Tips on Placing Your Child in Adoption

Adoption is never an easy decision – whether you’re the one placing a child in adoption or the one adopting. It’s a very emotional and personal experience, and one that requires intense thought and consideration. If you are ever in the position where you want or need to place your childin adoption, it’s safe to say you’re probably dealing with some very heavy emotions and in need of support, even if you know you’re doing the right thing and are happy to be doing so.

1.      Find Support

This can be done in the form of a support group, connecting with others who have been through the adoption process themselves, joining online forums, talking with a close friend or family member – anything that allows you to lean on someone during the highs and lows of the process. This is a life-changing experience and you need to make sure that you have all of your feelings sorted out as you navigate your way through the process.

2.      Do Your Homework

Spend time researching the different adoption agencies and make sure to find one that you feel fits you the best. This is a very personal decision and experience and you want to be sure that everyone is on the same page and that you feel that the people helping you find a new home for your child are doing their best to find a loving home for him/her.

 3.      Decide What Type of Relationship You Want to Have

Spend some time figuring out if you want to have an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. You will need to spend some time asking yourself some very serious questions: when you place the child in adoption, do you want that to be it or do you want to have some form of contact with them throughout the years?

4.      Figure Out What You Want for Your Child

Some agencies will let you pick the adopting parents while others will only let you give you opinion on what kind of family your child is adopted into. Figure out what kind of family you want your child raised in – is there a specific religion, do you want your child to be raised in a two-parent home, etc. Even if you aren’t able to pick the specific family that adopts your child, it’s still important to voice your opinion (if you have one) so that the agency can take that into consideration.

5.      Realize What You’re Doing

You are giving your child the opportunity to have a life that you are unable to provide – as hard as placing your child in adoption may be, realize that you’re not giving them up, but giving them life.

The process of placing a child in adoption can be a long and painful one, but in the end also a rewarding one. You are providing for your child in a way that allows them to have a life they wouldn’t otherwise have, and that is something to be celebrated.

Author Bio
Nancy Parker was a professional nanny and she loves to write about wide range of subjects like health, Parenting, Child Care, and Babysitting, find a nanny tips etc. You can reach her @ nancy.parker015 @
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