1. What is your favorite Wintertime Activity? I love to ski. There’s nothing like spending a day on the slopes and then warming up in the lodge with a mug of hot cocoa and lots of whipped cream.
2. How many unpublishes / half-finished books do you have in progress? I have two. They will be out in 2021.
3. What was the most surprising thing you learned when creating your book (in research or in yourself?) I learned that there’s an entire industry of professionals who work with lottery winners, and that you need to be smart if you ever win a large sum of money.
4. Tell us about the greatest Christmas gift you ever received. My best friend and her husband gave us an engraved frame as a gift on our first Christmas together. We have a photo from that day in it, and I have it displayed in my office.
5. What did you edit out of your book? (Such as a cut scene or an idea that just wouldn’t fit?) I had planned to make the hero’s lottery win the big black moment, but it didn’t work out the way I thought it would.
6. What inspired you to write this novel? It’s part of a multi-author world series that I’ve written three other books for. I had the unmarried brother of the last book’s heroine that I wanted to write about, so I brought in a character from a new series to link them together.