The Witch of the Prophecy by Victoria Jayne

All signs point to Davina being the witch of the catastrophic prophecy, but she’s not so sure.
Out Now! – The Witch of the Prophecy by Victoria Jayne

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Title: The Witch of the Prophecy

Author: Victoria Jayne

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Young Ink Press

Length: 64,000 Words

Release Date: December 4, 2018

Divina’s had it with the prophecy.

The vampire whose heart beats for a witch that belongs to a wolf shall save us all. He shall take his throne and rule over all kinds. If not, the vampire who belongs to the witch will end all kinds.

Divina’s not convinced the prophecy is about her. Her manipulative vampire ex-boyfriend, Rori, is reluctant to give up his love for her to pursue the throne. Meanwhile, the wolf shifter meant to claim Divina doesn’t believe in the prophecy. However, he does believe Divina is his mate.

With the pressures of the prophecy and the most powerful coven in the present-day United States, Divina is left to choose between complying with the prophecy and mating with Aric—or leaving it all behind to allow the catastrophic possibility of supernatural beings getting exposed to humans.

Available now: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

Excerpt 3:
The fruity fragrance of the potted primrose tangled with the hints of sweat and fresh sex. The pillows and duvet coiled into a heap on the bed. However, the couple responsible for the disheveled state was no longer there.

The glow from the moon shone through the large window, causing her ebony waves to shimmer, while he stroked his pale, slender fingers through her hair. He couldn’t recall another time in his life when he had felt as content as he did at that moment. His whole world was in this oversized chair.

Her plump body curved in just the right places; her olive-toned, bare form lounged across his much paler lap. As she flipped through the leather-bound text, Rori leaned in, burying his nose in her hair and inhaling deeply. He savored the raw scent of the woman who had captured his formerly still heart. He couldn’t help but smile.

Turning the page of the old leather-bound book, she read while resting her head against his chest. She was warmer than he was. She had far more life than he did. Perhaps his desire to possess her was something other than infatuation.

Pressing his lips to the top of her head, he didn’t care the cause; he only wished to have her.

How long had they sat there? How long had it been since he’d been inside her? How long had it been since she screamed his name?

Having lost the concept of time long ago, he found it worse when with her. When she shifted her position even slightly, the stimulus stirred his hunger for her again.

“I can’t believe this stuff is so hidden.” She broke through his thoughts.

He smiled. There was much about the world he wanted to show Divina before reality set in.

“Humans would not be able to handle such information.” He stroked her arm with his fingertips. “Or perhaps I should say, they didn’t, so we had to take it away and hide. The world would be a much more violent place if humans knew.”

With a furrowed brow, she turned her glacier-colored eyes that burned his soul, toward him. “You trust me?”

“You’re not fully human,” he reminded her, while playfully booping her nose before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Her innocence drew him in like ants to sugar. He cherished her. These intimate moments with her were more valuable to him than any jewel or treasure.

“So you keep saying,” she grumbled, and once more shifted her hips, eliciting a groan from him.

He wondered if she knew how those full hips affected him.

Her smirk told him all he needed to know about that.

“In all my years, I have yet to be wrong,” he whispered in her ear.

Rolling her eyes before turning them back to the book, she sighed.

“I’m not sure I can handle the responsibility,” she admitted.

There: her vulnerability. Sure, she was mortal, therefore vulnerable. That wasn’t the vulnerability Rori liked. No, the uninhibited honesty she offered him showed her trust in him. How she offered him her true self without concern for self-preservation.


He loved her for it and hated himself for what he had to do with it.

Closing his own eyes, he took in a deep breath of her beautiful scent. Relishing the moment, he pushed the future from his mind.

 In the end, the right now, would be all he had. There was no need to rush it. Right now could end at any moment, and he’d only have the memory to comfort him.

“You are so much stronger than you know, Divina. I will show you,” he said.

Those wide, innocent blue eyes pinned him once more. He hated the Ember Witches at that moment. He hated prophecies. He hated the world for what it was making him do.

“You’ve shown me so much already,” she said with wonder in her eyes.

He forced a smile on his face. “There is so much more.”

Three Years Later

Rori awoke from his daytime slumber with longing in his heart. Sometimes memories were the worst form of torture. When he let her go, he’d made peace with not having Divina.

Forced to walk away from her, avoiding her for three years, had helped in achieving that peace. With the prophecy set in motion, he no longer had that luxury. They sent him back to her.

Author Bio:

Growing up on the Jersey Shore, Victoria was an insatiable reader. She adored getting lost in the worlds others created for her. During her early teen years she enjoyed the works of R.L. Stein and S.E. Hinton. As she got older, she drifted into the worlds provided for her by Anne Rice, Suzanne Wright, J.D. Tyler, Joanna Wylde, Cherise Sinclair, Dianne Duvall, and Elisabeth Naughton, to name a few. These writers spawned her love affair with both the romance genre and the world of the supernatural.

Victoria started writing as a hobby while still in high school. Now her days are spent writing, enjoying time with her husband, and her two children. She still lives in New Jersey. Victoria is a New Jersey Devils Hockey fan, an avid SecondLife Roleplayer, and a Netflix binge watcher.

You can also visit her online at the following places: Website | Facebook | Twitter

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A Duke Changes Everything by Christy Carlyle

Perfect for fans of Lorraine Heath and Tessa Dare. The first book in the new Victorian romance series The Duke’s Den, A DUKE CHANGES EVERYTHING, by Christy Carlyle has the romance and brooding hero that readers will fall in love with.

Out November 27th – A Duke Changes Everything by Christy Carlyle

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Title: A Duke Changes Everything
Series: The Duke’s Den #1
Author: Christy Carlyle
Genre: Victorian Romance
Release Date: November 27, 2018
Length: 384 Pages
Format: Digital/Paperback

In the first novel in Christy Carlyle’s sizzling Duke’s Den series, three men, intent on making a fortune, discover irresistible opportunities . . .

Nicholas Lyon gambled his way into a fortune and ownership of the most opulent, notorious gentlemen’s club in England. But when Nick’s cruel brother dies, he inherits a title he never wanted. The sooner Nick is rid of the estate that has always haunted him, the sooner he can return to the life he’s built in London. But there’s one obstacle—the exquisite Thomasina Thorne.

When the new heir to the Tremayne dukedom suddenly appears in Mina Thorne’s life, she’s flustered. Not only is he breathtakingly handsome, but he’s also determined to take away her home and position as steward of the Enderley estate. If Mina learns what makes the enigmatic duke tick, perhaps she can change his mind—as long as she doesn’t get too close to him.

With each day Nick spends with Mina, his resolve weakens as their colliding wills lead to explosive desire. Could she be the one woman who can help him finally bury the ghosts of his past?

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes& Noble | iBooks | Kobo | GooglePlay

Excerpt from A Duke Changes Everything:
“Your sleep was troubled?” she asked softly.

“It always is.”

“I heard you call out. I thought you said my name.” Mina swallowed hard after the admission. She’d probably misheard him, but some rationale felt necessary to explain her presence in his room.

“Did I? Perhaps you’re haunting me in my sleep.” He did that thing with his thumb again, a seductive slide against her skin. His touch rippled out to spark goose bumps along her arm and heat between her thighs.

“You don’t remember your dreams?” she asked, her voice trembling like her insides.

“I try not to.”

“What troubles you?”

“Everything.” He let out a low chuckle, like the rusty creak of a door hinge. Lowering his chin, he assessed her. “Especially you.”

“I never intended to.” She pulled her hand from the duke’s, ignoring the shiver that spiked up her spine from the friction of his skin sliding against hers. “I’ll leave you so that you can get back to sleep.”

“Mina, wait.” He reached out, caught the edge of her arm, and a few strands of unpinned hair tangled between his fingers. “There’s something I must say before you go.”

She moved closer. He was utter temptation, all blazing heat and forest scents, and she felt an odd comfort being near him. She knew she should be scandalized. To be alone with him, a duke of the realm. A gambling club owner. Especially while he wore nothing but trousers and a half-buttoned shirt.

About the Author:
Fueled by Pacific Northwest coffee and inspired by multiple viewings of every British costume drama she can get her hands on, USA Today bestselling author Christy Carlyle writes sensual historical romance set in the Victorian era. She loves heroes who struggle against all odds and heroines who are ahead of their time. A former teacher with a degree in history, she finds there’s nothing better than being able to combine her love of the past with a die-hard belief in happy endings.

You can also visit her online at the following places: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Tumblr | Amazon

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The Spirit of Chrismas by Lauraine Henderson


Lauraine Henderson lives with her husband, dog and cat on 68 acres of woodland 40 miles north of Portland, Oregon. After growing up in Oregon, they moved their family of three children to Utah. From there they moved to Hawaii and Arizona, finally coming back to Oregon in 2015. Their three children, two girls and a boy are all grown and live across the United States. 
After being a professional bookkeeper for over twenty years, she turned her hobby of writing into her first published novel in 2016. She loves to write inspirational romance and romantic comedy and hopes her readers will be both entertained and uplifted by her stories. When she’s not writing, she’s working her way through online university, loves to paint (watercolors, oils, and acrylics), sew, knit, crochet, make beaded jewelry, and read (of course!).
George Stone can’t wait for the Christmas season to be over and his employees, especially his executive assistant, Kathryn Gleason, focused once again on their work. When a missing report requires George to stop in at Kathryn’s parents’ home the day before Christmas Eve, he ends up as an unexpected guest. Between the haunting journals of his late grandfather and the unsettling dream of an unhappy future, George is swept away by the magic of Kathryn’s charm and her family’s love. 


Will the Spirit of Christmas show George the happiness he’s missing and will Kathryn’s warmth and beauty melt his cold heart?


Kathryn awkwardly squeezed past George to leave the room. The electricity between them was almost palpable and he would have bet money she felt it as much as he did. The buzz while she passed him emphasized the emptiness he felt at Kathryn’s departure and added to his emotional strain.
It wasn’t until he started undressing that he realized how out of place his shirt and slacks from work appeared. The elegant cut of his business wear shouted ‘stranger’ in the make-shift bedroom of the back pantry of an old farmhouse. And until this very moment, George would have agreed and embraced the ‘stranger’ label. Now he wasn’t so sure he liked it for himself.
Loosening his tie, he slid it off his neck and rested it on the end of the bed. Pulling his shirt tail out of his pants, he unbuttoned a few buttons and then unhooked the waistband of his slacks. He looked around for a hanger, but the cupboard in the wall held only shelves and he couldn’t see anywhere to hang his pants and shirt. 
“Oh!” Kathryn’s voice surprised George and he grabbed the wall to keep from falling over while his heart jumped around in his throat.
“I’m so sorry. I should have knocked. I didn’t know you would get ready so fast,” she said. The merry twinkling in her eyes as she looked him up and down in his disheveled state brought back that crimson rush.
“Did you want something?” George asked in his most boss-like manner.
Kathryn swallowed and her eyes burned into his. He hung his hands to his side, feeling exposed, even though he was still completely dressed. Had he said that wrong?
Kathryn recovered before George could answer himself. “I brought you these,” she said, holding out a pair of plaid pajama pants. “They belong to my brother-in-law so they should fit. I thought you might be more comfortable in case you had to get up in the night…or something.”


George couldn’t stop the smile as he watched Kathryn’s embarrassed face match his own for color. “Oh, uh, thank you.”


To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Part 1 Official Event page 
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Deception by Leah Moyes

 Leah Moyes happily lives in the sunny state of Arizona…year-round. She is the biological mother of four but claims many more. After a career in the airlines and teaching high school sciences, she has pursued her life-long dream to become an Archaeologist and currently works under the guidance and direction of amazing Archaeologists at Arizona State University. Between writing and archaeological digs, the world has become her playground.


Berlin Butterfly is her first Historical Fiction Series.

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Promises. Devotion. Deception. Betrayal.

It’s 1966 in East Berlin, Germany. The Wall is reinforced with cinder blocks, barbed wire, tank traps and second-generation guard towers to oversee what is known as the death strip. It’s function successfully claims a steady stream of victims longing for freedom and willing to risk everything to escape the destruction known as the Deutche Democratic Republic.
Ella Kühn now in her twenties, faithfully awaits the end of “spoiler alert” ‘s ten-year military sentence, yearning for the moment they will finally be together.
A mysterious disappearance, startling news from the West and surprising betrayal wrench Ella’s dedicated resolve in shocking directions. Her stubborn curiosity and devotion to those she loves pushes her to pursue answers in the face of doubt, danger and even death.

In Deception, book 2 of the “Berlin Butterfly” series, Ella’s search for light in an ever-growing darkness introduces her to new friends, perilous associations and deadly exploits. Will “spoiler alert” ’s love and the belief that he will return be enough to keep Ella on the East side of the wall? Or does heartache and treachery push her to join the family and a life of freedom she longs for?
“This will be our adieu, for tomorrow we will be liberated,” Karl mumbled and hobbled to his chair where his own tattered coat hung. His friends doubled over, equally intoxicated.
“Karl,” I quickly twisted around and reached for his arm. “What do you mean by that?”
“Oh . . .” He laughed again. “Did I not tell you?”
My stare absorbing him hard, I quickly pulled him away from the others and into a corner for privacy.
“We are leaving tomorrow. It’s all planned.”
“What’s planned?” My tone became serious.
“Do not worry about me, princess,” Karl hooted, “I will no longer be bound by the communist inhumanity and their collectivist agenda.”
I shook my head and tightened my grip on his arm. “Please don’t.”
“Oh, sure, you were quite insistent I leave earlier, only now . . . now you want me to stay. I’m sorry I cannot love you.”
Karl’s dramatics got a degree louder at the last of his sentence. He enjoyed the fact I was nearly begging.
“Stop it!” I growled, “You know what I mean!”


“Ella,” Karl seemed sober for one short minute. “There is no life here. I have made my choice. I choose freedom.”

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 


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Game All Night by Lauren Helms

What started as a game between friends turns out to be so much more in GAME ALL NIGHT, the next installment in the Gamer Boy series by Lauren Helms. Ruby Jacobs finds Link Witt opinionated, frustrating, charming as hell, and they’ll only ever be friends, but Link is ready to play this game for real, with no “game over” in sight. Fans of RS Grey and Penny Reid will enjoy this nerdy and flirty friends-to-lovers romance.

Title: Game All Night

Author: Lauren Helms

Release Date: November 26, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Gamer Boy #3

Genres: Contemporary Romance

A game between friends… 


Just friends.

That’s all we are,

All we ever were.

But when I finally let myself go,

Let myself really feel,

The only thing I want is him.

Despite how opinionated, frustrating, and charming he is,

We’re only friends.

He’s my player number two.

But lately, we’re powering up,

Trying for more,

And playing this game just might destroy us for good.



She deserves better,

Better than the game-less douche who gets to have her.

She’s strong, feisty, and so damn smart.

Too smart–if you ask me.

And now, I’m amped up for more,

Ready to play this game,

With no “game over” in sight.

** This book can be read and understood as a standalone but does contain minor spoilers for the first two books in the series. **

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Copyright © 2018 Lauren Helms

“You ready to meet my people?” I ask.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he shrugs.

Yay, he seems really into this. Wonderful.

I grab his hand and lead him to the back room. When we enter, I notice that the table I just vacated is deep in conversation. As we walk to the table, I can’t shake the feeling of being watched. But no one at the table even notices us yet. As we approach, I hear them talking about the publishing house courting Dex about a book deal.

“Hey guys.” I get their attention. Morgan and Gia have big smiles on their faces. Dex and Simon on the other hand are assessing the newcomer.

“This is Mason,” I go around the table and introduce him. Before I’m done with introductions, Bernie pops in between the guys and introduces herself too.

“So, you’re the sports guy,” Dex says, assessing.

Mason laughs it off, “I am. You’re one of the video gamers, I take it?”

“Sure am.” Dex still doesn’t ease his slightly scrutinizing demeanor. They make small talk for a bit. The girls trying to lead the conversation away from the tension the guys are throwing out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered. I suspect this is exactly how my own brother would act right now. But while they are just meeting him, Mason and I aren’t new. I’ve been dating him for a while. It’s not like I don’t know him.

Simon excuses himself to get some refills for the table and as soon as they return, Link appears at the table. He doesn’t sit though, he stands. I could swear he’s puffing out his chest.

“I’m Link. You are?” he shoves his hand out for a shake.

Mason slowly takes a drink before making eye contact with him, making Link wait as he lowers his cup to the table, and grasp his hand.

“Mason. Ruby’s boyfriend.”

Link brings his other hand around and slaps Mason’s back, “Ah. Well it’s great to finally meet ya, Mace. I’ve heard almost nothing about you!” They drop each other’s hand at the same time I hear someone beside me snort.

“It’s Mason,” he corrects.

Link just blows him off, pulls over a stool and starts talking his ear off. I mean, I guess this could have gone worse. Amber, who I didn’t notice before, sits next to Link looking bored out of her mind. Dex and Morgan excused themselves to go chat with their parents. And it seems like the rest of the table are enjoying talking to Mason.

“So, do you plan on working for ESPN or SportsCenter some day? Like, is your gig with WTSL just a stepping stone or are happy where you are?” Bernie asks. She’s adept at keeping the conversation going. She’s also got mad interviewing skills.

Mason snaps out a laugh, he looks a bit annoyed with the line of questioning. Which baffles me since he usually loves talking about himself.

“Well, I have what you call a career. A real job. So yes, I have long-term goals,” he replies.

“Excuse me?” Link and Simon say in unison.

“Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you just play video games all day?” he asks.

“Among other things, yes. But I get paid probably three times more doing what I do than you could even imagine. It’s a real fucking job,” Link bites out and damn, he sounds pissed. I’ve never heard him so angry before.

He laughs. Mason actually has the audacity to laugh right in their faces.

I gulp. I’m afraid to look at anyone but Mason right now. It’s clear that our nice, “getting to know the new boyfriend time” is over.

“Right,” he drags out the word. “Well, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree then.”

Link growls and I risk a glance his way. But, I’m not prepared for what I see. He’s not staring down Mason with fire coming out of his ears, ready to attack. No. My throat catches at the sight before me.

I’m absolutely embarrassed. You know when you’re a kid and you do something bad, and instead of your parents saying they are upset with you, they tell you they are disappointed? It makes it so much worse. That’s how I feel right now.

He’s looking at me with disappointment in his eyes. He holds my attention and I start to say something, to try and fix where this conversation just went. But I stop. He gives a quick jerk of his head. He clears his throat and pushes off of the stool.

“Well, I think that’s our cue to leave. See ya around, Mace.” Link looks to his left to where Amber is collecting her phone and purse. Somehow she still manages to look bored. He motions a quick goodbye to the entire table, avoiding my gaze entirely. Then he walks away.

You could cut the tension with a knife when Simon stands and turns on his heel. He stalks towards the table where Morgan and Dex are sitting. Gia shoots me a pleading look as she follows him. Bernie sits stock-still, worry sketched on her face.

I start to speak, but Mason beats me to it.

“Well, that went well. They all seem alright, but I’m not sure I like the cocky asshole.”

Don’t Forget About Those Other Hot Gamers! Read now for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Level Me Up (Morgan & Dex) – Gamer Boy #1


One More Round (Gia & Simon) – Gamer Boy #2

Enter to win a signed set of all three Gamer Boy books!

(Includes Level Me Up, One More Round, and Game All Night)

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About Lauren Helms:

Lauren Helms has forever been an avid reader from the beginning. After starting a book review website, that catapulted her fully into the book world, she knew that something was missing. Lauren decided to take the plunge and write her first novel. While working for a video game strategy guide publisher, she decided to mix what she knew best–video games and romance. She decided to take the plunge and joined NaNoWrimo and a month later, she had her first draft.

Follow Lauren: Website

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Pre-Order: Theirs Ever After by Katee Robert

Have you discovered THE THALANIAN DYNASTY series by NYT Bestselling Author Katee Robert?

In THEIRS EVER AFTER Theo, Galen, and Meg’s journey continues as they navigate the new realities of their relationship. Fans of Laura Kaye’s THEIR’S TO TAKE or Sierra Simone’s AMERICAN QUEEN will devour this cinderella-esque ménage.

Start reading the series for FREE! Download THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT, the novella that introduces you to Theo, Galen, and Meg for FREE at:





Add THEIRS EVER AFTER, FOREVER THEIRS, and THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT to your TBR pile on Goodreads then keep reading to get a sneak peek excerpt and your chance enter the giveaway to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Title: Theirs Ever After

Author: Katee Robert

Genre: Contemporary Romance/Thriller/Menage

Release Date: December 3, 2018

Publisher: Indie

Series: The Thalanian Dynasty

Page Count: 62K

Format: Digital


Sometimes happily ever after isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…

Theo Fitzcharles thought he’d put the worst behind him when he became King of Thalania and named his two lovers, Meg Sanders and Galen Mikos, as his Consorts. Unfortunately, the realities of running a country have worn on all of them, individually and as a triad. Theo has every intention of making things right, but first he has to deal with an old enemy who’s closer than anyone could have dreamed.

Meg Sanders never wanted to be a princess. Now that she’s one of two Consorts to the King of Thalania, she knows why—it’s work. Every time she turns around, she’s misstepping and struggling not to screw up the careful political maneuvering required for her new position. But her struggles with the new position are the least of her worries she’s attacked in the palace.

Theo, Galen, and Meg must race to identify her attacker and neutralize them before they can make another attempt to hurt her. There’s plenty of people who want Meg out of the palace—and at least one isn’t picky about whether she’s breathing or not when she goes.

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Theirs Ever After Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Katee Robert

Theo opened his eyes to see his best friend, his lover, his Consort, standing over him. Galen looked as tired and worn out as Theo felt, though where Theo had lost weight, Galen had gained muscle. No telling where he found the time to work out, but the evidence was in the way his T-shirt stretched tight across his shoulders and chest and the clear definition in his legs. He couldn’t even appreciate the new changes for fear of what they indicated. Are we going to war, Galen?

Some days it certainly felt like it.

He finished up his set slowly, drawing in the burning of his muscles as he strained against the weight of the bench press. In this moment, he was perfectly present. It wouldn’t last. It never lasted. But he had right now, and it would have to be able to shore him up for the coming conversation.

Theo wiped his face with his towel and stood. “Okay, I’m done. What’s wrong?”

“Would you like a list?”

Fuck, something was wrong. Theo glanced at the door to the gym, instinctively looking for the audience they had for most of their waking hours. The door remained closed, which didn’t mean no one was listening, but it lessened the likelihood. Even with the cameras blinking in the corners of the room, they were as close to alone as they were likely to get. “Galen, talk to me.”

“Not tonight. Not like this.” Galen started for the door. “Meg had a hard day, Theo. We all did.” Subtle comment, less subtle bite. If he concentrated, Theo could almost see things unraveling around him. He’d known life wouldn’t be simple once he retook the throne, but the freedom of exile had gone to his head and he’d forgotten just how easy it could be to drown in this world.

It sure as hell seemed like all three of them were a few short breaths from doing exactly that.


And he didn’t know how to fix it.

This wasn’t the time or place to get into it. Darkness had fallen while Theo was preoccupied, and most of the palace staff had gone home. It didn’t leave the halls empty—they were never empty—but there were fewer people to bow and murmur greetings as he and Galen stalked toward their private suite. Theo managed to nod in response, but he schooled his expression to discourage actual conversation. In his current mood, he couldn’t guarantee what he’d say if someone tried to stop him now.

They slammed into their suite and Theo grabbed Galen’s arm before he had a chance to leave the sitting room. “What’s going on?”

“No. Fuck that. You don’t get to play the concerned partner now.” Galen shot a look toward the main rooms and lowered his voice. “You got what you wanted, Theo. You got your cake and you’re eating it, too. The first King of Thalania in history to name two Consorts. Congratu-fucking-lations.”

Theo rocked back on his heels. This conversation had been a long time in coming, and even knowing it bore down on him with all the subtly of a runaway train, he still wasn’t prepared. “You knew—”

“No. I don’t need to hear that I went into this with eyes wide open. I know I fucking did.” Galen dragged a hand over his face. “Meg has three months before school starts up again. She’s fucking miserable, Theo. She puts on a brave face for you, but underneath she’s messed up.”

And what about you?

Theo didn’t voice the words lodged in his throat. He’d learned a long time ago not to ask questions he might not want answers to, and this numbered among them. He didn’t point out that he’d given both Galen and Meg a chance to leave six months ago, and he sure as hell didn’t point out that they could leave now if they were so inclined. He might be an ass sometimes, but not about this.

Not when they’d already sacrificed so much.

He couldn’t fix this. Not yet. Things would calm down once he got the Families in line and brought his siblings around. Camilla was happy to see him, of course. Even with their father’s death, his baby sister had been kept from the worst of the political bullshit. At sixteen, she was just starting to dip her toes into the water, and he’d do whatever it took to ensure she remained safe while she figured out her own path.

Their brother was another story altogether. For just under a year, Edward had thought he’d be king. Having that taken away, rightfully or no, created a divide between them that Theo didn’t know how to fix. Especially when Edward announced his intentions to attend Oxford for university, and left within weeks of Theo’s coronation. There were a handful of nobles who’d jump at the chance to use that separation for their own ambitions, and he needed to fix it before things got worse.

But not tonight.

Tonight, he had to fix this.

Theo snagged the back of Galen’s neck. His friend resisted for a second, but then he exhaled harshly and let Theo pull him closer until their foreheads pressed together. Tell me what you need. Theo closed his eyes. Galen didn’t have to tell him. He knew what Galen needed—what they all needed. “Where is she?”


Good. She’d be nice and relaxed. He tightened his grip on Galen’s neck. “The food?”

“An hour.”

Good boy. Sex wouldn’t solve any of the undercurrents in the long term, but it would help release the tension that had been growing with every passing day. Trapping the two people he loved was never part of the plan, but Theo couldn’t shake the feeling that was exactly what he’d done. He released Galen and stepped back. “Strip.”

Theo turned and walked deeper into the room without bothering to make sure Galen obeyed, knowing it would piss his friend off, and knowing that anger was exactly what he needed to purge the festering feeling beneath. At least for tonight. Tomorrow, they would talk and further clear the air. Open communication was the only way this would work, and they hadn’t spent enough time alone together to get to the heart of things in the last couple weeks.

His fault. He knew that well enough.

He’d fix it. He’d find a way to fix all of it.

Theo pulled off his shirt and tossed it over the back of the desk chair. He kicked off his shoes and then walked into the bathroom. Steam fogged the mirrors and Meg had turned off all the lights, leaving only the trio of thick candles lit on the half wall between the tub and the sinks. It gave the room a dark, intimate feeling that he approved of. He stalked to the edge of the tub and took a seat near her head. She had her eyes closed and the water licked at her breasts as if determined to offer him teasing glimpses.

“Thought you weren’t working late tonight.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. Things didn’t go well with Lord Huxley, and I didn’t want to come back here with that frustration riding so close to the surface. I needed some time to cool off.” He smoothed a hand over her hair, tangling his fingers in the dark strands. She looked good. The decadent meals the staff insisted on putting together had filled out her curves, and he couldn’t count her ribs the way he’d been able to when they first met. Theo kept stroking her hair and used his free hand to urge her onto her stomach. The new position freed him up to work at the knots of tension lining her shoulders and upper back. Tension that was his fault. “Let me take care of you tonight, princess.” Galen walked naked into the bathroom and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. Theo met his gaze steadily. “Let me take care of both of you.”

Other books in The Thalanian Dynasty series

Forever Theirs

In FOREVER THEIRS an exiled prince, his bodyguard and the woman they can’t seem to leave alone, must return home to clear his mother’s name and reclaim his crown.

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Theirs for the Night

THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT is a novella. Theo, Galen, and Meg’s story continues in the novel FOREVER THEIRS.

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About Katee Robert

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it ‘a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension.”  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram | BookBub

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