I was reading Mama’s Losin It! and I saw that she posted this list of 32 random questions to answer in your next vlog. I read through them and really wanted to answer them so I am going to just answer them on my blog and make it part of the Old School Blogging posts that I have been doing.
1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? They are closed well the one that I can move is closed and the broken one is pretty much closed so that I can keep Sylvia out of there because she loves to sleep in there and get my clothes covered in her hair.
2.) Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? When I do travel either my grandma does or I do.
3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? The bottom of the flat sheet is tucked in but the rest of the sheet isn’t tucked in.
4.) Have you ever stolen a street sign? No I haven’t but I have always wanted to steal one.
5.) Do you cut out coupons and then never use them? I never cut them out my grandma does and most of the time I don’t use them because I forget I have them.
6.) Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? A bear for sure. I am more afraid of bee’s than getting attacked by a bear.
7.)Do you always smile for pictures? Not really. I also hate having my pictures taken so I don’t have many taken.
8.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk? No I never have but this makes me want to start.
9.) Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes and only because I had no choice but to.
10.) Do you still watch cartoons? No and I wasn’t that big into them growing up either.
11.) Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? I can’t tell you that or you would be able to take it.
12.) What do you drink with dinner? If I am at home it is water and if I am out I try and get Dr. Pepper.
13.) What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch most of the time but sometimes honey mustard.
14.) What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Apollo 13
15.) Were you ever a girl scout? For like a month.
16.) Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? If I was happy with how I looked than sure why not but as it stands now no I wouldn’t.
17.) Can you change the oil on your car? Hell no
18.) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yes I have gotten one and I always say it was because the female cop was mad that I was cuter than her lol
19.) Afraid of heights? Yes I am in fact it is so bad I can’t walk over to the railing when I am on the upper levels at places and look down.
20.) Do you sing in the car? Yes I do.
21.) Is Christmas stressful? It is more sad for me than stressful.
22.) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid. A teacher, vet, or a nurse.
23.) Do you believe in ghosts? I sure do and I have seen them.
24.) The first concert you ever went to. I think it was NSYNC.
25.) Walmart, Target, or Kmart? Target but I do go to Walmart often because it is the closest to my house.
26.) Nike or Adidas? Either
27.) Can you curl your tongue? Yes
28.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Not that I can remember but it may have happened.
29.) The last concert you saw? Jeff Dunham
30.) Can you swim well? Yes I can even though I don’t know the last time I even went swimming.
31.) Can you knit or crochet? I think my grandma showed me once but I haven’t done it in years so I am going to go with no.
32.) Are you a dog person or a cat person? Well I love both but I am for sure a cat person.