This week I was so excited that I could actually participate in the writers workshop and I chose to write about 15 reasons I am awesome. I chose this one because there are times you just need to read a list of good things about yourself so it was a great way to make the a list like that. So here it goes :
15 Reasons I Am Awesome
- I learn things fast. I usually only need to be shown once maybe twice I have it down.
- I will do anything for just about anyone. I love to help out when needed and I hardly ever say no. Now this can always be a bad thing but I try to stay positive about things.
- I can piss off one of my cats in 5 seconds flat just by looking at her.
- I can always hit a curb while driving even when I think I am no were near them.
- I am very loyal and will stay at a job even when I know it isn’t the right place for me.
- Being single!
- Washing clothes and then just throwing them in a pile somewhere and never putting them away.
- Not following through with everything I say I am going to do because like I said in #2 I have a really hard time saying no.
- Doing the exact opposite of what someone tells me to do.
- Not listening to my doctors unless they say what I want to hear and I am also great at not being afraid to go to other doctors and get a second opinion.
- Dealing with drug & insurance companies. For instance I get my Multiple Sclerosis medication for $10 a month instead of $6300.
- Talking about my experience with adoption and my experience being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis so young.
- Watching the same movie 100 times and never getting tired of it.
- Blasting my music even when I have a headache.
- Getting place on time which in my world means early!
Those are some of the reasons I think I am awesome.
What makes you awesome?