Debbie currently lives on the west coast with her husband and two dachshund rescues, Dash and Briar. She loves to hike, work in the garden, and on most sunny days you can find her enjoying her backyard with a glass of wine.


She’s an avid supporter of animal rescue, and as a pledge to all animals seeking their forever home, she happily donates a percentage of all book sales to local and national rescue organizations. When you purchase any of her books, you’re also helping animals.


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Breanna Murphy has been planning her wedding for years so when her fiancé runs off with a hula dancer, she is forced to realize her destination wedding is nothing more than an exotic vacation for one.
Trying to escape the embarrassment and disappointment of being jilted at the altar, Breanna answers an ad for a job clear across the country. When the voice on the other end offers her the job, she’s excited about what awaits her in California.
Builder Calvin Comstock must make right on his daughter’s mistake regarding the nationwide advertisement and hiring of Breanna. He doesn’t know what to expect, but when Breanna walks into his office with her infectious smile, peaches and cream complexion not to mention her sexy southern drawl, Calvin is happy for his daughter’s error.
Breanna is drawn to Calvin’s mature movie star good looks, charming personality, soft voice, and strong hands. She’s trying to stay focused on the job and not the overwhelming lure she feels pulling her in to test the waters. But when the two realize the attraction is mutual they throw caution to the wind and give in to the undeniable desire to be together.

Can an ex-wife and a teenage daughter spoil their happiness or will it make them stronger than ever?

Q&A With the Author:
1.     Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
I love to read of course! I also love to take long walks, work in my garden and plan vacations!
2.     When did you first realize you were an author?
I guess when I published my first book, lol. I never really set out to be an author, but instead decided to give it a try. I enjoyed the challenge and from there just kept going.
3.     Have you done anything writing-related, but besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
I got great praise for my writing while in college. It stuck in the back of my mind.
4.     What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
If it could only just be writing, sigh. The marketing, the newsletter, the promos, it all gets rather overwhelming.
5.     What is the “message” of your writing? 
My message is you can have a romance with strong emotion without all the sex. I don’t like reading books with a lot of description therefore I don’t write them either. I also like my female characters to be strong and independent.
6.     Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Absolutely! I always take from my life and add them into my stories. The trick is to figuring out which is real and which is fiction!
7.     What are your future projects?
I’m finishing up book five of the Romance Across State Lines Series. I’ve also been invited to write a Christmas story for a small press. If things work out, I might write more for them. I have a big move coming up in the spring. We’re moving from California to South Carolina to be near our adult children and grandchildren. So, although 2019 promises to be a great year, I probably won’t be as productive in writing as last year. It’s all good though!


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