1. What is your favorite Autumn Time activity?
Taking walks to view the colors of the changing leaves.
2. What is one of your writing quirks?
I typically do one proofread backward, meaning I read the last page first, then the next-to-the-last page second, and so on.
3. Which of your books was your favorite to write? And why?
I’ve loved writing all my novels, but FUSION has been my all-time favorite. This story was so fun to create! I love the characters, the undercover world they’re in, and the challenges they’re up against. I love the dual point of view between Alexis and Xander. I love the unexpected twists and turns the plot takes. This book was just a blast to write – it’s such a fun, high-stakes, fast-paced adventure!
4. Who is the person or group of people who most support you in your writing? What have they done for you?
I’m extremely fortunate to have lots of people support my writing, both before a book is published and afterward. I’m forever thankful for everyone’s enthusiasm. My number-one supporter is my husband. He lets me read drafts to him, bounce ideas off him, ask him questions – he’s my biggest cheerleader and advocate, and I’m grateful for his constant support and encouragement.
5. What is your trick for getting past writer’s block? And what advice would you give to others who are struggling?
If I hit a moment of writer’s block, I walk away from the computer and go do something else, whether for a few minutes or the rest of the day. Taking a break is, for me, the best cure.
6. Autumn time has its own set of foods/flavors. What is your favorite Autumn comfort food?
There are so many wonderful Autumn comfort foods, it’s hard to choose a favorite! Autumn squash soup from Panera Bread is definitely near the top of the list. Apple cider with a little cinnamon is also a contender. Hot chocolate, mac-and-cheese, caramel apples . . . like I said, it’s hard to choose a fave!
Autumn Squash soup from Panera is one of my favorites too!
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