Kristina Seek’s debut novel, The
Hashtag Hunt, was published in 2018. She is a graduate of Queens College in
Charlotte and a member of Romance Writers of America. In March of 2019, she
quit her day job to focus on a career in writing.
Kristina lives in North Carolina with
her husband and son. She cherishes time with her friends and family, loves
traveling to new destinations, and plans to cross many other items off her
bucket list.
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The only reason Lauren entered the
Hashtag Hunt was for the $10,000 grand prize. She needed seed money for her
startup, and it sounded easy enough: twelve hours to text twelve photos to
someone called the Wizard. 
For hashtag number five, Lauren needs a
#HottieInTheWild, and with the help of her best friend, Ivy, she finds the
perfect subject. 
The only reason Brenner entered Barkley’s Pub was to have
beers with Scott, an Army brother back in town. The reunion is interrupted when
a woman is caught crouched in a dark corner, taking pictures of Brenner. 
explains, and though embarrassed, she accepts Scott and Brenner’s offer to help
with hashtag number six.While hunting for hashtags, Lauren finds adventure and
romance with her #Hottie, but she must stay focused to beat the clock and win
the cash.


Q & A With the Author:
1.     When did you write your first novel? In 2015, I started picking at the
idea for a book and in early 2017, I became determined to finish the story. The
Hashtag Hunt was published in late 2018. 
2.     What drove you to write / why did you become an author? I have been an
avid reader since childhood, and countless hours were spent in fictional places
with memorable characters. I have always been interested in crafting an
entertaining, memorable story of my own. 
3.     How do you create your characters? Almost all of my characters are a
blend of two or three real people. And sometimes I take one real person and
split a few characteristics among two or more characters.  For example,
the personalities, physiques, habits, and stories of six real military Veterans
are shared between my two fictional heroes: Brenner and Scott.   The case
of my character Amy, however, is one hundred percent based on my dear friend
Amy Mohler who passed away at the age of 40. She never had the opportunity to
read my book, but her spirit lives on in its pages. 
4.     What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn? The glorious weather
combined with so many outdoor events with family, friends, and neighbors. 
5.     Who is the person or group of people that most support you in your
Her name is Courtney Murphy and she’s been in my corner since high
school. I never would have finished the book without her “Team Seek” notecards,
encouraging phone messages, and honest feedback on the drafts that flooded her
email inbox for years. 
6.     What is your favorite Halloween Memory? My first (and only) group
costume was when my coworkers dressed up as the cast of Scooby Doo. It was kind
of our bosses to allow it and it was a lot of fun. I’ve attached a photo of
this also for giggles (I am Velma). 



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1 Comment on The Hastag Hunt by Kristina Seek

  1. I loved reading this, I like getting to know the authors and how their thinking works, it is so very in interesting. Thank you for sharing.

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