been working, so when things fell apart, she’d not only lost her boyfriend but also her job.


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About Denise Swanson:

New York Times Bestseller author Denise Swanson was a practicing psychologist for twenty-two years. She writes the Delicious Love and Change of Heart contemporary romance series, as well as the Scumble River, Devereaux’s Dime Store, and Chief-to-Go mysteries. Her books all feature small-town heroines with lots of heart.

Denise’s books have been finalists for the Agatha, Mary Higgins Clark, RT Magazine’s Career Achievement, and Daphne du Maurier Awards. She has won the Reviewers Choice Award and was a BookSense 76 Top Pick.

Denise Swanson lives in rural Illinois with her husband, classical composer David Stybr.

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Distant Memory by Colleen Myers

You don’t want to miss the next thrilling installment of Colleen Myers’ fan favorite #fantasyromance series, Solum, with DISTANT MEMORY!

Title: Distant Memory

Author: Colleen Myers

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Romance

Series: Solum

Release Date: November 13, 2018

Format: Digital eBook


19 year old Elizabeth Camden survived it all, the experiments, the escape, the retaliation. But it never ends does it?

Available at:  Amazon

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About Colleen:

Colleen S. Myers was raised in a large catholic family in the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she grew up on Harlequin teen romances and stories from her mother’s days as a paramedic. She went on to attend Allegheny College majoring in Biology and English.

After college, Colleen spent a year in service in the Americorp giving back to the community at a local Pittsburgh Women Infants and Children Clinic (WICC) before attending Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine on a military scholarship.

Upon completing medical school, Colleen attended residency at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland and was on base in Washington, DC during 9/11. She earned three meritorious service awards from the military. After serving seven years of active duty, she promptly landed a position at the VA to provide fellow veterans with optimum medical care. Still an avid fan of romances into adulthood, her love of the genre inspired her to hone her craft as a writer, focusing on contemporary romance and science fiction. Her background in medicine and the military provides an inspiring layer of creative realism to her stories and characters.

Her first book, Must Remember, the first book in the Solum series, is published by Champagne Press. The sequel, Can’t Forget, coming in June 2016, is the recipient of the 2015 RWA New England Readers Award.

Colleen currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and son, and spends her spare time writing. She is also working on a new contemporary romance.

Connect with Colleen: Website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram

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First Look: T.A. by Jamie Begley

Fans of motorcycle romance will love the story of T.A. When she goes looking for Mr. Available, she finds something unexpected. Dalton Andrews was a man looking for someone to get his kids off his back. He never expected her.

Out December 4th – T.A. by Jamie Begley

Follow the First Look and #enter to #win one of ten (10) ebooks from Jamie Begley’s backlist

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Title: T.A.
Series: Biker Bitches
Author: Jamie Begley
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: December 4, 2018

Cuffing season was supposed to be about finding a hook-up to keep her warm during the cold Kentucky winter nights. T.A. wasn’t looking for Mr. Right; she just wanted Mr. Available.
That was before she met Dalton Andrews. The widower was nursing a broken heart, and the only thing he wanted was a woman to take his grown kids’ minds off worrying about him.

It was supposed to be a trade-off—he would keep her warm and toasty during the nights, and she would put up a smokescreen in front of his kids during the days. It was a win-win situation.
That was until the famous actor decided he wanted out of the deal and Mr. Available was a no-show during the biggest snowstorm of the year.

Poor schmuck didn’t realize that all the drama he had experienced in Tinseltown was nothing compared to dealing with this bitch.

Find out more at: Goodreads


Author Bio:

I was born in a small town in Kentucky. My family began poor, but worked their way to owning a restaurant. My mother was one of the best cooks I have ever known, and she instilled in all her children the value of hard work, and education.

Taking after my mother, I’ve always loved to cook, and became pretty good if I do say so myself. I love to experiment and my unfortunate family has suffered through many. They now have learned to steer clear of those dishes. I absolutely love the holidays and my family puts up with my zany decorations.

For now, my days are spent writing, writing, and writing. I have two children, my daughter is also an author, and my son just tries not to blush when someone asks him about my books.

All my books are written for one purpose- the enjoyment others find in them, and the expectations of my fans that inspire me to give it my best.

You can also visit her online at the following places: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret