Jana Clawson has a propensity for Chinese food, M & M’s,  chocolate chip cookies, and she deals with adversity with a wry sense of humor. She is caught up in a whirlwind known as Trevor Willis, the most eligible bachelor in Portland. He is perfect in every way, but will his secrets be too much for their relationship?

While Jana escapes to the Oregon Coast to make a decision about Trevor, a car accident stirs Jared Carpenter—a physical therapist with  kind Brown eyes who never turns down a homemade meal—into the mix. Unknown to Jana, events set in motion six years ago threaten everything she holds dear, and her life depends on one or both of these men. Combining suspense, intrigue, action, and understated humor, this book will keep you turning pages until the exciting conclusion. 

Born in Illinois, Donna Fuller has lived in a variety of places and currently resides in Butler, Pennsylvania. At times she feels like a ping-pong ball—bouncing from coast to coast and back again. Her grandchildren bring her the greatest joy. Donna has always been involved in writing, from journals to plays for Cub Scouts, to short stories for her children and as a reporter for a small newspaper. She has won awards for her writing and has taught at writing workshops and retreats. Donna is the co-founder of the annual OHPA Writer’s Retreat in Western Pennsylvania. She has published two novels: A Strand of Doubt and Code Name Scorpion. 

Learn more about Donna and her books at DonnaGustainisFuller.com, or like her on Facebook at Donna Gustainis Fuller, author.

 Author photograph by Mandy Myers.

10 Fun Facts

10:  On every May 19th, I celebrate Apple Fritter Day in honor of my Dad. (Look for a contest on my Facebook page on that day!)

9:  When my last child was in 8th grade, I went back to school online (and this was way before CoVid-19). Ten years later, I graduated from BYU with an emphasis in Creative Writing.

8:  I have 7 granddaughters and 1 grandson—but he’ll have company in February when our 8th grandchild, a boy, is born.

7:  I have ping-ponged across the country most of my life. I’ve lived in Chicago, Illinois;  Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Houston, Texas; Chicago:  Arizona; Murrieta, California; Keene, New Hampshire; Newberg, Oregon; and now Butler, Pennsylvania.

6: Speaking of ping pong, I grew up playing ping pong with my brother and sister on a table my dad built. 

5:  I make killer bread (You can decide for yourself if a romantic suspense author means that literally or figuratively!)

4:  My guitar, Louie, and I have been together through good and bad times since I was 10 years old. 

3:  I can extract genealogical information in Italian, Latin, and Spanish, and I can struggle through Lithuanian and German.

2:  I host a writer’s retreat at my house every year.

  1. I believe in Happily Ever After. I met my husband and one month and nine days later we were engaged, and three months after that we were married. We’ve been married over 40 years.

10 Favorites

  1. Favorite meal: Stir-fried steak and roasted veggies.
  2. Favorite authors: Mary Stewart, Traci Hunter Abramson, Dorothy Keddington and Madelaine Brent (and too many more to list).
  3. Favorite thing to do to relax:  Doodle (This is new with CoVid)
  4. Favorite book:  Madam, Will You Talk by Mary Stewart
  5. Favorite ice cream:  Unfortunately, I don’t have just one, but her are the top few:  Coco-Nutty Fudge, Peanut Butter Cup, Heavenly Hash, and Mint Chocolate Chip.
  6. Favorite Songs: This Old Guitar and God Bless the USA.
  7. Favorite song to dance to with my husband: Lady in Red
  8. Favorite time to write: Early in the morning.
  9. Favorite time to get anything done: Early in the morning.
  10. Favorite people to hang out with: my grandkids:  Jenika, Kierra, Charly, Nash, Ophelia, Lily, Evie and  (in February) Ezra—and their parents.

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