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My name is Margaret and I am in my late 20’s.  I was raised by my grandparents because of situations that may or may not have happened.   I have decided that I am not going to dwell on the things that happened when I was younger because they can’t be changed now so there is no reason to get upset or mad about them.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 15.  I can remember the day that doctor told us what was finally wrong with me.  I was glad to know what was wrong with me but scared because I didn’t know anything about the disease or know what it would do.  I get asked what would I tell someone who just got diagnosed.  The one thing that helped me is learning all I can about the disease.  To this day I still am learning stuff about it and the more that I learn the less scary to becomes.

I placed my daughter for adoption when I was 20.  I chose adoption because I wanted to have two parents.  I didn’t know if I could ever give her two parents.  Also I didn’t know what the MS is going to do and didn’t want her to be raised by my grandparents.  They raised my brother and I it wasn’t fair for them to be raising there great grandchild as well.  People may not agree with me but I know it was the right thing for her and me!

I currently live just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah with my grandparents.

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7 Comments on About Me

  1. Dear Margaret,

    Thank You for Your honest opinion about my book, Off Shore Secrets. Yes, my book can be better and it does miss some elements of a good novel. But I’m still learning how to write a novel and what is more important I love to write. That being said if anyone knows a good editor please let me know.

    I wish You all the best,
    Maya Berger

  2. Hi Margaret, Thanks so much for your review of “Murder, Forgotten.” Can you tell me what the error is that you found? Maybe I can fix it in subsequent editions.


  3. Dear Margaret,

    Thank you so much for your review of Dream Stalker. It’s thrilling when someone “gets” the story. I’m working hard on the next book and hope you’ll enjoy that one, too.
    Your blog is great, and I’ll definitely return.

    Nancy Gardner

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