As everyone knows October is breast cancer awareness month. My great grandma on my dads side of the family died of breast cancer before I was even born but I have always wished that she would have been around because she seems like she was a great women when she was alive. It is sad to know that the chances of a women developing breast cancer is 1 in 8. Estroven is trying to get women to band together by hosting pink themed parties.
For my Sleep Pink party I decided that I wanted to get together and just relax and watch movies. As you can see I picked tons of chick flick movies but there is also a great list here if you are looking for other ideas.
We also had pink drinks along with pop corn from the theaters because who can have a movie night without stopping by and getting the good popcorn from the theaters! Here is also a great place to get idea’s of drinks and food you can make for your own “Sleep Pink” party.
During the month of October, Estroven is providing women with the necessary tools to host a Sleep Pink-themed party on The site will allow party hosts to upload photographs of their events, and for every photo, the company will pledge $100 to benefit the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. It will also provide information to help organize the Sleep Pink parties including downloadable invitations, menopause-friendly
drink and food recipe suggestions, as well as décor and entertainment ideas.
To find out how to host an Estroven Sleep Pink-themed party and raise funds for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, visit
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Estroven. The opinions and text are all mine.