Fusion by TJ Amberson

TJ Amberson hails from the Pacific Northwest, where she lives with her husband and nutty cocker spaniel. When she’s not writing, TJ might be found enjoying a hot chocolate, pretending to know how to garden, riding her bike, playing the piano, or surfing the Internet for cheap plane tickets. With a love of many genres, TJ Amberson writes sweet romance for adults, and historical fantasy and contemporary sci-fi adventures for teen and mature tween readers. 

Alexis Kendall has a pretty typical teenage life: a crush on a cute guy, a loathing of chemistry, and a tendency to stumble into embarrassing mishaps. But everything changes after an unexpected discovery in chemistry class gives Alexis incredible powers. 
With her powers rapidly growing beyond her control, Alexis races to her teacher, Mr. Haber, for help. A chilling twist of events leaves Mr. Haber and his young assistant, Noah Weston, no choice but to reveal to Alexis a secret. And suddenly, Alexis is faced with a decision that will change her life forever. 

Q&A With the Author:

1. What is your favorite Autumn Time activity?

 Taking walks to view the colors of the changing leaves.

2. What is one of your writing quirks?

 I typically do one proofread backward, meaning I read the last page first, then the next-to-the-last page second, and so on.

3. Which of your books was your favorite to write? And why?

 I’ve loved writing all my novels, but FUSION has been my all-time favorite. This story was so fun to create! I love the characters, the undercover world they’re in, and the challenges they’re up against. I love the dual point of view between Alexis and Xander. I love the unexpected twists and turns the plot takes. This book was just a blast to write – it’s such a fun, high-stakes, fast-paced adventure!

4. Who is the person or group of people who most support you in your writing? What have they done for you?

 I’m extremely fortunate to have lots of people support my writing, both before a book is published and afterward. I’m forever thankful for everyone’s enthusiasm. My number-one supporter is my husband. He lets me read drafts to him, bounce ideas off him, ask him questions – he’s my biggest cheerleader and advocate, and I’m grateful for his constant support and encouragement.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer’s block? And what advice would you give to others who are struggling?

If I hit a moment of writer’s block, I walk away from the computer and go do something else, whether for a few minutes or the rest of the day. Taking a break is, for me, the best cure.

6. Autumn time has its own set of foods/flavors. What is your favorite Autumn comfort food?

There are so many wonderful Autumn comfort foods, it’s hard to choose a favorite! Autumn squash soup from Panera Bread is definitely near the top of the list. Apple cider with a little cinnamon is also a contender. Hot chocolate, mac-and-cheese, caramel apples . . . like I said, it’s hard to choose a fave! 


Two Masters by Jaclyn Weist

Jaclyn is an Idaho farm girl who grew up loving to read. She developed a love for writing at a young age and published her first book in 2013. She met her husband, Steve, at BYU, and they have six happy, crazy children who encourage her to keep writing. After owning a bookstore and running away to have adventures in Australia, they settled back down in their home in Utah. When Jaclyn isn’t herding her kids to various activities, she serves on the board for her local arts agency, runs a writing workshop, and stays up late writing books in various genres.

Jaclyn’s Young Adult books include The Luck Series, Lost in a Fairy Tale series, Magicians of the Deep, and Two Masters. 

Gwen’s family had only one rule—stay out of Grandma’s garden. And if it wasn’t for her annoying cousin, she never would have broken it. Everything seems fine until she pulls an ancient book from the old well inside.

And pays for it.

A dark magic is unleashed from its prison, and Gwen becomes its new host. Now, not only does she have to learn to use her own magic, she must also keep the dark magic from taking over her soul. Some rules are made to be broken. But breaking this one may just destroy the world. 


Q&A With the Author:

1. What is your favorite Autumn Time activity?   Sports with my kids (I have one in football, one in volleyball, one in Marching Band, and two in soccer!) and watching the leaves change. And of course, decorating for Halloween!

2. What is one of your writing quirks? I have to have some kind of music in the background or I can’t write.

3. Which of your books was your favorite to write? And why?  My Luck Series will always have my heart because Megan is just so darn fun. But Two Masters was probably my favorite. It took more out of me to write and it was like there was this little voice saying “Hey, don’t forget this part!” the whole way through. Which is funny since that’s kind of the premise of the story.

4. Who is the person or group of people who most support you in your writing? What have they done for you? Tristi Pinkston has been my person to write with because she helped me get my start with a writing group. IWriteNetwork friends and Sprint Writers Central friends are who have helped me through all of my writing. Answering questions, brainstorming, sprinting, making me write, etc.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer’s block? And what advice would you give to others who are struggling?  My biggest thing is just writing anyway. And if I can’t write that one, I go to a different book and try that one instead. The longer you wait to write something, the harder it is to get back into it. So just write. You can always edit the blah stuff out of it later!

6. Autumn time has its own set of foods/flavors. What is your favorite Autumn comfort food? Hot chocolate! I’m one of those who actually love candy corns as well. And while I’m not the biggest fan of pumpkin spice, I do like pumpkin pie – for Thanksgiving!


Max’s Halloween Adventure The Shawdow of the Witchfinder by Wendy Leighton-Porter

A graduate of Exeter University, Wendy spent 20 years as a teacher of French, Latin and Classical studies before a change of career led her to writing children’s fiction. Currently residing in Abu Dhabi, she lives with her husband and beautiful Tonkinese cat.  

Wendy’s “”Shadows from the Past”” time-travel adventures, featuring 3 children and a rather special cat called Max, are aimed at the Middle Grade age group. This award-winning series also includes several shorter novellas that see Max the talking Tonkinese cat undertaking solo missions. Now working on the 18th book in the series, “”The Shadow of the Shifting Sands””, Wendy hopes that her love of history, myth and legend will rub off on her young readers as she takes them on a magical mystery tour through the past. 

 In his fifth solo mini-adventure, Max the talking Tonkinese cat, the feline hero of the SHADOWS FROM THE PAST series travels back in time to the mid-seventeenth century. 
He doesn’t understand how this has happened until he recognises his surroundings and realises it isn’t the first time he’s been to this place. Why has he been brought to this tumbledown cottage in the middle of nowhere? All is about to be revealed…

In 17th century Essex, at a time when most people believed in witchcraft, the name Matthew Hopkins was enough to strike fear into the heart of many a woman who lived alone with only a pet cat for company… for Hopkins was the Witchfinder General.  
The 15th book in the Shadows from the Past series takes the time-travelling foursome back to the year 1646. It isn’t Max’s first visit to the village of Mistley Thorn, but this time his friends Jemima, Joe and Charlie are by his side.

Their mission is to bring an end to Hopkins’ campaign of terror. Will they succeed, or might this prove to be their most dangerous challenge yet? “ 

Q&A With the Author:

1. What is your favorite Autumn Time activity?

Going for long walks in the countryside and seeing the autumnal colours of the trees, with their leaves turning all shades of yellow, gold and red – one of nature’s real wonders. I also love the smell of bonfire smoke – it takes me right back to my childhood. In the UK, we celebrate Guy Fawkes on November 5th with bonfires and fireworks.

2. What is one of your writing quirks?

It’s not so much a writing quirk, but more of a post-writing quirk. When I’m reading through what I’ve written, usually at the end of a chapter and again when I’ve finished the book, I always read it aloud to see how it sounds. Also, I find that typos and errors jump out more readily that way.

3. Which of your books was your favorite to write? And why?

Two of my “Max’s Adventures” spring to mind: Max’s Midnight Adventure, because it made me laugh as I was writing about my funny feline hero’s escapade in the attic one night and, more recently, Max’s Royal Adventure. My favourite uncle, who loved reading my books, had recently passed away. He was especially fond of Max, so I decided to write this book especially for him – it’s dedicated to him, but I’m sad that he never got the chance to read it.

4. Who is the person or group of people who most support you in your writing? What have they done for you?

My husband is my biggest supporter but also my most ruthless critic! He does a great job of editing my work. In addition, I’m lucky to belong to a group of fellow authors who seem to enjoy my stories and who are hugely supportive, supplying vital encouragement and advice. 

5. What is your trick for getting past writer’s block? And what advice would you give to others who are struggling?

Like many other authors, I struggled to write during the Covid-19 virus lockdown earlier this year. I desperately wanted to make a start on my latest book in the series, but just couldn’t make any headway and found it really tough-going. It was frustrating, to say the least, but I decided I couldn’t waste this valuable time and forced myself to sit down at my laptop every single day. To begin with, I only managed a few lines at a time, sometimes a paragraph, but I persevered and, eventually, the creative juices began to flow… and I’m pleased to say I got there in the end. The Kindle version is already available on Amazon and the paperback version will be published soon. The Shadow of the Great Fire is a perfect pandemic read, set during the last episode of Bubonic Plague to affect England in 1666. 


So, my advice would be to try to write a little each day, even if  the ideas aren’t flowing naturally and it feels as if you’re wading through treacle. When you read it through the following day, you might want to delete some of what you’ve written, but I genuinely believe it kickstarts the creative processes! 

6. Autumn time has its own set of foods/flavors. What is your favorite Autumn comfort food?

I love pumpkin soup – it’s real comfort food. I’m also partial to roasted chestnuts, which remind me of my father who is sadly no longer with us. 


Cover Reveal: Game Winning Goal by Kay Gordon

The final book in the beloved 425 Madison Ave is nearly here! Check out the amazing cover for GAME WINNING GOAL by Kay Gordon, a must-read sports romance!


Life was good. I had a great job, amazing people surrounding me, season tickets to see my favorite hockey team play, and a cat that I could cuddle. Although it didn’t seem glamorous, I was happy. But when the shy, handsome, and somewhat awkward hockey player slid into my life, I realized that I could be happier. I wanted to be more than just content with life.


I knew I wanted to be a hockey player from the moment I put on my first pair of skates. I played

hard for the Titans, proving that I belonged on the top line. But just when I finally made it, an injury took me out of the game. While feeling sorry for myself and waiting to heal, I met the bubbly, beautiful, and smart pediatrician who brought me to my knees. She made me see that there was more to life than scoring goals. A love of the game helps bring these two together and onto a path towards a different kind of love.

Cheyenne and Kamden’s road isn’t as smooth as ice, though. What happens when Kam’s recovery isn’t easy and his position on the team is threatened? Cheyenne has to figure out how to break down his defense and Kam has to realize that he might not always be the one to score the game-winning goal.

After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

Pre-Order Game Winning Goal today!

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Want to jump into 425 Madison Ave now?

Don’t miss Two For Holding, Kay’s other book featured in the first season!


Read Two For Holding, Porter & Savannah’s story!

About Kay Gordon

Kay Gordon is a married mother of two living near the west coast. She spends her days teaching young, impressionable minds in public school and evenings typing away furiously once her children are in bed. Her favorite genres to read are Contemporary Romance and New Adult/College romance, although she rarely denies a good paranormal or dystopian! When she’s not teaching or writing, Kay loves to spend time with her family. They’re all a bunch of nerds who can quote Disney movies and Star Wars quickly!

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About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Rounding out the summer with some hot city nights and coasting into fall with more cool characters at this famous high-rise, 425 Madison is returning for a third season!

With some familiar faces and some brand new residents – you’ll be sure to find an author you love and a trope to ignite your taste buds after all 425 Madison IS the perfect place to fall in love!

We’ve got an amazing line of up must-read romance authors including, Lauren Helms, Allie York

J Marie, Kay Gordon, Marcie Shumway, Aubree Valentine, S.L. Sterling, and Fiona Tulle

Prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Season One and Two feature stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, KC Enders, Marci Shumway, and C. Lesbirel. All these authors came together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Covering all of your favorite tropes each tale offers you something new, something different.

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals, and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Catch up on the first two seasons, available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited!

Her Last Love by Marcie Shumway

Reid wasn’t looking when he saw her. Katreana stayed focused so she didn’t think about that time she was left at the altar, but when she saw him, she took notice. Can he prove he won’t hurt her and can she trust him enough to move on? Readers will fall in love with this jilted bride romance from Marcie Shumway. The 425 Madison series is back with season three and HER LAST LOVE is live!


Women were not on my radar. My business was all

I needed.

Then she walked into my shop and changed all that with

one look.

How was I going to convince her I wouldn’t

burn her like her ex?


Men were not on my radar. After being left at the altar,

I realized I needed to focus on myself and my job.

Then he walked into the room, and everything shifted.

Could I trust him enough to share my secret and move on?

I guess only time will tell…

After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

Read Her Last Love toady!

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copyright @ Marcie Shumway 2020

“No man is ever going to be good enough for my little girl,” he whispered huskily. “But Travis is pretty damn close.”

I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes to the ceiling to ward off the waterworks. With a soft kiss to my cheek, my father released my hands and moved to my side. Looping my arm through his, I used the other hand to pick up my dress, so it didn’t drag as we walked down the stairs. With a nod of satisfaction that everyone was ready, my mother ushered the girls out with the exception of Anna and led the way down the hall. My father and I followed with my cousin on my heels, making sure the train on the dress stayed off the floor.

My face hurt; my smile was so broad. Everyone around me was as well, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. We reached the stairs, and I kept my eyes on my feet, so I didn’t trip, allowing my father to lead me. When I reached the bottom, I looked up and found Max, the best man, waiting at the back door with a look on his face that I couldn’t identify. Confusion and concern rolled through me since he should have been at the altar with Travis.

“What’s going…”

“I’m sorry, Kat,” he apologized, cutting my question off.

I gulped.

“Sorry for what?”

My stomach rolled with nausea.

“We can’t find Travis.”

“What do you mean you can’t find him?” I asked, shaking my head.

I felt Anna come to my side and felt her hands grip my elbow while my mother moved to my father’s other side. A united front as we’d been my entire life. It brought little comfort, especially when the next words came out of his mouth.

“He packed a bag and took off,” he explained, tugging gently on his tie. “He won’t answer his phone.”

“His parents?” I choked out.

“His mother left last night, and his father is here, but severely hungover. He doesn’t know where he is either.”

My knees threatened to buckle. This was a mistake. Something must have come up at the office, and he ran late coming back. He would be here. He had to be here. We were getting married.

“This was with my tux.”

The envelope, marked with the bed and breakfast logo, had my name on the front in his clear, concise handwriting. I didn’t fight the tears, I let them flow down my cheeks as I took it from him with a shaky hand. Without letting go of my father, I opened it and pulled out the small piece of paper.

I can’t go through with this. I’m sorry.

Read Her Last Love Now!

About Marcie Shumway

Marcie Shumway is a small-town girl, born and raised in Maine. She resides with her high school sweetheart on a family-owned farm just miles from where she grew up. Her hubby and their four furbabies are her first loves, but they are followed closely by her writing, apple pie, and chocolate.

Marcie started writing short stories in middle school for her classmates to enjoy. They were always love stories with happy endings and spurred her dream of being a published author. Chasing that dream as an adult, she continues to write stories for her readers to love. An avid reader herself, Marcie thrives on the books of her favorite authors and when not writing, can be found curled up in her favorite spot with a good book in hand.

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About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Rounding out the summer with some hot city nights and coasting into fall with more cool characters at this famous high-rise, 425 Madison is returning for a third season!

With some familiar faces and some brand new residents – you’ll be sure to find an author you love and a trope to ignite your taste buds after all 425 Madison IS the perfect place to fall in love!

We’ve got an amazing line of up must-read romance authors including, Lauren Helms, Allie York

J Marie, Kay Gordon, Marcie Shumway, Aubree Valentine, S.L. Sterling, and Fiona Tulle

Prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Season One and Two feature stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, KC Enders, Marci Shumway, and C. Lesbirel. All these authors came together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Covering all of your favorite tropes each tale offers you something new, something different.

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals, and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Catch up on the first two seasons, available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited!

Stagefight by Mel Walker

She doesn’t want to be on the stage, but she’ll fight her biggest fear. For him. Mel Walker’s STAGEFIGHT is the sweetest combination of dance fiction and celebrity romance. This retelling of the Princess and the Pea will liven up any stage and is perfect for fans of The F List and Take the Lead. Part of the Internet Famous Collection, STAGEFIGHT is now live!


The stage is no place for romance.

Hell, it’s the last place I should be. I’ve always been happy living my life as if no one is watching because frankly, they aren’t. Then my personal world is upset forcing me out of my comfort zone. In the blink of an eye, my entire world is overturned. I’m about to fight my biggest fear and it’s going to play out in front of the entire world. Why would I do this? Because of him.


Music is my life, but the mask I wear to protect my carefully crafted persona also restricts me from evolving. A tragic event and a chance meeting have me willing to risk it all. But before I can, those that protect me insist on one thing: a hidden pea. It’s risky, ingenious, and cruel, but it will work. Only a true princess of music will be able to feel it in her bones. It’s a challenge we’re up for even if we are forced to fight for what we seek.

I’m about to give them something only she can feel. Queue the music.

This STANDALONE, modern-day fairytale retelling of the ‘Princess and the Pea’ is the sweetest combination of dance fiction and celebrity romance. Part of the Internet Famous Collection.

Read StageFight today!

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Copyright 2020 @ Mel Walker

I was right. The heat has already caused him to peel off his hoodie. I’m mesmerized at his muscles popping and straining against his tight T-shirt. He approaches quickly, too quickly. I try to hide the fact that I’ve been staring at him by slinking into the dark corner, but he rushes up and turns the corner quicker than I expected.

Our bodies collide. My green juice spatters between our chests, the cool liquid causing an instant mess. My gaze lowers to his broad, muscled chest as the liquid begins to blend into his dark T-shirt.

“Fudge,” I whisper and close my eyes, knowing my choice of an all-white outfit for a move is my latest epic fail. I have no one to blame but myself.

I feel the warm tingle of his finger as he lifts my chin slowly. I force open my eyes to meet his soft, sympathetic gaze.

“Sorry about that, Princess. I don’t know how I missed seeing you when it’s clearly the best sight here.”

I blink and try to process his words. “Poppy,” I whisper.

“Yeah, I know,” he returns.

“But you called me Princess.”

He takes a small step back as the liquid from the juice drips down my chest to my shorts and makes its way down my legs.

He whips his T-shirt off in a flash and uses the shirt like a rag, pressing it against my legs in order to stop the progress of the juice before it reaches my white Converse sneakers. “Poppy is too ordinary. You deserve to be called Princess. Princess P, it shall be.”

The insane statement is delivered like a proclamation.

Read StageFight today!

About Mel

Novelist, Short Story Writer, Native New Yorker and life-long frustrated NY Mets fan. I love writing about ordinary people placed in difficult situations, especially as it relates to their closest relationships. (in other words, Life).

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About the Internet Famous Collection

Subscribe to the Hotness.

Whether they accidentally rose to fame or staked the claim, these modern-day princes are social media royalty. Follow the Internet famous celebs as they deal with fame, power, and the consequences of falling in love. Each story is a STANDALONE fairytale retelling with an HEA and swoon-worthy alphas. There’s a little something for every book craving.

Want to keep up with all the Internet Famous Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!

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