Karlie Lucas is a school crossing guard by day and a writer/artist by night. 

A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, SCBWI, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.

She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally. 

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 For hundreds of years, the gates of Tarragon have been sealed from the outside. Prophecy speaks of the day the last Key Keeper will return and wake the dragons from their spell-cast slumber, returning them to their rightful home.


Seeking to fulfill her father’s dying wish, Anwen Porter travels to the Drakonii Mountains where she meets Tyler, a mysterious local with a secret. With his help, she learns more about her clouded past and her own abilities. But when Courtney, a lovesick mage, tries to insert herself into their plans, things begin to go horribly wrong.
With death threatening at every turn, Anwen must learn to rely on her newfound friends to survive. 


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The snuffling noise came closer, rocks and dirt skittering over the entrance. A low growl filled the air, causing goose flesh to creep up Courtney’s body. The growling became louder. She swore she could feel it through the ground. She raised her makeshift weapons higher, ready to hurl the orb at a moment’s notice.
A loud snarl filled the cavern, echoing like a freight train. Shrieking, Courtney threw the ball of energy, willing it to ignite as it arced through the air.
Bright light erupted all around, blinding her. Another loud snarl filled the air, accompanied by her screaming. She held the tent pole like a spear, hoping to pierce whatever might leap her way. There was a sudden loud thud, followed by an animalistic cry of pain that was just as quickly extinguished, along with the light.
Courtney couldn’t see anything in front of her, except for sunspots from the sudden explosion. The whole cavern had gone dark moments after she’d launched her attack. But she heard shuffling and knew that whatever was making that sound was coming towards her. 


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