Return of the Lycan King: Darren & Cassasndra by Candace Blackburns

The biggest fight for the new Lycan King is convincing his Queen that he is committed to her forever. Darren has already fought to convince Cass to give him a chance, but a new Monarchy is just the beginning of the changes to the Lycan Kingdom. But as secrets and challenges to Darren’s crown emerge, his inner circle must close ranks to protect their Kingdom, and to make sure the newly-returned Lycan King keeps his crown. Candace Blackburn returns to the world of the Lycan King in this epic, edge of your seat third installment!

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About Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and Cassandra:

Title: Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and Cassandra

Author: Candace Blackburn

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date: December 11, 2018

Publisher: Candace Blackburn

Series: Return of the Lycan King #3

Format: Digital eBook

Digital ISBN: 1-7328151-0-0

Darren chases Cass to Ireland, determined to make up for his mistakes. When they return to North Carolina to build their lives together, nothing is the same. Darren has already fought to convince Cass to give him a chance, but a new Monarchy is just the beginning of the changes to the Lycan Kingdom. Secrets and challenges to Darren’s crown emerge, and his inner circle closes ranks, to protect their Kingdom, and to make sure the newly-returned Lycan King keeps his crown.

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Goodreads


Copyright © 2018 Return of the Lycan King: Book 3 Darren and Cassandra

Candace Blackburn

Chapter One


Liam’s completion of flight training had rather fortuitous timing. Liam was one of the members of Lex’s security team before Darren moved in. Darren snagged the other Lycan on the way to the airport with the subtle threat to “move your ass and don’t breathe a word to anyone.” Darren looked out the window of the Konstantine jet and didn’t see ocean, but he didn’t know how close they were to Dublin Airport.

Reading Liam’s thoughts would have been easy enough, if Darren hadn’t happily discovered that he could block that ability. So, he hadn’t been subjected to the “have you lost your fucking mind” lecture that Liam likely received from Lex. Or the “you let anything happen to him, I’ll kill you, myself” that undoubtedly followed said lecture.

Darren spent the entirety of the flight thinking of his mate. The pain in her voice, on her face, and the tears in her eyes, all as a result of Darren not claiming her. Pain, he had his own. Not claiming her was a physical, mental hell–it was pain from head to toe. But, he had reasoned that he’d rather live with that pain, than put Cass through one second of his impressive–or not–collection of screw-ups. Not to mention, all the bullshit that came with being King.

I’d rather cut off my own head than cause her pain like I saw that day.

Which is why they were over European airspace, because Cass was in Ireland. She left to escape him.

Because seeing me hurt her.

“Darren, we’re ten minutes out from Dublin.”

Liam’s voice cleared his guilt-filled thoughts. He ran his hands through his hair and realized he needed to go splash some water on his face. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

A minute later, he stood in front of the mirror and frowned. One of his buddies in college looked like he was in a perpetual hangover. Darren’s roommate used to tease the guy, telling him that he looked like he’d been ridden hard and put away wet. That saying pretty much summed up the reflection in the mirror.

Maybe I should stop off and get a haircut, buy a new shirt and jeans.

He probably would do that, if it didn’t take much time. His primary objective was to find Cass and get them back to the plane as soon as possible. Hell, he might as well tell Liam to file a return flight plan for, what, five hours from now? Yeah, that should do it. He hated the thought of claiming his mate in the bedroom on the plane, but damned if he was going to wait to get back to Raleigh. And, they wouldn’t be in Ireland for very long. Oh no. In and out, that was his plan. They’d be back in no time.




Liam kept up with Darren’s footsteps, barely.

“Still don’t understand why you wouldn’t want another beer. That may have been the best I’ve ever had. We should take a European beer tasting trip, just for comparison, though. German ales are pretty damned good.” They’d only gone in the last bar because Darren caught Cass’s scent.

“Not interested.” Glancing around the crowded Temple Bar section of Dublin, Darren wondered why Cass would be there. She was private, definitely not the type to hang out in tourist spots.

“Or we could just stay here and sample whiskey. All the whiskey.”

Technically, that didn’t sound like too bad of a plan, if he weren’t searching for his missing mate. “You should get on your knees and thank God that you can’t get cirrhosis.”

Liam snorted just as Darren thought he’d, again, picked up on Cass’s scent. He froze mid stride and almost took out a group of people. Peering inside the closest bar, he inhaled deeply and looked for her glossy black hair. Nada.


Darren turned, making a complete circle so he could visualize everything around him. His frustration was growing. Cass was so close, and he needed to see her. Feel her. Wrap her in his arms. Drop to his knees and apologize for being a colossal ass. Spend the next century begging her forgiveness. Then spend the rest of his life making her happy.

The sounds of barf splattering the pavement shook him out of his thoughts.

“This”–he pointed down at the moaning human in front of him–“is what all the whiskey gets you.”

Liam glanced down with disdain as they stepped around the human. “Not me.” He waved a negligent hand. “Higher tolerance and all that.”

“Mmm hmm.” Looking around, again, Darren barely restrained a growl. Cass’s scent grew fainter, and he was no damned closer to finding her.

Going to lose my motherfucking mind.

Material brushed his arm, and Darren snarled as his head snapped around. “Hey, do you mind holding my jacket while I tie my shoe?”

What the fuck? Darren snatched the jacket and Liam bent, after casting a pointed glare toward Darren’s hands. Claws had already punched through the tips, and if he were a betting person, he’d put money on his eyes glowing. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, he slipped on his polarized Ray Bans, covered both fists with the jacket and willed himself to calm.

“No problem.”

Biggest white lie ever. If Darren spent two more seconds out there without Liam’s assistance, he’d likely have shifted and torn a bloody path through the Temple Bar district.

They needed to get out of public, check into a room and Darren needed to sleep off any jet lag. Then come sunrise, he’d try again.

Liam stood and cast a worried glance at Darren. “Okay?”

Not in the slightest. “Fine. Let’s get something to eat, go find a room, and search again tomorrow.”

Liam almost seemed to slouch in relief. “Sounds good. We’ll hit the roads in the morning.”

He confirmed that with a small nod. And I’ll spend another sleepless night without her.

Other Books in the Return of the Lycan King Trilogy:


Return of the Lycan King: Book 1 Nicholas and Kristen

One life, one mate.  Nicholas Konstantine has been waiting over a thousand years for his mate. But when he finds her, she’s completely unaware of her Lycan biology, and she’s battling her own personal demons.

Kristen O’Connor is a recovering addict, with some major trust issues. By not letting anyone get close, she won’t get hurt. Yet after one meetiing with Nicholas, her walls are crumbling, and she wants more with this man.

But Nicholas reveals his Lycan side, and hers as well. In addition, ghosts from both of their pasts come back to haunt them. Will they face everything together, or will Kristen’s fears be stronger than her love?

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  Goodreads

Return of the Lycan King: Book 2 Lex and Elizabeth

Lex thought he’d lost her, but Elizabeth is back and she is his mate. But between her getting used to life as a Lycan, threats from dangerous elements looming over their heads and very odd changes in the Lycan kingdom happening all around them, nothing will be easy. Lex and Elizabeth’s love has to be the strength to pull them through.

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  Goodreads

About Candace Blackburn:

Candace makes her home in North Carolina with her high school sweetheart husband and their two sons.  She’s an indie author who has published two previous romances (with a bit of fantasy in each), Tristan’s Redemption and Nate’s Forgiveness.  Her current works are all paranormal romance (her favorite genre to read!) and are set in her home state.  She loves coffee, cold weather, the Boston Red Sox, the Carolina Panthers, and hearing from fans.

Connect with Candace:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

Max’s Christmas Adventure & Max’s Midnight Adventure by Wendy Leighton-Porter


Dividing my time between homes in South-West France and Abu Dhabi, I live with my husband and our beautiful Tonkinese cat. I spent 20 years as a teacher of French, Latin and Classical studies, before a change of career led me to writing books for children instead.
Shadows from the Past is series of time-travel adventures, featuring 3 children and a rather special Tonkinese cat by the name of Max. I’m currently working on the tenth book in the series, The Shadow of the Witchfinder. Max also has a few solo adventures of his own to accompany the series.

As I take my young readers on a magical mystery tour through the past, I’m hoping that my love of history, myth and legend will rub off on them too.


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MAX’S ADVENTURES are spin-offs from my 
A second solo adventure awaits Max the time-travelling Tonkinese cat in this Christmas short story. 
Invited to accompany a well-known figure on a whirlwind trip into the past, he sets off on a mission to search for something very precious to his owners Jemima and Joe Lancelot – their missing parents. 
The hunt reveals tantalising clues to this mystery and ends with a special surprise for the twins.


Max the talking Tonkinese cat has a third solo adventure in this seasonal short story.

What happens when the feline hero is trapped in the attic one night?

Will he escape the clutches of the Christmas fairy, a regiment of soldiers and three obstreperous French hens in time to enjoy a holiday with his family?

One thing’s for sure, the Twelve Days of Christmas will never seem quite the same again …

BOOK TWO: Jemima tipped the egg upside down, searching for some sort of clue. ‘Hey, there’s something written underneath.’ She stared at the base, puzzled by the strange symbols imprinted in the metal. Whichever way she looked at it, she couldn’t


make head nor tail of them.
BOOK THREE: ‘Your wish was made inside this attic and, as I’m the one on duty here with a magic wand, I got a call from the Ministry telling me to make it come true. Only problem is, my wand’s broken. And we all know whose fault that is, don’t we?’ The fairy glared accusingly at Max. ‘So you can wish all you like, pumpkin head, but I can’t help.’


To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Part 1 Official Event page 
Part 2 Official Event page



Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

Angel For Christmas by Caroline Clemmons


Through a crazy twist of fate, Caroline Clemmons was not born on a Texas ranch. To compensate for this illogical error, she writes about handsome cowboys, feisty ranch women, and scheming villains in a small office her family calls her pink cave. 
She and her Hero live in North Central Texas cowboy country where they ride herd on their rescued cats and dogs. The books she creates there have made her an Amazon bestselling author and won several awards. 
Sign up for her newsletter subscription here and receive a FREE copy of HAPPY IS THE BRIDE, a western historical romance. 

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When a dot com billionaire crashes his sports car into a tree, he wakes up in heaven facing angels Gabriel and Michael. He’s given a chance to redeem his carefree ways by helping an orphanage avoid foreclosure and regain a sound financial picture by midnight on Christmas Eve—or else. To do so, he is sent back to earth as orphanage janitor, Jacob Porter.


After her father died four months ago, child psychologist Suzi Stephens was shocked to learn Serenity Springs Children’s Home and Elementary School faced foreclosure unless she met a balloon note due January 1. She can’t understand why her late father broke the trust her grandfather had carefully constructed to protect the private home. She is afraid the annual gala won’t raise enough money to pay the note much less the needed year’s operating funds. Trying to do her job plus step into her late father’s shoes has stretched her to her limits.
She’s suspicious of the handsome new janitor, who appears more like he’d be at home as a CEO. Could he be a spy for the developer who covets the children’s home property? Suzi overcomes her distrust enough to allow Jacob’s help raising funds. Working together, their attraction escalates but Jacob has nothing to offer the beautiful redhead. He is scheduled for earthly removal at midnight on December 24. 


Suzi watched the
new janitor walk away. He puzzled her. Much too young and fit, why was he
working here? Not that there was anything wrong with being a janitor, but he
didn’t fit the profile. Jacob Porter gave the impression of someone who’d be in
a boardroom rather than behind a broom or mop.
She had to be
careful who she exposed the children to and she wanted to know more about him.
First, she had to get Missy her doll.
Back in her
office later, she asked Valerie for the janitor’s application. Nothing in his
file set off alarm bells. Background check, fingerprints, references. His
former employer had died, but there was no indication of why Jacob had applied
Valerie asked,
“Did you find anything off-putting in his file?”
She tapped a
finger against the folder. “No, but I wonder if he’s a spy for the investor who
wants to buy the property?”
Valerie gasped.
“That explanation would make sense. Jacob Porter looks as if he belongs in a
three-piece suit and a tie.”


“He certainly


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Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

Christmas Future by Valerie Ipson

Valerie Ipson loves reading, writing, family history, and Hershey Milk Chocolate Almond & Toffee Nuggets. 

She lives in Mesa, Arizona, and Christmas Future is her first Christmas Romance. She is also the author of Ideal High, a YA novel. 

She hopes she can give readers the same experience she has enjoyed through the years while being curled up with a good book!

 ~ Website ~

Welcome to the books of 
Christmas Past, Present and Future.
Scarlett’s fiancé and the warm weather of Arizona will have to wait while she works her PR magic to put Alaska on the nice Christmas Spirit list. 

But when the wait’s too long will a warm-hearted doctor be just the one to lift her Scrooge-like spirits?

“I just want a break to take care of Dad’s stuff
and find his Dickens manuscript. That publisher from London keeps calling.”

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Part 1 Official Event page 
Part 2 Official Event page

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

Eleanor and The Christmas Carol Fudge by Tamara Passey

Tamara Passey, author of the The Christmas Tree Keeper: A Novel, was born and raised in Massachusetts around a large family, one that has served as inspiration for most of her writing. She loves most creative endeavors and when she isn’t writing or re-writing, you can find her baking or cross-stitching or walking–though not all at the same time. She lives with her husband and children in Arizona.

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Welcome to the books of 
Christmas Past, Present and Future.
Eleanor is saving her grandmother’s fudge business but is becoming like Scrooge in the process. 
The consultant she hires to help is a friend from high school who hasn’t given up his secret crush for her. 
Will the Christmas spirit melt her heart or will she miss out on the love of her life?

She forgot she didn’t like crowds and that the play wasn’t a romance.
Most of all, she forgot Cam was only in town for business. All she could think
about was his hand brushing away her tears and his lips kissing hers. And she
never wanted the night to end.

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Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret

A Christmas Carol for Candy by Peggy Urry


Peggy is a small town girl who loves the city and the ocean (and the mountains as long as she doesn’t have to camp or hike). 
She credits her dad and the lack of television in her parents’ home for her love of reading and her imagination. She credits the guy who’s been hanging the moon for over 25 years for her belief in romance and true love. Five wonderful children, extended family, and great friends keep life exciting. 
Find a book you love and read!


Welcome to the books of 
Christmas Past, Present and Future.
“A Christmas engagement, broken two months later, rocked Candy Kaine’s world. After months of a schedule crammed with college courses, a full time job, and a few side jobs, the busyness is wearing thin. But school is still top priority. Until a fancy resort threatens to buy the satellite campus in the small town where she lives and takes classes.


Jace Marlowe has been down on his luck. Can a temporary job for an upscale resort in his home town be the turn around he’s looking for? The only problem? His grandmother’s beautiful neighbor who wants to keep the school just where it is. If she doesn’t get her way will she be as vindictive as his ex?
A charmed nativity facilitates the past, present, and future experiences for Candy but will she have the courage to open her heart before it’s too late?”


     Edie’s expression softened as she turned the TV’s volume down. “Christmas is a nice time to get engaged isn’t it?”


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Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Margaret Margaret