First Look: It Began With A Lie by Michele PW

Here’s your FIRST LOOK Michele PW’s upcoming romantic psychological thriller, IT BEGAN WITH A LIE! Join us as we get our first peek at this psychological thriller with an eerie twist of romantic suspense. Plus, enter to win one of ten digital ARCs of IT BEGAN WITH A LIE!

Title: It Began With A Lie

Author: Michele Pariza Wacek

Release Date: September 10, 2018

Publisher: Love-Based Publishing

Series: Secrets of Redemption #1

Genre: Psychological thriller, romantic suspense, paranormal

Word Count: 110K

Format: Print and digital

A fresh start. That was what Becca hoped the move from New York to Redemption, Wisconsin would be for her troubled family. A way to get her crumbling marriage back on track, and to bond with her difficult 16-year-old stepdaughter.

But instead of a new beginning, Becca is thrust into the mysterious past she barely remembers, as she is now living in her aunt’s house (or what the locals call “The Witch House”).

But is the house really haunted? Or is there something far more sinister out to destroy them?

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Copyright © 2018 Michele PW

“You’re right. It’s perfect for us. I’m so glad we’re here,” I said, lying through my carefully pasted-on smile.

I tried to make my voice bright and cheery, but it sounded brittle and forced, even to me. I sucked in my breath and widened my smile, though my teeth were so clenched, my jaw hurt.

Stefan smiled back—actually, his mouth smiled but his dark brown eyes, framed with those long, thick lashes any woman would envy, looked flat … distracted. He hugged me with one arm. “I told you everything would be okay,” he whispered into my hair. His scent was even more musky than usual, probably from two straight days of driving and lack of shower.

I hugged him back, reminding myself to relax. Yes, everything is going to be okay. Remember, this move represents a fresh start for us—time for us to reconnect and get our marriage back on track. It’s not going to happen overnight.

His iPhone buzzed. He didn’t look at me as he dropped his arm and pulled it out of his pocket, his attention already elsewhere. “Sorry babe, gotta take this.” He turned his back to me as he answered the call, walking away quickly. His dark hair, streaked with silver that added a quiet, distinguished air to his All-American good looks was longer than normal, curling around his collar. He definitely needed a haircut, but of course, we couldn’t afford his normal stylist, and not just anyone was qualified to touch his hair.

I wrapped my arms around myself, goosebumps forming on my skin as a sudden breeze, especially cool for mid-May, brushed past me—the cold all the more shocking in the absence of Stefan’s warm body.

He has to work, I reminded myself.  Remember why we’re here.

I remembered, all right. How could I forget?

I rubbed my hands up and down my arms as I took a deep breath, and finally focused on the house.

It was just as I remembered from my childhood—white with black shutters, outlined by bushy green shrubs, framed by tall, gently-swaying pine trees and the red porch with the swinging chair. It sat all by its lonesome in the middle of a never-developed cul-de-sac, the only “neighbors” being an overgrown forest on one side, and a marshy field on the other.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t exactly the way I remembered it. The bushes actually looked pretty straggly. The lawn was overgrown, full of dandelions going to seed, and the porch could definitely use a new paint job.

I sighed. If the outside looked like this, what on earth waited for me on the inside?


I swallowed back the bile that rose in the back of my throat. It slid to my stomach, turning into a cold, slimy lump.

The house of my childhood.

The house of my nightmares.


About Michele PW:

Michele Pariza Wacek (also known as Michele PW) taught herself to read at three years old because she so badly wanted to write fiction. As an adult, she became a professional copywriter (copywriters write promotional materials for businesses, nothing to do with protecting intellectual property or putting a copyright on something) and eventually founded a copywriting and marketing company. She grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and currently lives with her husband and dogs in the mountains of Arizona. You can reach her at She’s published two novels, “The Stolen Twin” and “Mirror Image,” both psychological thrillers/mystery/suspense books.

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Deep Cover by Scarlett Cole

Back with the next installment in her Love Over Duty series, comes DEEP COVER by Scarlett Cole. For Ex-Navy SEAL Cabe Moss and FBI operative Amy Murray when the sparks begin to fly—and the stakes rise to dangerous heights—are they in too deep? Fans of alpha heroes and workplace romance won’t want to miss this hot romantic suspense.

Title: Deep Cover

Author: Scarlett Cole

Release Date: July 31, 2018

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Series: Love Over Duty #3

Genres: Romantic Suspense

Page Count: 336

Format: Print and digital


Ex-Navy SEAL Cabe Moss always comes when called to duty—at all costs. Even though the death of his fiancée nearly destroyed him, Cabe won’t let his past interfere with any work that has to get done. When his latest task pushes him to team up with FBI operative Amy Murray, a fierce beauty with the undercover skills to match, Cabe must admit that, for the first time in years, he wants to do more than just complete their mission together…

Amy was born ready for this assignment, but working side-by-side with the the strong, silent, and frustratingly professional Cabe seems to be the biggest challenge of all. But when the sparks begin to fly—and the stakes rise to dangerous heights—the only thing Amy is left worrying about is how she can resist him. Their lives may be in danger, but their hearts hold the biggest risk of all…

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Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole

“Where are you hiding my baby girl?” a large voice boomed from the Caesars Palace hallway.

Valentina nodded her head in the direction of the doorway. “You should go find him before he disrupts any of the private tables,” she said with a smile.

Amy wandered to the door and found her Stetson-clad father looking into one of the rooms. “I’m right here, Dad,” she said as she hurried to him and hugged him in the hallway. He smelled of leather and cigar smoke. Maybe it was because she’d lost her mother so many years ago, but it was impossible to explain the feeling of safety that washed over her when she was fortunate enough to spend time around her father.

“Let me look at you,” he said, taking a step away from her. He studied her face. “Humph. San Diego appears to agree with you. I was kinda hoping it wouldn’t.”

“It does. And while you know I can’t talk about what I’m working on, the job does too.” Over her father’s shoulder, she saw Cabe walking toward them with Uncle Clive. She smiled when she noticed that Cabe was wearing a black jacket that fit him to perfection. He’d remembered. “Dad, let me introduce you to Cabe Moss.”

Her father turned and offered Cabe his hand. “Well aren’t you one big son of a bitch? If you’re the guy who has my little girl’s back, I feel better already.”

Cabe’s face broke into a grin. “My pleasure, sir.”

“Sir. I like manners in a man. Military?”

“A SEAL, sir.” Cabe said.

“Well, let’s see if we can’t teach you a thing or two. Which room are we in, Clive?”

As Uncle Clive led her father farther down the hallway, she turned and noticed Cabe’s eyes were on her legs. Her bare legs. “Eyes up here, soldier,” she said, humor in her tone. It made her feel warm inside that he was looking.

“It’s sailor,” he said with a wink. “They’re good-looking legs, and I’m only human.”

It was wrong to let him flirt, it was wrong for her to respond, but for a moment, she wanted to pretend the rules didn’t apply. She reached forward and brushed a piece of lint off the shoulder of his jacket, then smoothed down his lapels. It was an intimate thing to do, she knew. And a risk, given the requirement to stay focused on the job. But hell, a piece of her had always believed in the what-happens-in-Vegas slogan. Here, in the middle of Caesars Palace, the real world didn’t truly exist. “You look good in a suit, sailor.”

Cabe placed his hands on top of hers and squeezed them gently. “You’re killing me, Ames.”

The heat of his fingers burned her inside. Made her want things she had no business wanting from a man she had no business wanting them from. “Why Ames?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just like it. It’s catchy. Makes you sound like one of those TV cop heroines from the seventies.”

Amy looked at their joined hands for just a millisecond longer before pulling them away. “You should go and start practicing,” she said. “If I’m going to work my way into the Lucky Seven Casino’s inner circle, I’d feel better if you were there too.”

“I’ll be there. But rest assured, even if I’m not invited, I’ll find a way to cover your back.” Cabe placed his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her forward gently to place a chaste kiss on her forehead. “I’ll be there, even if you can’t see me. I promise.”

Want to start from the beginning? Grab the first two books in the series today!

Read UNDER FIRE (Book #1) Now! Buy Now:  Amazon | Amazon UK | B&N | Chapters Indigo | iBooks

Read FINAL SIEGE (Book #2) Now! Buy Now: Amazon | Amazon UK | Chapters | B&N | iBooks

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About Scarlett Cole

The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.

I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I’m getting the chance to follow that dream.

Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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First Look: Claiming His Lioness by Kerry Adrienne

USA Today bestselling author Kerry Adrienne’s Shifter Wars series comes to its epic conclusion when former enemies align, but is it too late to protect everyone they’ve come to love?

#Preorder your copy of CLAIMING HIS LIONESS and add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads! Then keep reading to get an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek at CLAIMING HIS LIONESS!

Title: Claiming His Lioness

Author: Kerry Adrienne

Release Date: September 3, 2018

Publisher: Carina Press

Series: Shifter Wars

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Format: Digital


Lara has always relished being a thorn in Mason’s paw. When she was chosen as pride Enforcer, it was easier than ever to get under the passionate shifter’s skin. But with the scent of humans in the air comes a threat she’s powerless to battle alone.

It’s time Lara unites with the one man she needs, the one man she’s secretly drawn to…as if by fate.

If there’s one thing Mason hates more than relinquishing control to a female, it’s the attraction he feels for the fiery lioness. Joining forces with Lara against an insidious enemy only makes their primal bond hotter—and the two of them stronger.

Now it’s up to them, side by side, to bring together three warring shifter clans, win the final fight and save Deep Creek.

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Claiming His Lioness Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Kerry Adrienne

One, two, three, four…

A deep breath, and the world didn’t seem quite as red. Another breath. Don’t let him get to you.

“Women have roles and men have roles.” Mason cleared his throat then narrowed his eyes. “Not better or worse. Different.”

“This isn’t the Middle Ages.” Her voice was calm. Soft but firm.

“I know. Women have babies. Men fight.”

“Wow, seriously? Women have babies and fight. You saw how much help the lionesses were at the cave. We’d have lost a lot more lions if we hadn’t been there…to fight. We weren’t there to nurse cubs.” He was getting to her. She kicked at the leaves on the ground.

Only an hour or so till dark. The faint strains of sunset were already slanting through the trees, painting an orange glow to the surroundings, and the forest sounds were shifting to nocturnal melodies.

“You helped a lot and I appreciate that. My point is, why not let the men take care of you now? We aren’t in desperate need of your help like we were at the cave, so why not let us protect you?”

He really didn’t get it. Lara started to speak but paused. What could she say to make him understand? Did he really think women had roles that were so defined, they couldn’t do other things too? Or did he feel that it was his role to make sure women were safe and secure?

Regardless, it was obnoxious. And a prime example of how tall, dark and dangerous wasn’t enough.

“It’s noble of you to want to protect the women.” She chewed the inside of her cheek, trying to maintain her calm and phrase things in a nonconfrontational way. No point in having him dismiss her thoughts because he felt intimidated. “But you don’t need to protect us unless we ask you to. We can protect ourselves. You should accept the help or you’re going to have a lot of pissed-off lionesses. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

Mason looked deeper into the forest, his shoulders bunched with tension. His back, broad and sloping to a muscular ass, filled his black T-shirt perfectly. Wrestling with him wasn’t so bad, was it? In other circumstances, it could be a lot of fun.

She might even win.

She fought the urge to run her hand over his shoulders to comfort him and satisfy her craving. Yank his T-shirt off and press herself against those muscles. They were definitely hard. She’d felt them when he lay across her on the ground.

No. She shook her head.

Mason was off-limits.

Don’t miss any of the Shifter Wars Series by Kerry Adrienne!




SAVING HIS WOLF (A Shifter Wars Novella)

Author Bio:

Repped by Marisa Corvisiero, USA Today Bestselling author Kerry Adrienne writes in many genres including science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, m/m, erotic romance, and more. In her spare time, she homeschools, is a part-time college instructor, editor, and dabbler in most things creative. You can usually find her posting cat pictures on Facebook and Twitter when she’s not working.

 Connect with Kerry: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

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Love, Across The Divide by Krystal Ford

When politically ambitious Republican Megan Thompson falls for her Democrat roommate, Andrew Croswell, she must make the choice between career over love, or love over politics. Fans of Jojo Moyes’ One Plus One will love this sexy debut which smashes stereotypes and strives to make sense of our not-so-brave new world. Most of all, it asks a crucial question: Can love bridge the great American divide?

Rafflecopter for Love, Across the Divide Blog Tour Giveaway:

Krystal is offering one lucky grand prize winner a Vote, Women Tote Bag and signed paperback copy of Love, Across the Divide and three Runner-ups an eCopy of Love, Across the Divide! To enter for your chance to win one of these exciting prizes, please fill out the Rafflecopter link below:

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About Love, Across the Divide:

Title: Love, Across the Divide

Author: Krystal Ford

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 1, 2018

Publisher: Krystal Ford

Format: Digital eBook / Print

Digital ISBN: B07CZN3XQH

Print ISBN: 9780692111932

On the eve of the 2016 elections, young Republican Megan Thompson faces a once-in-a lifetime opportunity when her boss decides to groom her to run for his congressional seat in 2018. Ambitious and pragmatic, Megan is missing just one thing: a wealthy, well-connected trophy husband.

So, when Megan moves from Florida to DC and lets the congressman broker a power match, she’s looking to get down to work, not fall in love. And she’s definitely not looking to make nice with her new roommate, Andrew Croswell, a liberal environmentalist determined to make her life hell.

After a series of unpleasant blind dates, Megan begins to lose hope of finding her shiny white Republican knight in time to boost her appeal to donors and voters. At last she hits it off with Brock, a dashing, Don Draperesque spokesman for the NRA, and even love-shy Megan thinks he could be “the one.” But as the year progresses, she and Andrew start getting along a little too well, and Megan finds herself second-guessing all her well-laid plans.

Things start spinning out of control when a special election pushes everything up by a year. As Megan races against the clock, she’ll do anything to win—almost. Now she must choose: career over love, or love over politics?

Love, Across the Divide follows genuine, familiar characters from both sides of the aisle, smashing stereotypes and striving to make sense of our not-so-brave new world. Most of all, it asks a crucial question: Can love bridge the great American divide?

Add to your TBR list:  Goodreads

Available at:  Amazon

Advanced Praise for Love, Across the Divide:

“An upbeat and thoughtful blend of romance and politics.”Kirkus Reviews

America is now a tribal place, and author Krystal Ford has effectively carved into this national polarity to craft a love story for the Trump era.”Jordana Landsman


Copyright© 2018 Love, Across the Divide

Krystal Ford

He turned to her, holding out a bag of corn tortillas. “We are making tacos.” He put her in charge of prepping the toppings, then disappeared into the fridge. When he emerged, his hands were full. “Tomatoes, lettuce, onions, cilantro, avocado, cheese.”

She took the ingredients one by one from his hands and set everything in its place on the counter, beside the cutting board. She stared at the food items like they were questions on a pop quiz she hadn’t studied for. What was she supposed to do with them? Only pride kept her from asking for direction. She lifted the block of cheese and found a grater. This, she could handle.

The kitchen started to fill with the enticing scent of garlic in the frying pan. “Salsa!” Andrew barked. “Mild, medium, or hot?”

Megan didn’t hesitate. “Hot, please.”

“That’s my girl. Chop some onions.”

She flushed with pleasure. Or was it the green chiles he’d just added to the pan? Jeez, pull yourself together, Megan.

“What are you doing?” Andrew yelled, stepping up behind her and cautiously stripping her paring knife from her clenched hand, as though he were talking a suicidal victim off the ledge. “This is not what you chop onions with,” he admonished, holding up the ancient paring knife. “It’s dull as a butter knife! You’ll cut yourself sawing away with it. Now this”—he unsheathed a ten-inch Japanese chef knife from its block of wood—“is what you chop onions with.”

“I know how to cut onions,” she insisted, and started to cut tentatively. Andrew’s watchful gaze made her nervous. Her knife movement was clunky and awkward, leaving her with large, uneven hunks of onion.

He smiled indulgently and stepped closer. From behind her came traces of his hippie soap—eucalyptus and mint, she believed—and a pleasant hint of body odor. “May I?” he asked, encircling her arm with his and wrapping his hand around hers, showing the proper way to hold the knife. “Now start with the tip, and then as you push the weight of the blade down, you make a little rocking motion.”

As they chopped together in culinary intimacy, an unexpected image flashed in her mind, of him fleeing her room with a teddy bear barely covering his muscular butt. And suddenly it sank in—something he’d said during their session with Emily: I’d already gotten undressed for bed.

So, she thought, Andrew sleeps in the buff.

Her cheeks flushed as he murmured gentle encouragements. When he slowly released his grip and took a step back, disappointment flooded her body.

About Krystal Ford:

Originally from Montreal, Krystal Ford has fallen in love with the Hudson Valley, New York, where she calls home with her husband and two children. She has a Master of Arts from New York University and, when she’s not writing, works as a community organizer around environmental issues. Her favorite pastimes are reading books and gardening.

Connect with Krystal:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon

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Bedded Under The Christmastide Boom by Christina McKnight

Their marriage of convenience is about to become a marriage of love.

Available August 7th – Holiday Regency Romance, Bedded Under the Christmastide Moon by Christina McKnight.

Follow the tour and enter to #win a $10 Amazon Gift Card

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Title: Bedded Under the Christmastide Room
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance, Holiday, Regency
Release Date: August 7, 2018


For years, Lady Melloria Whitmore has believed her childhood best friend and secret love Brigham Clarke agreed to marry her out of a sense of duty. Knowing how important Brigham’s work with Parliament is to him, she agrees to see him once a year, when he returns to his country estate for the holidays. This Christmas, Mellie vows to give Brigham the one thing he has always wanted: an heir. For one night, she’ll share his bed, and she’ll have that memory of passion to get her through the long winter nights without him.


Except Brigham doesn’t want just one night—he wants forever. He’s loved Mellie all his life, and making her his Viscountess Whitmore was his dream. He just never thought Mellie returned his feelings. So when Mellie begins her seduction under the Christmastide moon, Brigham receives the best gift of all: his wife’s love.

Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | GooglePlay

Author Bio:
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Christina McKnight writes emotional and intricate Regency Romance with rebellious women and maverick heroes.

Her books combine romance and mystery, exploring themes of redemption and forgiveness. When not writing she enjoys coffee, wine, traveling the world, and watching television.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon

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Love on a Limb by Laurie Lewis

Laurie (L.C.) Lewis will always be a Marylander at heart—a weather-whining lover of crabs, American history, and the sea. She admits to being craft-challenged, particularly lethal with a glue gun, and a devotee of sappy movies. Her ninth published novel, her first romance novella, Sweet Water, was inspired by a visit to Oregon’s magnificent coastline, and time spent with Mother Eugenie, upon whom the character Mother Thomasine is based. 

Laurie’s women’s fiction novels include The Dragons of Alsace Farm (2016), Awakening Avery (2010), and Unspoken (2004), written as Laurie Lewis. 
Using the pen name L.C. Lewis, she wrote the five volumes of her award-winning FREE MEN and DREAMERS historical fiction series, set against the backdrop of the War of 1812: Dark Sky at Dawn (2007), Twilight’s Last Gleaming (2008), Dawn’s Early Light (2009), Oh, Say Can You See? (2010), and In God is Our Trust, (2011).

She is currently completing a political suspense novel planned for a summer 2017 release, a re -release of a romantic comedy, and she’s working on another historical fiction novel for a 2018 release. She loves to hear from readers.

Matthew Grayken is young, successful, and dying, which is why he’s about to propose to a total stranger. He isn’t interested in love. He needs a caregiver, a companion, and someone to be his legal voice when he can no longer speak for himself.


Lonely, compassionate nurse Mikaela Compton is intrigued by Matt Grayken’s tender request, but when their friendly marriage turns into love, she rejects the inevitability of Matt’s death and prays for a miracle instead.
Mikaela succeeds in reigniting Matt’s will to fight, but his body is losing the battle, and her determination to save him causes her to betray the fundamental promise she made him–to help him die peaceably.
Their last hope at saving Matt’s life will require a sacrifice from each of them, and force them to decide how far out on a limb they’re willing to go for love.


Author Interview:
1)     What is your favorite book that is not yours?
a)      From  Sand and Ash by Amy Harmon. It’s a
difficult, brilliant book.
2)     Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to
a)     Yes. I love the challenge of writing emotional but clean romance but I
do love the research of historical fiction.
3)     How young were you when you started writing?
a)     I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write. When I was a kid, I wrote
episodes of my favorite TV shows, casting me playing opposite my favorite teen
idols like Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy. 
4)     If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and
a)     I’d love to sit down with Nicholas Sparks. Anyone with that many bestsellers
would make a great mentor.
5)     How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest
book to write?
a)      I’m slow. I usually plan for two
novels a year, but historical fiction novels take a full year at least because
of the research. I’ve been working on a WWII novel for over a year because the
research requires live interviews with the main character–an 88-year-old
French WWII survivor who survived the Nazi invasion of her small town.
6)     What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?


a)     I love the ocean, so heading to the beach with family is my very
favorite thing to do in the summer. I love everything about the water–the
sound of the waves, the smell of the sea, it’s movement and the way its color
changes with the sky. Ahhhhhh. . . .


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