Another week is over, and we are one step closer it having either Hillary Clinton or Donald Drumpf running our country. I remember when this all started thinking there is no way that either of them would make it until the end and now that I have I wonder what will happen at the end of this year. Let’s get to the posts from this past week and pretend like we don’t have major problems coming up in the next few months.
Helen Keller-Quote Of The Week
Not So Far Away by Deborah Pierson Dill
Northern Light by Annette O’Hare
A Beginner’s Guide To Corruption by David Misch-If you only read one post this week read this one. This is so right on with all the crap that is going on in politics, and it made me smile. At times the language was strong but it spot on with how things are going
Those are all the posts from this past week in case you missed any of them. Like I said I would recommend A Beginner’s Guide To Corruption by David Misch if you are looking for a great book to read. It is also only like 71 pages, so it is super quick to read and so funny. I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you back here next week!