Jenna Chamberland never wanted anything more than to be a wife and mother. That is, until she realized that her life was ending after a three-year battle against breast cancer. Now, all she really wants is more time. With 4,320 hours left to live, Jenna worries for her loved ones and what she knows awaits them on the other side: Gabe will have to make the slip from husband to widower, left alone to raise their seven-year-old daughter; Mia will be forced to cope with life without her mother. In a moment of reflection, Jenna decides to record a set of audiocassettes — The Milestone Tapes – leaving her voice behind as a legacy for her daughter. Nine years later, Mia is a precocious sixteen-year-old and her life is changing all around, all she wants is her mother. Through the tapes, Jenna’s voice returns to teach Mia the magic of life, her words showing her daughter how to spread her wings and embrace the coming challenges with humor, grace and hope. THE MILESTONE TAPES is the journey of love between a parent and child, and of the bonds that hold them when life no longer can.
My Review
I can’t even put into words how much I truly loved this book. I had a hard time reading this book because it made me cry so much and even though it made me cry I didn’t want to put it down and stop reading it. I loved following the characters and even though you know the mom is going to pass away I had to keep reading. I believe that this book was so hard for me because I can relate to the topic. As some of you know I go to a cancer center every month to get my MS treatment so I do know a lot of people who have cancer and I have had several family members pass away from cancer as well. It broke my heart to know that the girl at such a young age was going to lose her mom.
I found the idea of making milestone tapes is a great idea even if you don’t know you are dying. My great grandma passed away when I was a senior in high school and I was so close to her. After reading this book I wish she would have written down things or even made tapes so that I could go back and listen or read her words. I am sure any person would love to go back and read what their parents left them.
When it comes right down to it I have to give this book 5 stars and it will be a book that I will always keep and I am sure I will read it over and over again. I recommend this to anyone who knows what is feels like to lose a loved one!