The Immundus by Christina Enquist



Christina Enquist is a YA author and aspiring bookstore owner. She lives with her boyfriend and several pets in Visalia, Ca.


Would you sacrifice your humanity to save mankind?
IT’S THE YEAR 2828, and Domus is the last remaining country. Divided into twelve walled cities known as genuses, Domus spans what’s known as the purist lands—lands unaffected by the genetic modifications that killed all other species of mammals. But outside the walls of each genus the Immundus threaten the welfare of those within. From a young age, all citizens of Domus are trained for combat against these intruders.


At sixteen, Nia Luna knows little of the Immundus, except for the citywide alarms that ring any time an Immundus nears the genus walls. What she does know is that her own species is dying—their numbers dwindling as a mysterious disease called allagine kills many before their eleventh birthday. The same disease that ravaged her family when it took her sister.
When Nia is recruited into Genesis, a research company pioneering the path to a cure, she knows that her dream to find a cure for allagine is finally within her grasp. But within weeks of starting at Genesis, Nia witnesses something she shouldn’t have—something that changes everything. As she sets down a dangerous path that uncovers national secrets, Nia will have to decide not only what kind of person she wants to be but also how far she’s willing to go to save humanity.
Q&A With the Author:
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I am currently in rehearsals
for a play called The Humans. We open June 7, 2019.
2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? I don’t know if I have
a quirk.

3. Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better writers?
If so, what are they? Read, Read, Read. Especially in the genre in which you

4. Where do you get information and ideas for your books? I find that my best
source of inspiration is through meditation.

5. What do you think makes a good story? When the reader is
taken through various emotions. 


6. Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you
like to do in the summer? My favorite Summer vacation was in Yosemite National
Park. My family and I stayed in these tent cabins and hiked and enjoyed nature.


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Daisies in the Driveway by Lauraine Henderson

Lauraine Henderson began writing as a child,
poems and journaling, until babies, building houses, and bookkeeping jobs
usurped her world. Now, well established in Oregon and with the children grown,
she devotes her time to writing her favorite genre, clean romance. 

Years of
life experience translate into plots, calamities, and happily-ever-afters as
she writes her inspirational and romantic stories about fictional people who
seem so real, you’ll want to know what happens after the book ends!

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Allison Lockwood and Gavin Hunt have
been offered the chance to take over the Lazy Daisy Inn and Campground so their
respective grandparents, the current owners, can retire and marry. It seems all
too easy for Ally and Gavin to prove themselves during the six-month probationary
period until they’re fighting disasters at the campground and failing at
over-optimistic baking expectations.

As Ally and Gavin slowly explore their growing attraction, they help each other
fight fires, endure raging storms, and share a few passionate kisses. But
there’s more than fires to fight when Ally’s grandfather disapproves of their
budding romance and Ally is convinced Gavin has a girlfriend in the wings…a
girlfriend expecting his baby!

Ride along as the two unlikely innkeepers figure out how they fit in their new
life and learn the lesson taught by the Daisies in the Driveway.

~ Universal Amazon Link
Q&A With the Author:
1. What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m doing
schoolwork. For the last two years, I’ve been taking two online classes each
semester and I’m loving it. I also make time every evening to read. There’s a
saying that to be a better writer, you need to read a lot. I know that’s true
and I especially love it when one of my favorite authors comes out with a new
book or series.
2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I think my most interesting writing
quirk is this: when I’m writing a scene, I will often close my eyes and type,
while I envision the scene playing out in my mind, like a movie. I can see the
setting, while I write the description. I hear the characters’ dialog and feel
as though I’m transcribing it rather than inventing it. I love it when scenes
like that come together.
3. Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better

Suggestions for budding authors:
•          Write
a lot; read a lot.
•          You
can’t edit what you haven’t written. Keep writing and go back later to edit.
•          Understand
that the revision process is the hard part; be ready and willing to make
•          Leave
your ego at the door when you ask someone for a critique. Be willing to take
the advice of others.
•          Don’t
delete pieces and parts in your revision process; put those snippets in an
“outtakes” file. It makes it easier to let the words go.
4. Where do you get information and ideas for your books?
Most of the time my story ideas
come to me as inspiration. My characters introduce themselves to me and ask me
to tell their story. Sometimes, they even tell me their names. The details of
their story I frequently take from my own personal experiences or experiences
of people in my family.
5. What do you think makes a good story?
Since I write about romance, what
makes a good story for me is the discovery process of two people as they fall
in love. A good story includes good character development with believable
situations and genuine emotions. I don’t need an extreme heartache or
insurmountable obstacles to be miraculously overcome. I like a good story with
reasonable problems, quirky sidekicks, and confident characters. I especially
love it when humor is included and people can laugh at themselves.


6. Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you like to do
in the summer?
My favorite summer vacation was in
the winter of 2000. Our family flew from Salt Lake City to Orlando and spent
six wonderful days at Disneyworld. Halfway through our trip, Tomoko, our friend
from Japan, joined us. We spent one day in each ‘kingdom’ and after Tomoko
arrived, we returned to our favorite rides and shows with her. Our children
were old enough to ride on all the rides and young enough to still enjoy being
with their parents. Disneyworld’s ability to put people from all walks of life
on the same playing field, as it were, gave us the opportunity to mix with
numerous cultures and find commonality in Disney-fun. I still listen to the
music from the Millennial celebration and remember the good times we had there
that winter.


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Storm Child by Melanie Mason



is an author, designer, photographer, and flight attendant all rolled into one.
She has told stories all her life and finds her passion in sharing the plots
that spin through her head. She now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her two
dachshund-chihuahua dogs. She loves the beauty of the Pacific Northwest that
feeds her imagination.
When no one is listening, Melanie loves to belt Broadway songs in her living
room and car. Someday she hopes to be on a flight where someone is reading her

escape capture by Imperial soldiers, 16-year-old Eridale Storm leaves the only
home she’s ever known and drags her younger sister into the wilds of
Mericon—the Empire that formed when America collapsed. Hoping to find safety
with their mother who disappeared when Eridale was three, the girls follow
clues that lead them across the country, but the empire hounds their every

The journey draws Eridale deeper into the conflict between the Empire and the
rebel Freedom Fighters, producing questions about Eridale’s heritage, questions
no one wants to answer.

Caught between the threads of deception, rebellion, and betrayal, Eridale
struggles to find out who she is. The answers she finds could lead the country
back to freedom or shackle them under the imperial throne forever.

This is book 1 of a 4 book series and not a stand-alone book.


Q&A With the Author:
1.  What do you like to do when you’re not
            I like to read, hike, go to the
beach and relax, sew, bake sweets (way more than I should), and once in a while
I get caught up in jewelry making.
2. What would you say is your interesting
writing quirk?
            I don’t plan out any of my stories. That being said, sometimes I
really am surprised by what I am inspired to write. It’s like I’m reading the
book for the first time, but it’s in my head.
3. Do you have any suggestions to help budding
authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
            Write. Write. Write. Write stories
about your day, write anecdotes about your experience at the store or on a
drive, share stories with your friends and family. If you like writing fiction,
practice making stuff up. And please, please, please, learn proper sentence
structure. It will help you in the long run to have a lot less to edit.
4. Where do you get information and ideas for
your books?
            The ideas I get are inspiration. I
feel that nothing is born simply of my genius. All of my experiences in life,
in work, in reading, in church, in relationships comes to play in the birth of
a new idea. When it comes to information such as historical facts, locations,
and modern views of different subjects, I really like Wikipedia. Google Maps
and I are also very good friends.
5. What do you think makes a good story?
            I alway say that if a story can make
me forget the outside world and feel the entire gamut of emotion then it is a
great story. The stories I remember the most are the ones that make me mad,
sad, happy, jealous, ache for the character or their situation, cry, or thrill
at their wins.
6. Tell us about your favorite summer vacation?
Or what do you like to do in the summer?
            My favorite summer vacation was
actually when I was younger. We would always go camping in the summer. I loved
it. Now that I
’m older and don’t like to be cold, I love
sitting on a warm beach (so not the Oregon coast). What I usually end up doing
in the summer is reading—a lot, editing, hiking the amazing trails in the
Columbia River Gorge, and spending time in my back yard soaking up the rays
while I read a good book.


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Coffee Cottage Collection by Lynn Watson


Lynn U. Watson has incorporated her
love for Jesus and passion for essential oils into a three-volume devotional
Collection, sharing spicy and aromatic essences of Scripture. Her devotions
encourage you to diligently cultivate your heart and grow your roots deeply in
an intimate relationship with Jesus. Lynn holds a BA in Journalism from
University of Memphis, a certificate in aromatherapy, and is a practicing
 She and Steve have been married since 1973 and call Bartlett,
Tennessee home. Their lives are blessed with two adult children, their spouses,
and five beautiful, of course, grandchildren. Jasmine, her tuxedo kitty, runs
the house. Her current work-in-progress is a novel inspired by a painfully
challenging event in the life of her great-grandmother, changing the course for
her family forever.


All three of the Cinnamah-Brosia devotionals in one ebook volume! 
Fruits; spices; essential oils; & botanicals of all kinds sprinkled over
& planted on the pages of the Bible provide insights into God’s word. Our
Coffee Cottage’s fictional characters, Cinnamah-Brosia and friends,
courageously use the essences to season the world around them with an
overflowing measure of Jesus. All three volumes of Cinnamah-Brosia’s
Inspirational Collection for Women are featured in this single e-book.

“The Essence of Courage: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Solomon’s
Locked Garden and in Your Heart”

As you breathe in the fragrant aromas found in Solomon’s Locked Garden (Song of
Solomon 4), you’ll harvest the Fruit of the Spirit and cultivate it in the
garden of your heart.

“The Essence of Joy: Filling Your Heart with the Aromas of Jesus’

The scents of Christmas invite our imaginations into the holiday season. What
emotions flood your heart when the holidays aromas waft your way?

You’ll meet women of the Bible and contemporary women (Cinnamah-Brosia and
friends) like you and me who will encourage you to discover the refreshing
essence of a life lived in the presence of Jesus. Let JOY fill your heart with
the aromas of His nativity.

“The Essence of Humility: Live and Love Like Jesus”

We live in a culture overwhelmed with disrespect, egos, entitlement, rudeness,
and offense — lives focused on self, rather than God or others.

Jesus entered our world and walked among us. He placed no importance on rank or
position. Jesus’ life reflected love because it reflected humility, and He
invites us to live and love like Him.

You’re invited to travel with Cinnamah-Brosia and friends once again to meet
real-life people — our contemporaries and those on the pages of God’s word, who
encountered the same real-life challenges you and I face each day. Learn the
blessings of a life lived like Jesus lived —- with love and humility.


Q&A With the Author:
What do you do when you’re not
My other job is reflexologist. I serve
about 8 clients a week. That helps pay the bills, (yes, I have those, too)
giving me freedom to write. I have a few online game obsessions like Words with
Friends and Wonka’s World. Mostly they’re a great escape from life’s demands. I
also bake bread for my family from freshly milled grain, read, craft, travel a
little, and spend time with my grandchildren. It’s summertime, and I’m eager to
get in the pool.
What would you say is your interesting
writing quirk?
As a child, I learned to focus on books,
homework, and projects while tuning out many distractions around me.  It became a coping and survival skill – one
carried throughout my life. Not always a positive thing, when sometimes I tune
out important stuff, too. So, there’s usually noise in the background when I
write, don’t ask me what songs they played on the radio. I won’t have a clue,
but I will have accomplished much in my writing world even in the midst of
television shows, others’ conversations, radio blaring and more.
Do you have any suggestions to help
budding authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
writers’ conferences. They are available throughout the year at different
locations. Many are very affordable. Soak up all you can from those who lead
these workshops. Make connections with other authors on many different mile
markers along their writing journeys. Many will become treasured friends.
from a well-published devotional writer during a one-on-one session at a
writers’ conference in 2016, led to the three devotional books which are
compiled here as the Coffee Cottage Collection.
a first chapter critique group at the same conference this year, we were given
a resource list of great books to help us really learn how to “craft” our
books. I’ve completed one of them and started on a second. My work-in-progress
is a Christian Historical Fiction novel. A novel is definitely uncharted water
for me. Reading the books, I’m learning so much to make my story shine. Make
the investment.
Where do you get information and ideas
for your books?
2004 I discovered essential oils and their properties and aromatic influences.
God gave me many fresh insights into different passages of Scripture where the
plants are mentioned. Almost from the beginning of my essential oil journey, He
laid the task of putting knowledge I gleaned into book form. Through prayer,
and over time, the devotional books look much different than I ever expected.
I’m thankful it all came together perfectly and in God’s perfect timing.
of the stories in the devotional collection came from friends, family, and even
strangers willing to share snippets of their lives that fit the chapter themes.
by events in the life of my great grandmother, I stepped up to the challenge of
fictionalizing and writing her story as a novel. There is so much more I don’t
know about her than I do, but I believe the story will be used to bring beauty
from ashes almost 150 years later. Her noble cause: a voice for the unborn. I’m
praying a trip to her home in Germany will become reality this summer. I count
on even more insight, walking where she walked.
authors, I believe, would agree. Research, research, research, for accurate
facts and information. I remember the tediousness of card catalogs and
periodical indexes from school term paper days, and sing praises for the ease
and extent of research made possible by the internet today.  
What do you think makes a good story?
inviting us into their lives honestly and authentically. Their flaws and
troubles, their positive attributes, and their quirks are visible. The
characters also willing allow us to witness their changed lives often through
perils and less than ideal circumstances. By the story’s conclusion, they leave
the reader with an encouraging dose of truth and hope. 
Tell us about your favorite summer
vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
weekend getaways to more places than occasional long trips are my favorites,
and keep it interesting. We joined friends in Charleston, South Carolina a few
years ago. Our rented cottage on the beach offered perfect sunrises. Up early
and coffee in hand, I caught them from the third floor deck each morning. The
history and architecture of the city, the friendly people, wonderful cuisine, a
sunset sailing adventure, and seagrass baskets along with good company, made
for a memorable get-away – one I would repeat in an instant!


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Stay by Allie York

Release Tour for STAY by Allie York
Brought to you by Forever Write PR



Allie York is back with a novella, STAY, from her lovable The Shores series. Blair Smith takes her work seriously and her men casually. Jaxon Stone spent his whole life picking himself up from a life in foster care, always looking for the family he never had. Fans of accidental pregnancy romance will adore this steamy yet heartful read.


About STAY
Title: Stay
Author: Allie York
Release Date: June 6, 2019
Publisher: self-published
Series: The Shores Book 2
Genres: Contemporary Romance


Blair Smith is her own woman. She’s strong, independent, and proud of it. Owning a wildly successful boutique by day and having a different date every night is her idea of living the dream. Blair takes her work seriously and her men casually, until she makes the best decision with the worst possible man.


Jaxon Stone spent his whole life picking himself up. From a child in foster care to a teen in juvie, life always seemed to dish out the worst. Once he landed at The Shores Animal Hospital Jax found a family. The only thing missing is someone to share that family with.


Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited


Goodreads ➝


Copyright @ Allie York 2019


Jax swaggered over just as the coffee pot beeped. He reached around me, leaning in close to take the pot, and pouring two cups before putting it back. “You always drink that much? I thought you were a health freak.” He dumped way too much sugar in the coffee.
        “It’s all about balance.” I shrugged putting a teaspoon of sugar in mine. “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, and it will all balance out.” I sipped my coffee, watching him lean against the counter like he belonged in my kitchen. “Do you go?”
        “To the gym? Yeah, that one across town, Frankie’s.” He stared at the coffee, then me. “I’ve slept with too many women at World Fitness to go back. It got weird.” I nearly spit my coffee.
        “How many?” I looked into his gray eyes. Maybe it was the daiquiris, but Jax was sexy. In his button down, all the tattoos were covered, but I knew they were there. His arms had these skulls and stuff on them, but he never looked like a thug. He looked like a badass. Only Jax could pull it off. When he didn’t answer, I walked past him to the living room, and he followed.
        “Maybe eight?” Jax sat at the other end of the couch, slouching back in a classic manspread. I curled my legs under me, trying not to give him a clear shot up my skirt. At least my buzz left me a little dignity.
        “Maybe eight? You don’t know?” I teased, sipping my coffee.
        “No,” Jax said it like he couldn’t give me a number if he tried.




Don’t Miss Book #1 in the series, SIT. Get your copy today, it’s on SALE for a limited time!




Author Allie York:

Allie is a mom and dog groomer by day. At night she is posted at her laptop writing or reading in a cozy corner. She has a soft spot for gooey romance, over-creamed coffee, and anything cute and furry.




This blogger event is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page!


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Second Love in New York City by Keri Brooks McWhorter


Keri Brooks Mcwhorter is a sixth
generation native of Chandler, Arizona. She’s fourth-generation graduate of
Chandler High School, and has a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Arizona State
While serving a mission for the LDS Church, she met her husband in New York
City. They have three children, a love of family, and an English Bulldog.


~ Facebook

and Ben’s families have been close friends since they moved next door to each
other. When Madelyn’s husband Luke died, she swore she’d keep her marriage vows
intact by remaining single for the rest of her life. 

She and Ben relied on each other for everything after he joined the widower

Now Madelyn’s daughter is marrying Ben’s son, and everyone’s going to New York
City for the wedding – including Heather, the woman Ben’s been dating.

Will Heather succeed in breaking up Madelyn and Ben’s friendship, or will they
discover their second love in New York City?



Q&A With the Author:
1.     What do you do when you’re not
When I am not writing I am reading, cleaning, hanging out with
friends and family or serving at my church. 
2.  What would you say is your interesting
writing quirk?

I have such a crazy imagination, I will get an idea or have some
crazy dream and I have to stop whatever I am doing in the moment and get in on
paper. Yes I always have to write on paper first. 
3.    Do you have any suggestions to help
budding authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
My advice to budding authors (myself) is to get in there and get
dirty. Go to seminars, take classes, join writing facebook groups, critique
groups and go to writing retreats. You will create opportunities for yourself
to learn and to meet others. 
4.     Where do you get information and ideas
for your books?
I get my ideas from things that I think I would personally be
interested in reading about, my weird imagination, my dreams and situations
around me strike ideas. 
5.    What do you think makes a good story?
I always love humor in my stories, adventure and of course a
little bit of love.


6.    Tell us about your favorite summer
vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
Arizona summer times for me mean lot’s of movies with air
conditioning and popcorn or lot’s and lot’s of swimming with my kids. 


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