Jaclyn is an Idaho farm girl who grew up loving to read. She developed a love for writing at a young age and published her first book in 2013. She met her husband, Steve, at BYU, and they have six happy, crazy children who encourage her to keep writing. After owning a bookstore and running away to have adventures in Australia, they settled back down in their home in Utah. When Jaclyn isn’t herding her kids to various activities, she serves on the board for her local arts agency, runs a writing workshop, and stays up late writing books in various genres.

Jaclyn’s Young Adult books include The Luck Series, Lost in a Fairy Tale series, Magicians of the Deep, and Two Masters. 

Gwen’s family had only one rule—stay out of Grandma’s garden. And if it wasn’t for her annoying cousin, she never would have broken it. Everything seems fine until she pulls an ancient book from the old well inside.

And pays for it.

A dark magic is unleashed from its prison, and Gwen becomes its new host. Now, not only does she have to learn to use her own magic, she must also keep the dark magic from taking over her soul. Some rules are made to be broken. But breaking this one may just destroy the world. 


Q&A With the Author:

1. What is your favorite Autumn Time activity?   Sports with my kids (I have one in football, one in volleyball, one in Marching Band, and two in soccer!) and watching the leaves change. And of course, decorating for Halloween!

2. What is one of your writing quirks? I have to have some kind of music in the background or I can’t write.

3. Which of your books was your favorite to write? And why?  My Luck Series will always have my heart because Megan is just so darn fun. But Two Masters was probably my favorite. It took more out of me to write and it was like there was this little voice saying “Hey, don’t forget this part!” the whole way through. Which is funny since that’s kind of the premise of the story.

4. Who is the person or group of people who most support you in your writing? What have they done for you? Tristi Pinkston has been my person to write with because she helped me get my start with a writing group. IWriteNetwork friends and Sprint Writers Central friends are who have helped me through all of my writing. Answering questions, brainstorming, sprinting, making me write, etc.

5. What is your trick for getting past writer’s block? And what advice would you give to others who are struggling?  My biggest thing is just writing anyway. And if I can’t write that one, I go to a different book and try that one instead. The longer you wait to write something, the harder it is to get back into it. So just write. You can always edit the blah stuff out of it later!

6. Autumn time has its own set of foods/flavors. What is your favorite Autumn comfort food? Hot chocolate! I’m one of those who actually love candy corns as well. And while I’m not the biggest fan of pumpkin spice, I do like pumpkin pie – for Thanksgiving!


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