J. L. Petersen lives in Denver with her husband. She finds inspiration in her adopted state of Colorado and her belief love is the most powerful positive emotion we can experience.

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Logan, the eldest of the MacBride clan, is thrilled at his brother Clay’s pending nuptials to Sandy. But when Sandy’s sister RJ arrives at the family’s ranch, Logan’s world is turned upside down. 
However, the sisters’ shared past has created scars and barriers against love testing Logan’s ability to push aside his need and patience to win RJ’s trust and ultimately her unwavering love.






Q&A With the Author:
1.     Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Some of what I enjoy outside of writing are identified in “My Favorite Things” but one a professional level having spent years in HR developing talent and seeing lights go on was truly rewarding.
2.     When did you first realize you were an author?
I’ve always enjoyed writing but being an “author” came later in life. I final asked myself what was I afraid of and went for it. The Independent Publishing movement eased a lot of fears though.
3.     Have you done anything writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
Actually, no. All my other writing was work related and that had to do with effective, clear communication. I find that I see that in my creative writing and have to sometimes work to build the soft edges of the story instead of being so direct and pointed.
4.     What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
Finding time to tap into my creative side is hard. I get distracted and the first thing to go is the creative side. That probably comes from years of conditioning of raising a family and building a different type of career in the business world. Can’t say that I have defeated it but I try to retrain the brain.
5.     What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
I see it simply as love is something we all want but it requires vulnerability. There are enough complex issues going on in all our lives that I want to provide a simple love story. A few hours of remembering that connecting to someone is the human condition and we should still treasure that.
6.     Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
In the MacBride’s I’ve taking inspiration from the Grand Mesa area of Colorado. It is spectacular country and what people there have done to adapt to changing times and using their land in new multifunctional ways.
7.     What are your future projects?


Now that the holidays are over, I’m trying to buckle down and finish book 3 in the MacBrides series, Brand and Callie’s story.  Wish I could give an ETA on its release but hopefully this summer.


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