Chances are you’ve tried and failed with spreadsheets, agendas, day planners, and other mathematical and finite ways of measuring time. Applying the strict regimes of industrial systems to a creative mind can kill creativity, damper the enjoyment of your work, and knock you off balance.
In this workbook you will learn to balance, organize, and prioritize all you need to get done by living your life in creative cycles and seasons while maximizing your high and low energy times the way you were meant to.
Your creativity is a powerful force that can be harnessed, focused, controlled, commanded, and become a powerful ability as you masterfully channel your desire to create into the powerful motivating force it is meant to be.

Deirdra has spent the last decade captivating audiences of all ages with her novels and fairy tales. Her specialty is paranormal theology that delves into documented historical phenomenon and natural disasters of biblical proportions. 

Top Ten List

Authors Love List:

I love green and everything that grows.

I love being in wind and water.

I love adventure with a purpose.

I love to read and write.

I love to use Earthing as a therapy.

I paint fire when I’m mad and oceans when I’m lonely.

I work with the most amazing people in the world.

I love riding horses and grooming them.

I love going to temples and sanctuaries.

I love rain and thunderstorms.

I love walking across wooden bridges.

I love exploring.

I love running for miles along the sandy coast.

I believe that magical things happen all the time.

I love seashells.

I love decorating with things made from nature.

I love designing eco-friendly homes.

I love wearing long flowing dresses.

I love sleeping with my kitty in the sunshine coming through the skylight above my bed.

I love hot chocolate on rainy days.

I love being barefoot.

I love a completed to do list.

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