Ann has been a writer since junior high, but to
pay the bills she has waited tables, delivered newspapers, cleaned other
people’s houses, taught school, and had a stint as a secretary in a rock-n-roll
radio station. She also worked as a 911 operator and a police dispatcher. 

Her fiction began to win awards during her college days. Since then she’s
published several short stories, novels, and novellas. She’s always reading and
always writing, but even if she never sold another story, Ann would not stop
writing. For her it’s a necessity, like breathing. Most of the time, it even
keeps her sane.


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They call him the Killer Cartographer because he
carves the map coordinates of each victim on the femur of the one before. Then
he tattoos the information on his skin. 
Can Detective Kendra Dean bring him in,
or will she become his next tattoo?

This book is on offer for .99 for the month of October! Buy your copy today!!!


Q & A With the Author:
1.         What drove you
to write / why did you become an author?
I wrote my first novel,
STEVIE-GIRL AND THE PHANTOM PILOT after winning a short fiction contest at the
Abilene Writer’s Guild. A new small press requested it and once it was done, it
went on to become a 4 book series.
I’ve always loved reading so it seemed natural to start writing as
a teenager.
2.         How do you
create your characters?
I don’t create characters intentionally. They come
to life in my head and then I let them out.
3. What is one thing you love about Fall / Autumn? I love
everything about Autumn; the colors, the smells, the cooler weather, and
4.         Who is the
person or group of people that most support you in your writing?
My family
is very supportive of my writing, although my biggest supporter was my sister
(also an avid reader) who recently passed away. I also have three writing
groups whose members are awesome.
5.        What is your
favorite Halloween Memory?
Halloween is one of my favorite times of year.
When I was a kid, my siblings and I would traipse up and down the streets of
our small hometown, trick-or-treating. We basically had the run of the entire
town. On a scarier note, a man came in our house one Halloween night after we
were all asleep (Dad was out of town) and my mom hit him in the head with a
hammer when he appeared in our bedroom door. We made our escape and he went to
the hospital then jail. We kids just knew he had broke in to steal our
Halloween candy. It had been a banner trick-or-treating night that year.


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