
Have you ever wondered what your real purpose or calling in life is? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were a prodigy of some type: like a pianist, mathematician, scientist, gifted athlete, or even a priest or pastor. But most of us plod through life doing something we fell into at an early age. Then we gain responsibilities and get stuck in those professions for the rest of our life. Find out what it is like to actually discover your calling in life at a later age and then act upon that calling with all your gathered knowledge and inherited gifts and skills. Robert McCabe spent a lot of his adult life with careers that he fell into for money to support his family. He didn’t hate his profession, but he felt there was always something missing. Then one day, after McCabe was semi-retired he was struck by a mental lightning bolt. He suddenly KNEW what his real purpose in life was to be. McCabe goes after that purpose with all his might and skill (The Destruction of True Evil). McCabe learned skills though out his career. They served him very well in the rooting out and destruction of evil beings in the world. He also discovered he possessed hidden gifts to help him with this true purpose in life. Join McCabe and watch what finding your true purpose in life could entail. It is sometimes terrifying and heart wrenching. He MUST always make the right decisions as witness, judge, and executioner of Evil.

My Review

I finished this book today and I couldn’t get into the book.  As I was reading it I just kept hoping that it would be over soon because it was no interesting to me in the least.  I found that odd though because I usually love books like this one but I just couldn’t get through the book.  It is super easy reading and I  know that there are people who would enjoy this book I just wasn’t one of them.

FTC-Received a copy for this book for me review.  The opinions are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation.


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