Guinever: The Legend by Cheryl Carpinello


I’m a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds—Ancient Egypt, Medieval Wales, and coming soon, a hair-raising adventure through ancient worlds in search of 5 rare Phoenix Feathers.

All of my books come with Free study guides and/or extensive Back-of-the-Book materials.

My husband and I love to travel. In 2008, we spent three weeks in Egypt traveling by local train from one end of the country to the other; in 2014, we spent three weeks in the UK driving over 1700 miles through England, Wales, and Scotland; and in 2016, we spent a week in Iceland. We’ve also traveled to Mexico, Jamaica, and Aruba. Our next big adventure will be to Greece and Italy.

When I’m not writing or traveling, our 4 grandkids keep us busy.

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Their friendship put him in harm’s way. Will it be enough to save him? 

Across the dark water to the land of ancient Gaul, renegades take Cedwyn and the littl’uns farther from home and rescue.

Led by her heart rather than her head and without any thought for her safety, fifteen-year-old Guinevere sets out alone to save Cedwyn. And if she fails…?

Eleven-year-old Cedwyn’s trust in Guinevere is absolute. But will his sacrifice to save her and protect the littl’uns end with the loss of his own life? 

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Believing in someone takes monumental effort at the best of times. In the worst of times, it can mean the difference between life and death.
Cedwyn called the littl’uns over, motioning them to sit. Inspecting them, he decided that apart from a few bruises, they had come through okay. Their clothes were ripped and torn. Scratches and blood showed on most of their arms. The fear in their eyes as they watched him tugged at his heart, but there was hope also in those trusting eyes. Hope and belief that he, Cedwyn, would save them.
Exhausted, he explained what would happen. “Tomorrow we leave here. Wherever they’re taking us, it’s a two-day journey. From there, I don’t know.”
“But Cedwyn, what’s going to happen to us?” Crystin asked, her sweet face now streaked with dirt and traces of vomit.
Cedwyn took a deep breath before answering. “I think they are planning to sell us as slaves.”
Gasps greeted his words. John whimpered.
“Will we still be together?” Edwyn asked.
All of them drew in a breath as they waited for his answer.
“Yes,” Cedwyn said, hoping they didn’t realize his lie. “I’ve made that clear to them. I’ll make sure of it.”
They all exhaled at once.
“For now, I want you to eat whatever they bring us and drink water. In the morning, don’t eat or drink a lot. Food and water in your stomach won’t sit well during the wagon journey.” He locked eyes with each one to be sure they understood. “Rest tonight. It will be easier now that the ground doesn’t move. Doubt we’ll be able to sleep much in the wagon. Don’t count on stopping either. I think they want to get rid of us as quick as they can.”
“Cedwyn,” Elen raised her hand. “When will Guinevere rescue us?”
“Shh. You mustn’t say her name ever again. They can’t know.” His eyes shot furtively around to make sure neither of the renegades was close enough to hear. “She’ll be here as soon as she can. But don’t mention her again. They can’t know she’s coming.”
Five heads bobbed vigorously.
“Hey, you little snots. If you want to somethin’ to eat, you best get over here now, or I’m gonna throw it out.” Ulf laughed enjoying his humor.
“Go,” Cedwyn said, “and remember what I said.”
Needing no further encouragement, the littl’uns jumped up and ran to get the food. One by one they came back and sat in a small circle by Cedwyn. Each carried a chunk of bread and thick slice of cheese. Owain brought back a bucket of water and a scoop. Elen handed Cedwyn his portion of bread and cheese before sitting next to him. Silence prevailed as they devoured the slim meal and took turns with the water scoop.
With their hunger lessened, they lay down and fell into a deep sleep, exhausted by the day’s ordeal. Cedwyn watched over them until he nodded off to a restless sleep.
Cedwyn stood and stretched his stiff muscles. Stoking his face, he winced as he felt the scab that had formed overnight on the side of his lip. When he took his hand away, it was stained with blood. The wound still oozed. The time will come when he will pay for this, both of them for all of this. Turning toward the sea, he sent a silent plea to Guinevere. Come quick, Guin’ver. Come quick.


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Bookish Princess by C. Lesbirel

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Bookish Princess by C. Lesbirel is a contemporary Beauty and the Beast. Fans of enemies to lovers and angsty love stories will devour this new adult romance. The next installment of the Modern Princess Collection is now LIVE!


Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Desperate to escape the responsibility that came with her gypsy roots, Bella buries her head in books and does everything she can to hide her true identity.  

Hunter was born to fight and win, but fighting for Bella is a losing battle from the very beginning. 


When she is forced to marry a monster, will she take a chance on love and see beneath the beast, or will she run away and turn her back on everything she knows?


If you enjoy angsty love stories and need to know what happens when love is unrequited, you’ll love this new adult, Beauty and the Beast retelling.



About C. Lesbirel

Clare Lesbirel is a lover of all things pink and fluffy with a huge obsession for Happy Ever After’s. This includes most romance novels, country songs, and Hallmark movies. She lives in England where she spends most of her time reading or dreaming up new love stories. She first published with her best friend under the pen name, Autumn Ruby in 2018 and won a handful of indie author awards. It is the love and support of the friends she has made along the way that has led her to follow her dreams of publishing sweet, sexy stories that celebrate the relationships of the perfectly imperfect.

Clare loves to befriend those who are equally as obsessed with hot alpha’s as she is, so be sure to catch up with her on social media.

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About the Modern Princess Collection


Once upon a kiss, a modern romance becomes a fairytale.

The prestigious Camelot University comes fully equipped with elitist guys, a castle, and a Glass Ball, but these self-proclaimed princesses don’t need crowns to prove their worth. They’ve taken love and life into their own hands and written their own fairytale. 

Follow seven of your favorite fairytale heroines as they find their happily ever after, in these standalone, contemporary romance novels. The ladies of Cam U are a dangerous combination of cute and badass, full of attitude and imperfections, and an innocence only fairytales can convey.

Want to keep up with all the Modern Princess Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!  


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Cover Reveal: Cherish by Evelyn Sola

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We are excited to share the cover for CHERISH by Evelyn Sola! Readers who love the unlucky in love trope will enjoy this diverse, light, and steamy romance. Keep reading for more details about this upcoming read!


I thought I finally had my life figured out. Fate? Destiny? I know mine. But one afternoon questioned everything I thought I knew.
Then it happened. Dr. Jason Dupree crashed into my life.
His eyes linger on me longer than they should in polite company. You see, there is nothing polite about him. 
He’s arrogant and overconfident. His touch? It’s my undoing. 
I let him know in no uncertain terms that he is not the man for me. 
He is not my destiny.
And his reaction? Totally unexpected.
The things in my life that matter to me? It’s a short list. My career, a handful of family and friends. To call myself unlucky in love would be a gross understatement. Hence my list. It’s how I keep it all figured out. 
Then one morning, that safe little list collides with my future.
Her eyes follow me everywhere, and they see through me like a soul x-ray. But it’s her touch that nearly brings me to my knees. 
She doesn’t see it, though.
She’s full of denial and sass, and her stares are indignant. She’s a liar too. Telling me she’s interested in another man. 
My reaction? Let’s just say she never saw it coming. 
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About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find her with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.  

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor. 

She currently lives in Washington, DC with her husband and two daughters.

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The Secret Sisters Club by Monique Bucheger

Twelve-year-old BFF’s Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor, want to be sisters. Ginnie’s widowed dad plus Tillie’s divorced mom could equal a lifetime of round-the-clock girl talk and slumber parties. Too bad Dad vowed to never marry again. 
Ginnie and Tillie come up with the perfect scheme to change his mind: ‘Operation Secret Sisters’ (aka OSS). After all, if they can’t get Dad to move on, Tillie can’t move in.


When Monique isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi driver to one or more of her 12 children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events.
Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy the journey that is her life. She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children and 3 in-law kids, eleven granddarlings, 5 cats, and many real and imaginary friends.


She is the author of five published books (and several unpublished ones) and is in two anthologies. You can find more about Monique and her works at: 

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Top Ten List

Ten fun facts about the book

1) Secret Sisters Club was written AFTER Trouble Blows West

2) Heart of the Wests (Ginnie’s home)  is a real place in Ohio.

3) The blonde girl on the cover (Gracie–who is modeling for Ginnie) lives in the real West Farmhouse.

4) The brunette girl on the cover (Jessie–who is modeling for Tillie)–is Gracie’s cousin in real life.

5) There are real goats, chickens, cattle, dogs, cats, turkeys, ducks on the real West farm–but NO horses.

6) Queenie West’s (Ginnie’s mom) personality is based on Gracie and Jessie’s grandmother. Gracie looks very much like her–just as Ginnie looks like her mom.

7) I spent a lot of time at the “real Wests” farm–as a teenager–babysitting the kids that lived there–especially Gracie and Jessie’s dads–and their aunt.

8) Gracie and Jessie’s cousins grew up on a different farm I mention in the books: Chandler’s Crossing–Toran and Ginnie’s friend, Austin’s home. 🙂

9) Gracie and Jessie’s grandpa and grandma were my 4H leaders as well as my friends.

10) I raised a lamb named Appomattox (because I was fascinated with the Civil War)  on the real West farm and showed it at fair as a teen.

Snippet # 5) This is a fun scene between Ginnie, her dad, and Uncle Jake:

Ginnie reached the first step. “Uncle Jake, Daddy won’t tell us what Mama used to call him.”

Uncle Jake winked. “Oh, you mean like Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love? Or Hot Stuff or …”

Dad took a step toward his brother. “Or ‘You can stop talking now’.”

“That could be, but I don’t remember that one.” Uncle Jake ducked when Dad raised his fist.

Ginnie, Toran, and Vi burst out laughing.


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Rebel Princess by Lynn Stevens

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REBEL PRINCESS by Lynn Stevens is a modern romance retelling of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Fans of military romance, sweet love, and coming of age stories will enjoy this new adult romance. The next installment of the Modern Princess Collection is now LIVE! 


Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited


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I was born to rebel.


Against love. Against authority. Against myself.


Perfect precision, that’s how I planned my life. Dancing was my whole world. I wanted to be in the spotlight with all eyes on me, but recently, my heart’s pulled me in a different direction. Writing for the school paper has excited me in a way dance never has. Exposing truths trumps pirouettes and countless hours in the studio and being true to myself is more important than keeping dangerous secrets hidden.


Getting close to Colin and his lacrosse buddies allowed me access to their secrets—but I had no idea how deep they went. On the brink of exposing them, I was set back. No sources, no boyfriend, and no way to get justice. No matter which angle I pursued, my story kept getting shut down.


Until I met the guy with the scars. The one who helped me when I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. He came into my life out of nowhere, saved me, and taught me to believe in myself. Then, when I finally did, he didn’t believe in me. I had to stand on my own two feet, fight for my values, and for what I needed—for what I had earned—and learn that justice always comes with a cost.


About Lynn

Lynn Stevens flunked out of college writing her first novel. Yes, she still has it and no, you can’t read it. Surprisingly, she graduated with honors at her third school. A former farm girl turned city slicker, Lynn lives in the Midwest where she drinks coffee she can’t pronounce and sips tea when she’s out of coffee. When she’s out of both, just stay away.

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About the Modern Princess Collection


Once upon a kiss, a modern romance becomes a fairytale.

The prestigious Camelot University comes fully equipped with elitist guys, a castle, and a Glass Ball, but these self-proclaimed princesses don’t need crowns to prove their worth. They’ve taken love and life into their own hands and written their own fairytale. 

Follow seven of your favorite fairytale heroines as they find their happily ever after, in these standalone, contemporary romance novels. The ladies of Cam U are a dangerous combination of cute and badass, full of attitude and imperfections, and an innocence only fairytales can convey.

Want to keep up with all the Modern Princess Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!  


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Right Princess by Autumn Archer

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Autumn Archer’s modern Princess and the Pea retelling follows Ada in her search for the right guy in RIGHT PRINCESS. Readers who love friends to lovers will love this new adult romance. The next installment of the Modern Princess Collection is now LIVE! 


Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! 


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Ada is the daughter of jewelery designer royalty. An age-old contract stipulates that as she is the next in line to take over the family legacy, she must marry wealth. Ada goes to Camelot for both education & to find a suitor. She attends incognito as doesn’t want people to know who she is. 


Theo Hunter is the bar manager of The Reef and becomes her best friend. They do everything together. He dates a string of women bc he can’t find the right girl… even though he knows Ada is that girl … but she’s infatuated with her roomie’s big brother, Ro Huxley. 


Ro Huxley will inherit billions. He’s the captain of the football team and drop-dead gorgeous…the ideal candidate for marriage but is he the right one for Ada?


About Autumn


A Northern Irish #1 Bestselling Romance Author who thrives on gin and the written word. She’s a mother to two cool kids, two cute dogs and has a fluffle of wild rabbits in the back garden. Between working in the city during the day, entertaining the brood, feeding the husband and cuddling with the pups, she somehow manages to write romance.


She delves into the darker element of life at times giving her romantic suspense books a curious edge, with alpha men who have to work hard to win over strong women. That being said, she also loves to write sweet and swoony books that make you fall hard. The stories always have a heap of sexy scenarios that are best enjoyed by adults.


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About the Modern Princess Collection


Once upon a kiss, a modern romance becomes a fairytale.

The prestigious Camelot University comes fully equipped with elitist guys, a castle, and a Glass Ball, but these self-proclaimed princesses don’t need crowns to prove their worth. They’ve taken love and life into their own hands and written their own fairytale. 

Follow seven of your favorite fairytale heroines as they find their happily ever after, in these standalone, contemporary romance novels. The ladies of Cam U are a dangerous combination of cute and badass, full of attitude and imperfections, and an innocence only fairytales can convey.

Want to keep up with all the Modern Princess Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!  


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